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Everything posted by az4life

  1. az4life

    Permit Aps Mailed Off

    They are Done. Elk 6a, 4a, 5b WT 24b late 21 late 36 early Can't wait to find out where I will be hunting this year!
  2. az4life

    mountain lions

    Hey guys, Is that Mattas, on Main st in Mesa? I thought they were long gone. I ain't been there in 15 years I'd guess. Back then they used Havoline which kept the tortillas from sticking. We always thought they used cat, (but the domestic kind) and now we hear it may have been a bit bigger.
  3. az4life


    I guess shed hunting is a lot like fishing when we "catch and release" the small ones.
  4. az4life


    Great news! Did you find any sheds? with that many deer, one would think the dropped antlers would b stacked like cordwood.
  5. az4life

    more aravaipa news

    Ya know, I saw in the news last night that It probably won't be too much longer before the verdict is in on that child molestor. With 2200 reporters covering the Michael Jackson story, I am sure we will hear about it quickly. BTW Everyone be careful of emails with links to a Michale Jackson Suicide claim. It is a virus that screw up your computer if you click on it.
  6. az4life


    DesertBull Thanks
  7. az4life

    Bear Video

    It was a big one! Who said there were no bears on Tucson? Quite different from the little cubs we saw over the last few years.
  8. az4life


    You got it right Josh.... If it was a guarantee, it would be called killing, not hunting! Reminder that Josh has some good video clips including lions on his website.
  9. az4life

    more aravaipa news

    This woman is not thinking. just reacting emotionally. She only wants others to suffer and feel her pain. She is acting out on pure emotion, so it will be irrational. Gotta believe a court would find her "argument" invalid. Sort of like me complaining that all these other people got drawn for antelope last year and I did not. Well the fact is, I did not put in for antelope because so many others putting in give me a slim chance. I see it now...It is their fault! Maybe I will sue to.!
  10. az4life

    mountain lions

    Dang.... what a mess! Don't look like there was much left of his guts after you shot him. Did you hit him with a 50 cal sniper rifle or what?
  11. az4life


    I spent quite while last night trying to find the bounus point link on the AZGFD.com website. Never did find it. Iknow I don't have lots of points but I wanted to have the link to send to others. Would someone post a link to it?
  12. az4life

    mountain lions

    FYI I was looking at the AZGFD site and noticed on the list of game in specific units, they do not even show mt lions in 6a? Maybe they got cleared out already? Actually most units do not list them as game animals. Even in units I have heard people have seen them. Unit 27 is supposed to be the heavy lion population center. It has the highest filled tags year after year. I think 23 was another good one according to the site. About the "Meowing" to call them in, I have heard one up close, and he did not go Meow... It sounded More like a REALLY nasty growl with substantial hissing.
  13. Whoooooeeeeee! Glad I don't see the red X inste of the photo. Very decent.
  14. az4life

    4 point coues sheds

    Definitley worth a trailcam set-up. Let me know if you need help putting one out Thanks for sharing the pics.
  15. az4life


    What is the MAX point allowed?
  16. az4life

    Permit Aps Mailed Off

    Just tryin to live up to them thar edju-makated folks in the AGFD that wanted to add Sheep to 6a before trimming the lions backa bit. An attempt at Humor. but I won't give up my day job!
  17. az4life

    mountain lions

    I know a spot in 6a in near west clear creek that has had lions in the past. one in particular I want to see is the one who nearly munched me in 2001! I plan to spend a few day trips looking and trying to call one in. I know it is 1 in 1000 chance but at least I know there are lions there.
  18. az4life

    Permit Aps Mailed Off

    Thansk for the info! I will put that into my database and finish populating the fields then run a couple queries before finally running the macro to extrapolate a few possibilities.
  19. az4life

    mountain lions

    Josh I would agree with your assesment on the kind of terrain, and your prediction that the sheep will be hammered by Lions. They are all over in 6A and I think they will look at the sheep as an easy target. These Sheep are Imported too so expect them to be a favorite. I thought the transplant was for next year!? It seems like putting the cart before the horse to put the sheep in before a decent effort has been made to knock down the predators a bit. I guess that is why the AGFD hired some them thar Edgeemukated folks to run the show.
  20. az4life

    He's a keeper!

    Congratulations to all of the "New Additions" and their families .
  21. az4life

    Permit Aps Mailed Off

    Mountain Lion! Yeah, I am in! Does anyone have data from 2004 and 2003 on leftover tags? What units and what tag counts were left after the drawing? I am still wresting with some failsafe choices. Typically drop off the app on Tuesday evening at the AGFD hqtrs so I have alittle time yet.
  22. az4life

    Cabelas in Glendale

    I am about 5 miles north from it! I read about the whitewater rafting park in the same azcentral article. Sounds neat if it happens. I must say it does bug me somewhat how the city finances the private enterprise so willingly with our taxes. It will take them about 10 years to recover the money in new taxes but maybe that is a good return?
  23. az4life

    What do you carry?

    here is a similar thread from a while back http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/index...?showtopic=1318non-essential items in your daypack
  24. az4life

    Bird problem

    Self Defense? Witnesses? would those witnesses be the talking tomatoes on the vine ripend commercial? LOL
  25. az4life

    Cabelas in Glendale

    I think It is going to be great for the sportsmen and women in the valley and even the southwestern US. It was jsut too far to go to get to Cabellas and the internet is good, but not what you need when you gotta have it now! Many Mom and Pop stores will suffer, I agree. But those who survive will do so based on premier, and personal customer service. You do not get that from Walmart, Sportsmans or anyone else.