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Everything posted by az4life

  1. az4life

    noisy deer!

    While hunting last weekend, I did my best vocal impression of the social grunt and bleat calls from the "phantom call" site noted above. I was impressed with the deer reactions. I have tried calls in the past, but usually as a last effort when the deer are on the move away from me. I usually try to stay quiet instead of making cover noise. This time I tried grunts while Hiking and periodically while sitting in my observation post. At one point I had been grunting, and there was not much hapeining in the snow covered hills. I turned to watch another hunter about a mile away, near my vehicle, and as I pulled the binos down, I heard a loud "SHwoosh Shwoosh" from my left side. 2 does had moved up from the side of the hill toward me and were wide open about 25 yards from me. My movement startled them and boy did they let me know it. Other times Deer seemed to be calmed and not so worried about me moving around if they heard the grunts. Very cool new method for me in getting around those rugged hiking hunting areas. Thanks for the tips.
  2. az4life

    Full moon activity

    Hey Amanda! Good luck in 24A. I will be listening for your shot across the road in 24B! Happy Hunting to all! and Be safe! Remember, AZ doesn't give any Reindeer tags so be sure of your target!
  3. az4life

    noisy deer!

    VERY interesting stuff! I will hopefully have occasion to use some of it this weekend! Hopefully... since my daughter has been sick for a full week. I hope I don't catch it and have to bag the hunt! Sounds like rain is likely for the state Friday! Fine by me if it is a light rain. I have always had good luck in light rain! Keep the guns dry and eyes wide open! Hope to get some good pictures and a good buck also!
  4. az4life

    Bachelor Bucks

    Amanda I hope for the "right buck" on my hunt also. I see the weather is supposed to snap a bit colder Tuesday thru Thursday, Just in time for the late rifle hunt! Cold is okay as long as the darn wind stays calm. What unit are you hunting in, and is it a rifle hunt? I have read a few of your posts saying how you are trying to get an archery buck, but not too many comments on rifle. Just a few more days til the hunt starts. Yippee
  5. az4life

    Bachelor Bucks

    I have seen 3 bucks together fairly often. Almost every hunt. Usually one dominant and 2 spikes or forkies. One time during the rut, we saw a group of 5 bucks. 2 were more mature (4x4 and 4x5 we thought) and were both tending a harem! Really strange that they would put up with each other we thought! The 3 other bucks were smallere, and just a little ways off from the 2 bigger ones. They watched from the distance and sort of sparred with each other while the 2 bigger bucks took care of business. Really was strange to see during the rut. Anyway, We never got close enough before they got spooky. The smaller bucks got wind of us and the others alerted before we got in range. I was above them above a sheer rock face cliff, at about 350 yards and my shot angle was downhill at about 55 degrees. Not knowing the ballistics rules for shooting downhill, we totally blew it. Keep them stories coming, it helps me remeber mine!
  6. az4life


    Amanda Your posting has reminded me of how when I first started hunting these deer about 20 years ago, I always expected to see the Big Buck Leading a group of other deer. You are correct! This sight NEVER happens. Always in my experience I find the bigger bucks will sit tight or stay out of sight while the smaller bucks and does might be up and exposed. I would guess that at least a dozen times I (or people in my group) have nearly stepped a big one bedded tight. Several times, even after a smaller buck was taken within only a stones throw of the bigger slyer buck that stayed down and conceiled. The ones that live to be bigger, do get smarter. As always, thanks for the good insight and reminders.
  7. az4life


    I agree with Ernesto. I have seen lots of Coues, and the tail goes up if they feel a threat. I have seen one raise a tail and the others in their group are quickly alerted. After a while, if they are not spooked, they can return to their previous activity. As far as Waving their flag, I have seen what could be called a waving motion as they trot away. The waving is not so apparent when they run away at high gear after they spook. In either case, the flag up is not what we Coues hunters want to see!
  8. az4life

    24B dec Whitetail

    Went Scouting this weekend. I saw very little deer activity in normally high traffic areas. Not much water in the area around siver King or up above silverado ridge and northeast of the marble pit. Lots of traffic on the roads though. Looked like a mixture of bird hunters and pre-season scouters. Even some folks set up camp already in the best sites. I put out a couple game cameras and will picke them up the day before the hunt. 1 hour photo developing and that will help me decide which area. Anyone got into the area north west of pinto mine? Wonder how it looked this year. I just didn't have the time, but may wind up there if nothing stands out in the 3 or 4 other regular spots.
  9. I have had the best success with Bleat calls. I was with someone who tried in desperation to stop a buck from feeding the wrong way by sounding off with his own version of a predator call. It worked! Sort of! the deer stopped? looked around, and moved a different direction till he winded the real source of the noise. I have moved in to 40 yards by staying low on all 4s and grunting. I think if I tried that now, the grunting would be more natural since I was in better shape a number of years ago. I also agree, A little goes a long way. these deer cand tell an over-eager hunter from a real noise. Once they are on to you, pack it in cause they will be on guard for some time!
  10. az4life

    24B dec Whitetail

    Like the GFD website says, the path through the mine changes frequently. Not uncommon to see nice coues in the mine area along the slag ponds as you drive through. Some of the bigger bucks in 24b have come around the pinto mine. After you get through the mine, and cross the bridge, you have choices to make. Left or right. Left roads are more rugged and steep canyons. It is often one of those places that you have to think "If I get one, How will I get to it, and how will I get it out.?" Right fork takes you back to lower draws and canyons. Lower elevations. Have Seen Deer in both places, but on the left forks tend to be more of them. Good Luck! I may see you out there! I have a tag in that unit as well for the Dec Hunt!
  11. az4life

    Rut timing

    I eagerly await the replies on this topic. I have seen so many opinions on other sites, this could be the key for many folks with late coues hunts!
  12. az4life

    Interesting Coues Stories

    One more question for those of you who have been out in the last few weeks hunting or scouting, Mentioned on other posts are hints that the rut will be early this year. Visual observations of actions and possibly the eclipse a week or so ago. I was prepared for a no rut hunt due to how long it stayed hot this fall. Now if it starts early, great news, but what would cause the sudden change ?
  13. az4life

    Interesting Coues Stories

    Everyone I can't help but notice quite a few Mtn Lion stories and references in the postings on this and other boards. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed first hand that there are more of them being spotted in the wild this year? If so, is it Possibly our drought conditions have brought them more out in the open, closer to more heavily used hunting areas and private ranches???? Any thoughts? I noted the AZGFD website has write ups for each hunt unit listing information on the type of game in each unit and likely areas to find them, but no mention of lions in my favorite 24b. I've seen signs of them, in the past but never seen one in that unit. I would love to take one while hunting Coues. Perfect scenario would be to take a lion, chasing a nice Buck, and then get the buck too! Sort of a payback for me and the buck if ya know what I mean.
  14. az4life

    Interesting Coues Stories

    CHD One can only guess about that one. I don't think they worry about getting lost, but what do I know. I had an incident about 20 years ago up in 4b. I don't remember the canyon name but it was pretty well known for Coues deer I found out several years later. I was on the edge of a steep deep canyon and glassing the slope across the way. About 300 yards away from the top of the ridge I watched a doe Chase a Coyote straight down the slope to a point across from me. Not seeing any bucks for a couple days, I thought a Coyote pelt would be worth the hike so I shot him from about 150 yards. The doe stopped her pursuit, and then slowly went over to him and sniffed and nudged him. She stayed with him for about 5 minutes. I could not believe it. She looked around a bit and finally headed up the hillside in the same direction she was chasing the coyote. Strange but true! Strange but true!
  15. az4life

    Glassing is a key.

    Wow! Red Rabbit... You just made that light bulb go on over my head! I never thought about using a dark cloth as a curtain to help see better through spotting scopes! I am going to try that one out this year! Will let you all know how it works! Yippee.. a good idea that won't cost a fortune!
  16. az4life

    Tags this year?

    Yo Catclaw... I have a tag right next door to you in 24b for the late hunt. I May be going out next weekend to set up a couple homebrew cameras and do some preliminary scouting of my usual areas. So only a lion eh? I may have to get my lion tag too. Saw lion scat last year in a pretty good area for coues. Never saw the cat though. 2 years ago one nearly had me for brunch so I take no chances with theses guys. Good Luck.
  17. Wow, Lots of folks saying the Flats in Dec.... I have not seen very many REALLY big bucks, and I do not usually hunt the flats. Maybe I have a clue! Anyway, I can usually find deer moving in and around the shady sides of canyons in the AM. Mid-day seems to depend on weather. Hot out and I still see them in the shade. If it is Cooler out and more likely sunning themselves behind bushes or trees. When very windy, they will move some, but generally seem to bed tight in an area with windblocks. The thing is, I have a bunch of reliable spots, all of these are generally shielded in high canyons with difficult access and lots of escape routes for the deer. Not uncommon to see 80 to 90 inch bucks, but they see you long before most folks see them, let alone get in shooting range. Seems like the Canyons and flats have that HUGE safety zone feeling for the deer in common. Anyway, just some random thoughts sparked by lots of other good posts.
  18. That is quite a ways north! I have heard about a honey hole canyon in the 4a/b area but that is a long ways south of yours. Keep us updated on your success!