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Everything posted by az4life

  1. az4life

    My first coues was NOT 110!!!!

    Recurveman Great story and super outcome. I think you proved the point that there are deer very close to you (and other hunters) more often than we know. Maybe he is not 110" but he is a keeper! Congratulations.
  2. az4life

    Soggy and bitter

    Desertbull, Sounds like a geat time! I wish I had the tag to get me out there with ya! Tomorrow, I think the best new thread will be, "What to do with my unused tag" , or maybe "What's your best best recipe for tag Soup" Or the ever popular... Next year I am going to... Been there, dont that, got the tee shirt. But seriously Just Being able to experience God's great outdoors is awesome on its own and it is really hard to complain too much.
  3. az4life

    San Carlos tag fees way up

    I watched a movie last night that reminded me of this thread and others that got somewhat heated. Monte Walsh was the title. During 1 scene, a bunch of ranch hand cowboys got into a fight. the all went after each other and pretty much it was 6 guys against 6 guys. The foreman walks in on the fight and says, what is the fight about? They all stop brawling and start laughing cause no one could remember the reason. It came down to this: It was a bunch of guys blowing off some steam. Food for thought...
  4. az4life

    Unit 27/28 Hunt

    Super story and pictures. Almost like it was planned on the outdoor channel. When you Go back out, get that bucks grand daddy! Good Luck!
  5. az4life

    I Hate Life!

    chd 2 years ago I was in a similar spot. Got the flu after opening weekend in the rain and snow. Flu turned ugly and got an inner ear infection. That gave me ear nerve damage and a bout of bell's palsey. The 7th nerve controls the left side of your face. The 7th nerve goes through the ear so The whole left side of my face went dead. No muscle control so it was near impossible to even close my left eye. That iThat really sucked. I Went to the DR and got some MAJOR Anti biotics and various other supplmetnts and went on mega doses of C, B complex and B12. The last weekend I went out and tried to hunt with the chest cold and inner ear problems in their final stages ( I thought) I had a shot for a buck but could not take it quick enough due to the watery eyes. I should not have been hiking around but y'know I waited all year and I wanted my shot. It was really not a good choice. I went home empty and had that upper resp. crud and chest congestion for nearly a month more. 2 weeks or so later I got over the nerve damage but likely would have been sooner if I followed the Dr orders. Take it easy, next year is coming.
  6. az4life


    ditto what Chef and GMM Said... Good Luck
  7. az4life

    San Carlos tag fees way up

    Treestandman you are dead on! It is gouging! The Native leaders have figured another way to put the screws to the white man. I would bet, that not 1 diem of it goes to anything the average tribe member benefits from. Probably discretionary for leaders. But hey, we cannot ask to see the books cause they area soveriegn. LMAO. About as soveriegn as my big toe. I think it is truly sad what they have done to their own people and themselves but I have no pity for the members as they let their leaders continue to keep them in squalor as long as they have a bottle. . They are never going to change as long as they hold on to their govenment hadouts and blame everyone else for their problems. they penalize others outside the trible every time they can, and it serves as a reminder that will never aloow te wounds of past generations to heal.
  8. Daniel Cool captions on the photos. It must be pretty cold now, if you have all the time to post them. If and when I ever get to AK to hunt, I may ask you for some of those good spots! thanks for the post
  9. az4life

    San Carlos tag fees way up

    I agree with a lot that has been written here, but have anohter prespective. I am sorrye I know this is going to be a long post, but I cannot leave this one alone My main Gripe is that the Natives want it both ways. They use the sovereign nation card when it is convenient and the tribes as a whole then have both hands out for a United States or State of AZ government handout claiming repression, persecution or some other littany of psuedo crimes that were perpetuatied on their Great Great Great ancestors. Well, Jamaro lets put out a hypothetical situation for you to ponder Lets say, My great grandfather got in an argument with your great grandfather. a fight ensued and your great grandfather killed mine. Your great grandfather was made to pay restitution to my great grandfather's family, and also served a prison sentence. He paid his penalty in time and money and was paroled. Jamaro, are you saying that Your grandfather, and your father, and now You, and your son and his son and so on... should STILL be paying restitution to ME for the "crime" that was committed 100 plus years ago? To me, this is what the Native Americans are doing. Holding an eternal, never-ending restitution clause over the heads of the rest of the US. That is what is wrong with the tribes. Next, if I give someone a nice house, I can guarantee that they will not appreciate it and take care of it like it was something that they had to earn and work for on their own. Native, White, Black, Yellow or Brown or Green, It makes no difference what race, that is the plain and simple truth for the majority of humans. If the natives would get off the Government subsidies (which only serve to keep them DOWN) they would Have some pride and their culture of expecting handouts and not caring about material posessions would change for the better. Hard work begets appreciation. I know one Native from an AZ tribe who has left the RES with his family because of these basic truths. Have you ever heard the story, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. The fact is, the Native "soveriegn nations" keep their members in the fish line so they do not see the lake full of fresh fish they could have if they would o the work themselves. Back to the alleged gouging on tag fees, I have no problem if they charge $100,000 for a squirrel tag on their land. as long as they get the heck off the US government welfare and help their own members out of their self pitty and slothful lifestyles and into a viable and vital nation status. Yes, If I saved, I could hunt on Native lands, but I will not consider it due to the backwards political social system which prefers to keep most of it's members down in less than third world conditions with no hope of ever changing. Casinos help this process too! I won't even step foot in a Tribe casino! In this poor system, Tribal leaders are the few in power and the few who make the rules. Liken it unto the chief and council days. No hope of democracy or real freedom! Better quit now to put on the kevlar jacket.
  10. az4life

    biggin in 21 today

    Josh Happy b'day ! I hoped you would get that biggun you saw earlier as a b'day gift. Maybe we can have all the members put in their best recipes for Tag Soup. I think I had one for Tag Stew... The Stew is a little thicker when you don't fill a Deer and Elk tag the same year! Been there... done that... Good l;uck on your guiding...
  11. az4life

    quads and hunting

    Daniel COOL Pictures. I see you definitely give these the real world test. Az to AK... How'd that ever happen? Did you just get too hot in AZ and want to go 180 degrees opposite? Thanks for the input!
  12. Sounds interesting, and welcome to the board. In this case, a Picture would be worth a thousand or more words, so maybe we could coaxx you into sharing a visual on the modification. Good Luck
  13. az4life

    quads and hunting

    I have tried a Manco Talon recently. Yeah Yeah alright it is not a polaris but it does have good warranty and the price is not polaris either. I think they can be had for around 3 grand for a 250cc with racks galore and decent power. I am supposed to test another in a few days or a week from another company new to the market. Much less cost and comparable to manco talon. It won'tbe available for retail until April is whaqt I hear, but will keep you advised if it turns out to be worthwhile. If money is no object, polaris is the leader IMHO. Should be able to do some dealing with the atv dealers now, as they are slow in Jan-feb.
  14. az4life

    biggin in 21 today

    Josh Good luck finding him and getting the right position to take more than pictures! Sounds like the rut might be started, so he may not be thinking straight which gives the hunters the edge!
  15. az4life

    Killing two bucks

    Couesnut I have to say, It is a moral predicament where the answer could change dependiing on the circumstances. I was a bit subdued in my post about Another hunters successful recent hunt due to that specific question. Others also had similar feelings implied in the thread. I am glad you brought this up on another thread so as not to disturb the other one! I know people who have shot 2 deer in similar circumstances. These people with the highest caliber ethics who would go miles out tf their way to pay for an extra 69 cent taco a drive though gave them by mistake. I also have ended hunts myself when I felt I hit a deer and it could not be recovered. I also know people who have like myself, went ahead and hunted following shooting at deer that I could not confirm were hit or not. When the decision is made based on all information available to the hunter at the time, the individual and the situation will dictate the answer. Tell the same story to 10 people and you likely will get 6 different responses. Dillemmas like this will undoubtably test our morals and ethics. We should all remember, Whatever YOUR decision, it is one that YOU will have to live with, and YOU will have to answer for. Hunting does have it's peronal tests. Your morals and ethics are tested as we see here. I think a real simple test while hunting is, If you are an ethical hunter, you will not fear the game warden. Act responsibly and be responsible for your actions and you will usually be in the right. Wow, this post got pretty philosophical....
  16. Merry Christmas to all. It sounds like several of the members on this board have already received their Christmas wishes, but I hope everyone else has a blessed holiday. Try take a few minutes during your family gatherings to reflect on the blessings we already have and too often take for granted. Then, Look at the children and try to recall the way things looked when you were young. I guraantee it will give you a different perspective! God Bless all of the CWD members at this blessed time of year!
  17. az4life

    My first Coues, 112 inch

    Congratulations Super story except for the lost buck. I guess this one had your name on it though. thanks for the pictures!
  18. A really FINE gallery of Coues Deer pictures. Thanks for sharing them.
  19. az4life

    92" Coues Buck

    Congratulations, Pretty nice horns there! Hope the hunt was enjoyable as well.
  20. az4life

    Unit 27/28 Hunt

    Great photos from the spotter. You have to let us all know wht the set-up is. I would love to be able to get that clear of pics from long range! Good Luck on the rest of the story!
  21. az4life


    What a tough story. I wish you the best in finding him. I would definitely get the blood trail products mentioned previously or something simiilar before you go out. If he was hit that badly, he cannot be too far. as soon as he felt you were out of his immediate area, he would have likely stopped and tried to recover. I bet he is pretty close to where you left off. Good Luck!
  22. az4life

    success in 22

    Rugerman I dream about those early tag outs, but never can seem to find the right deer to make it a reality. Congratulations! Go spend some time with the family now.
  23. az4life

    Had fun in 21

    Predator Glad you enjoyed the experience and that you lived to tell about it. Quads can get away from you now and then so count your blessings. Too bad about the buck but It sounds as you made every effort to locate him.
  24. az4life

    Better lucky than good!

    Congratulations to another CWD member I think that actually was a good story to emphasize that the deer are not always wher you expect them to be, and they often are where you least expect them. How big was he? Pictures? He was Hangin with 2 does eh? Were they rutting yet?
  25. az4life

    Unit 21 102" buck

    Looks like your friend had a good hunt! Congratualtions By the way, we need the story.... Anyone having problems opening the second picture... Open the first one, then when you want to see the next one, change only the last cahracter in the link from a 2 to a 1. Must be a bad character in the link.