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Everything posted by az4life

  1. az4life

    trail cam

    Here are the photos for those curious. Keith sent them to me and I linked them from my own server so they should not eat up CWD bandwidth. I thought the mtns in the background looked like south of the superstitions. Anyway, you can decide for yourself. Enjoy! Lost Elk 1 Lost Elk 2 Lost Elk 3
  2. az4life

    So. AZ forest may be closed!

    There have actually been cases where the Mex Military have crossd the border and come as far north as Casa grande in th epast few years. Those stories were supposedly verified and corroborated but none of them were ever caught. They were reportedly chasing or runig cover for illegal drug smugglers. It was kept our of the media (covered up) but as with most coverups some info leaked out! Covered up as a illegal alien (PC correct would be Undocumented immigrant) trafficking accident but witnesses have said otherwise. Vincente Fox can Stuff his corrupt military and Policia where the sun don't shine. that jerk is a Taker and he never will be anything else. He has no right to complain about what happens to any of his people as long as they are on the US side of the border illegally. I am more worried for the Minutemen to be the ones being shot at. If that happens, It will turn loose a firestorm of US citizen re-action that will make a thousand minutemen look like a welcoming committee.
  3. az4life

    trail cam

    As I recall, the elk in the CAP canal was Tranq'ed and taken back up north. seems to me that was 8-10 years ago. the officials could not splain how it got so far south! Pictures Pictures...
  4. Keith Your tag line is really appropriate. In this case I think it says it all! Ronald Reagan still has a lot to share with us!
  5. az4life

    So. AZ forest may be closed!

    This commetn from a previous post puzzles me As Christians we should know that we are directed to respect God's law and that of Man. As I see it, Illegal IS Illegal. The libs give the illegals protection with terms like "undocumeted immigrants" and just plain "immigrants". We have heard all the arguments about how the majority of illegals come here trying to earn a living for their families betterment or how life is a hardship in mexico and they deserve better. Little discussion about the Drug trafficers, criminals, coyotes and even terrorists who do the same. These BAD guys are Lost in the flood of regular illegals. If we use the Betterment and hardship justification, and a guy goes out and robs a bank, But does it for the betterment of his family and because his life is a hardship, then that is acceptable too? I think not. Now lots of folks say that is not the same, but Yes, it is the same thing. If anyone tried to sneak into mexico and was caught, there would be no pity and that person would be in a prison for life rotting away. Mexico and lots of latin america are social and economic 3rd world countries and too many of thier citizens have no way of getting ahead in thier own county. But that should not create an obligation for the US to help every one that comes here illegally to get ahead. Fair is fair, Illegal is Illegal. Talk about guest worker programs, and how it will fix the problem. Well The only way I can support a guest worker program is for ALL of the illegals to go back home, and apply with the rest of the eople who want to come here. No favoritism for those who have broke the law and want to stay. Seeing the changes in AZ over the past 40+ years I have a strong opinon on the topic. Sorry to vent butas Walter Cronkite said that's the way it is.
  6. Well another WACKO on a power trip! Mrs. Hitler Wannabe!
  7. az4life

    trail cam

    Treestandman... Email the pictures to amanda and she can pop them up on the board for ya. (and us) to see!
  8. az4life

    Teaching to shoot

    So he cannot wink either eye? I thought maybe he is one eye dominant and maybe he is trying to close the dominant eye? In any case, as AZ Guide said, some folks shoot great without closing one eye. I am sure he will get it figured out. He has lots of time! Personally, I cannot shoot without closing one eye. I had a problem a few years ago that caused me to not be able to close my left eye.It was a watery mess but I went hunting any way and decided if that happened again I would not try to hunt. It was Nearly impossible for me! I missed being able to take a shot due to that.
  9. az4life

    So. AZ forest may be closed!

    Yup, it is BAD. And all the politicians and media make it worse by calling these people "undocumented immigrants" Darnit! call them what they are! ILLEGAL ALIENS. I don't care if they are from Mexico, Canada, Guatemala, Borneo or France, If they cross the border and are hiding from authorities they are illegal. If they want to come here on a LEGAL visa, or Green card then I have no problem with that. The ones that break the law to get here are as likely to break the law again since they know the local authorities will not do anything except give them a ticket. Yeah Right... that'll show em. They have Zero Respect for the US and omplain when we do things to protect opur borders, and cultrue if it infterferes with theirs. I hope the Minuteman project this month does some good! Is anyone involved with that? Wonder if the closure is to discourage that citizen monitoring of the border? You sure knew which button to push to get me going!
  10. az4life

    trail cam

    Share them pictures when it works! We love Pictures!
  11. Lots we could add to it too. Anyone who has seen an avalanche knows that they start small, but gain speed, and force until they run out of room. Fraid to say, We are in the middle of the society slide!
  12. Someone please 'splain this part to me.. I am lost as to the meaning Also the loyalty point, I think I have applied for every year in the last 10 but there might have been one I missed. How do I know if I can claim the point? Is it one that will automatically follow the hunter ID #? I wonder if the non residents need to purchase the license before hunting too? Come to thin of it, I guess that part will be the same since you always have to send in the license and tag fees with the application. Anyone got a pile of the old white applications? I think we need to recycle more and sending all those old forms to outfitters like Taulman at USO seems a good gesture!
  13. az4life

    peta crap

    Ernest Hemingway is probably rolling over in his grave. Peta That's houw you say WACKO.
  14. az4life

    april fools

    What's that you say Lark? Implants? Better tell the Dr to do a good job, have you up and around ready for the season. Hope all goes well. We'll Say a prayer for you!
  15. here is wishing you aspeedy recovery. Sounds like you are ahead of the curve without smoking.God Bless you in your recovery.
  16. az4life

    Google = ANTI-GUN?

    I would like to say that was uncbelievable, but.... af ew weeks ago an article was online that showed how Google gave mega bucks to liberal Political action comittees and liberal causes. None to conservaive groups. I am not saying all Anti-gun people are liberals, but it does seem like a heck of a lot of those liberals are Anti Guns. A lot like the situation we have with terrorist. In th last 5 years can you name any non musilm terrorist. On the other hand, I am sure that some muslims are not terroists. Try dogpile instead of google.
  17. az4life


    Yippeeee! Scratch 2 scumbags. Hope it was their 3rd strike. Cool that you were in on the apprehension. You hear so much about how criminals are just plain stupid, and here is another example! Note to scumbag car thieves: If ytou steal a truck and plan to drive it arount the town where you stole it, make sure you remove bumper stickers, antenna balls or other identifying items so the owner won't recognize it.
  18. az4life

    Happy Birthday

    I will chime inwith that sentiment also. Happy Birthday! Enjoy it! and do something for yourself.
  19. az4life

    Bear meat

    Bear meat recipe on google yielded several hits. This site looks good for bear recipes.bear meat recipes Let us know how you ( or the dogs) like it.
  20. CA is leading the way in private lands making hunting very hard and very expensive. Again, if you are a land owner, or wealthy enough to pop 10k for a deer hunt, no sweat. Most hunters do not fit that category I would guess. At least today... give it a few more years and maybe that will be the standard. Beginning of the end... My Brother-in-law moved to Wyoming from CA about 10 yrs ago. Wyo has so much private land and more every year it is getting more difficult for a average guy to find a place to hunt anything but lopes. (lopes are mostly considered pests so everyone wants them shot off their land. Utah is already getting that way too. Feeling the squeeze all around us. AZ has lots of good public land so it's easy to see we are still a popular choice for NR and residents.
  21. Intersting article. CA drop is surprising on one hand, but on the other... the real problem there is the lack of public land. The CA hunters have been migrating to other states to hunt as it is cheaper and easier in many cases. 10,000.00 to hunt duck for a season tells you tghat deer would be probably 50k or more. chaper to fly to Canada, or drive to AZ, UT CO, and then not as many PETA jerks either.
  22. Echo-ing what everyone else has said, my prayers are with you and your family. Having sat in waiting rooms quite often while others had surgery, I know the folks in the family often goes through as much stress as the patient. Remeber that pushing yourself a little during recovery is usually a good thing, but "all things in moderation" is a good practice to follow. I will bet the Deer and elk will still be out there waiting for you when you do recover.Should be lots of time to do some reading or watch hunting videos. God Bless, and help you and your family through the next few months.
  23. Diamondbackaz Admittely, I Lumped vehicle crimes (break-ins, theft combined) together. the fact is Phx and Tucson have some of the highest insurance rates due to extreme amount of vehicle theft and break ins. I am sure you agree The short trek to the border is the main reason. Even the police and insurance co's agree . In any case, Meth user, Illegal border crosser, Young punk looking for easy money to score a Halo2 game, it makes no difference. they all suck! They have no fear of or respect for the law.
  24. az4life

    Steve's Big Cat

    Sorry, I do not know Steve, but a mutual friend sent me the pics. I got the email pictures and very few details on the hunt. It was Somewhere around Camp Verde I think. The email my friend sent asked me if it brought back memories. in a word, YES. In 2001 I nearly got muched by a lion when I was out scouting without a gun. near camp Verde. Scared the tar out of me. First time I ever saw a lion and he came after me like I was his dinner. I finally forced him back at about 10 feet away from me and let me tell you it was something I will never forget! Later