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Posts posted by az4life

  1. I think the amount of discrepancies leaves a lot of doubt at best in his eligibilty.


    His grandmother's statements, the school documents, inconsistent dates on his birht certificate compared to his other family statements, No actual certificate of birt, but rather a Live Birth certificate. Read the techincal difference if you wonder.


    The Lamestream media left this alone and won't even acknowledge the possibility. If it was a republican the press would have vetted them right out of the primary.


    Kenya looks at BO as thier own so there is another reason.

    Frankly they can have their village idot back If I was given the choice.

  2. RSS feeds on twitter are probably the best part of it. All the other stuff telling everyone what you ate for breakfast, how you missed a stop sign on the way in and how a bug spatted on your window and how you do not know what you are going to do for lunch and on and on and on about nothing is a waste of time and causing global warming so I stay away from it.


    Geeksquad central.

  3. Mike

    That does suck, and yes, If you are lucky enough to have pics of the lowlife scumsucking jerkface, I think you should NOT ONLY POST THEM, but also post the general area they are taken in.


    This would help others be on the lookout for this poor excuse for a human being and waste of oxygen when they are out scouting our hunting.


    Lots of times I have offered my camp to other people for dinner, rest, or just shooting the breeze. (And I bet many others have) If I had a pic of the guy and knew he was a dirtbag crudbucket like that, I would like to know not to turn my back on him or share too much info placing me or others in jeopardy.


    Just another .02 worth...

  4. crazy stuff.


    Gotta ask what good a license, registration, permit, and insurance do. Probably not worth 10% of what it all costs and the state is keeping some overpaid under worked state workers employed sitting on thier hineys pushing paper, or buttons on the computer!


    I think we should remember this quote from Thomas Jefferson:

    When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty!

    Liberty seems to be taking a sabatical under the new monarchy.


  5. I've got a Walmart one with the red and white LEDs but it does go through batts faster than my petzel xp. I don't like the way you have to click it so many times to get it to the setting you want or turn it off, especially when it is on my head, but I use it a lot.

    Have another one I use around home. It's a Coghlans form pop surplus about 8-10 years ago. It has led and halogen it it. I like the versatility of that since there are times you need a whiter light than the LED can deliver. Have not seen one like it or I'd buy a spare!

  6. Obama is an unqualified hack of a Politician but he did not elect himself.


    He was elected by a bunch of mindless lemmings that would rather take welfare than work.

    Those that believe what propoganda is passed off as "news" in sound bytes without questioning.


    Socialism is just around the corner folks. Fact is, compared to 40 years ago, it is already here.


    Now, We All Pay for these idiots voting for what they thought was their easy way out


  7. Jan "It" Nappy is scarey liberal and going right along with the socialist manifesto.


    To move a capitalist society to socialism and then communism, the first step is to create a crisis. In the event a crisis comes along, you can also capitalize on it. The bigger the better!


    Next step is to blow the crisis out of proportion, using propaganda and media and teach it to the public in schools and training seminars


    After the problem is deemed so big that it is unsolvable or life threatening, offer a solution using the same propaganda and media sources now deemed as credible for alerting and education everyone about the crisis. The solution must me BIG. So Big that no one or population can manage it. In Steps Government!


    Finally, using the newly indoctrinated lemming followers, create a demand from the people using the proaganda medial that government solve the problem and save the public no matter what the cost.


    Let's see.

    Global warming errr strike that... Now it is Climate change cause the warming stopped.


    Financial system collapse - Creates "need" for Bailouts, Bank and Public company takeovers.


    Probably a lot more of these but you get the idea I hope.


    Like the major Democrats say, never let a good crisis go to waste. Rahm Emanuel, Hillary, Chuckie Schumer...

  8. I think Rush did not research this fully, but on the issues he helped promote, they align with many people.

    Those domestic animal issues are the "Gotcha" issues.


    The issues related to hunting and sportsman he never addressed and probably figured Peta was the Wacko side so HSUS is the right side.


    Rush is to pompous and self absorbed for me to listen to for very long anyway. I think a lot of conservatives think so as well but his audience is bigger than his ego so maybe pomposity is in!

  9. The bloated liberal government and politicians know that when they have more of your money, you are feeding them what they need to remain in power. The country has reached the point where less than half of the people are paying for in taxes to support more than half of the people on the handout list. Keep 50% of the people on the handouts and none of them will vote against you. Wealth envy rather than personal ambition is the cry echoed from the so called leaders. They spin the truth to something that will insight their followers and anyone that speaks against it is called racist, or greedy.


    I get sick thinking about it but we are here! I can now see a day in the future that the US may split into several factions to get away from this backwards depend on government thinking. The guys in TX have the right idea and the heartland is where I want to be if and when it happens.


  10. Lark has it dead on!


    I believe illegal is illegal and no rights to any benefit should be allowed.

    Public Education, Medical care, Welfare, SS, Drivers License, or anything.


    Any benefit granted due to life threatening situations must be paid 100% upon rendering or the illegal recipient must be deported and the bill for services should be sent to the home country of the illegal to be repaid by that government.


    Until we in the USA take action to protect our country and our president quits apologizing for our arrogance and insensitivity it is going to continue to be a magnet for those from countries that do not take care of their own.

  11. That may be a young female eatin Skunk this week but she certainly would get older, larger and acquire a taste for Coues and other animals in the future if she had not been taken out of the food chain.


    Nice pics and great showcase for the dogs being able to close the deal in that wind!
