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Posts posted by az4life

  1. I'm Biased of course, ;) but I do hear a lot of similar complaints about BPS but that's not unusual I guess.

    I see their ads pop out and they often appear to have very limited amounts of the items on hand.

    Big Box Management can be good for a Big box store like that, but the bottom line is the folks dealing with the customers have to care about doing it.

    Like the song says..... "Do what you do do well" and everyone will be happy.


    BPS has a ways to go and bad feelings to overcome. There are options for customers, which is a good thing for me.

  2. Just a lil warning for those of you who may be purchasing bullets in the near future...... PRICES ARE OUTRAGEOUS! Last night i was on my way home from my parents house in Globe, and decided to make a quick stop at the Sportsmans Warehouse in what would be my last chance to get supplies for my elk hunt this week end . I needed bullets for my 300 weatherby mag, and ended up also picking up a new pack. Well i made i there an hour before closing, checked out the packs, picked my favorite and headed to the bullets. I was in total shock to find that a box of federal 180 gr. 300 wthby mags were going for $64. thats only 20 rounds! they had 220 round nose for 40, but i was already sighted in for that load. So just beaware, and shop around if you have time. I unfortunately have to get a ton of school work, and do alot of studying for upcoming finals before the hunt and didnt have that chance. As i now sit here in the library at ASU, i see that the 5 minutes I spent writing this could have been used to make a trip to bass pro.... time management is what its all about!

    Good Luck, and Be Safe.



    I saw 3 boxes of Wby 300 mag brand 180 gr at cabelas last week. 27.00.... yes that is right!

  3. Happy thanksgiving to everyone from Wyoming as well.


    We decided to pack up the family and go to town for dinner today, so no cooks in our kitchen. :lol: :lol:

    After a bit more snow last night, to supplement the several inches from Tuesday, we are Hoping the roads stay clear and restaurants are not busy. Got Down to +4 last night and only 30 or so for a high the next couple days.

    The weather Sure ain't the same as AZ for this time of year but it does have it's own rewards!

  4. Ya know, I understand what you are complaining about. The AGFD is obviously working on the stated goals of "Creating More Opportunity". The needs of the Many outweigh the needs or wants of just one. If we put in on the AGFD draw, we have to follow their rules.

    Sounds like AGFD commissioners will be supporting sHrillary with a plan like that!

    Individual rights are not important. Just take care of the "big Picture" and to he77 with the individual.

  5. Welcome to the group from the land of "lurkers".


    I think what you have are great guns for coues. Personally I have a 300Win Mag as my choice. I chose it about 15 yrs ago because.

    This caliber is one of the flattest and longest shooting standard calibers with many options for factory loads if you do not reload your own.

    You can get the right combo for about any north american game for the 300 win mag.

    In the right hands, with practice it can reach out 800 yards or more and still have enough energy to be effective and accurate.


    No arguments with your 270WSM, just preference.

  6. Weird... Are you sure you weren't playing pin the tail on the muley?


    I have seen similar deer down south not far from safford, but the official word was it could not be a hybrid.

    The 2 deer do not interbreed so they said. Then the publication followed that up with the scenario.

    saying if it did happen, that the offspring would be sterile. like a mule is. These are the same experts that believe in evolution.


    Maybe the start of a new subspecies!
