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Everything posted by az4life

  1. az4life

    Burro Mountain Sunset

    What a Great picture.
  2. az4life

    about "70

    Great news! I was just wondering if anyone from the board had success yet? ounds like my prayers were answered for you. Thanks for yours Lets see them Pictures
  3. az4life

    nice bucks

    Nice clip. Hope you have a chance to get one of those Bucks
  4. az4life

    U of A Racks!!!

    Great bucks. Great pictures. You really had the spot for the camera picked perfectly. thanks and since you did you homework, I hope at least 1 of them is around in Jan for you!
  5. az4life


    I saw my favorite (cheap) stations jumped 8 cents overnight! Hard to believe 2.63 is Cheap now. Remember the 1970's when there was a shortage, high prices (at least for that time) and long lines. The problem back then was apparent back then! A real Shortage drove up prices. Currently, there is no shortage. Oil company profits are driving up the prices. Just wait and see them profit statements! They use the hurricane season and extra summer travel season for excuses to squeeze out more money from an essentially flat customer base and use base. If they had a real reason to increase prices due to increased demand, there would be a shortage. Okay, so many people wonder how this can happen and why the government will not step in. Not socialism, but Anti-trust regulation. It is not like Lark and I can start our own Gas company... (wrong kind of gas) The government "makes" more money in taxes when the oil companies earn more money. The oil companies truly do not pay the taxes, since they pass that cost of doing business on to the consumer in the form of higher prices ...to cover the taxes. Okay, my opinion vent is closed for now. I have to go spend 60.00 to fill up!
  6. Keith, If he was a "mean" warden, he might have cited you for hunting "Bare" out of season ! I bet he tells that story more than you do! He probably says, "The best excuses I ever heard... Ya know, I was patroling my unit and caught this guy road hunting, he gives me a Lame excuse about him being Lame from a hamstring pull and I would not believe him. Next thing I know he drops his pants and is mooning me and pointing to the bruised leg. I felt sort of bad for him cause when he turned around I snapped his picture. After that, I told him where to go find some javelinas." Different perspective, but still a good story! Couldn't resist... I guess I have been reading too many Lark posts.
  7. az4life


    Seems like I heard that Corn farmers want the gasahol, but that is cause the subsidy they get. Gasohol actually costs more to refine and make than gasoline and you use more of it to boot. 3.30 in san diego huh. I guess I will stay in AZ and be HApPy about paying 2.70? I have noted it slowed down on the climb. Heard it will likely go down to around $2.00 again, after summer drive season. Guess it is which "expert" we believe. It will be nice if the tree hugging idiots quit protesting and stopping new refineries. I heard the AZ one is going to be designed to be able to refine lower grade (heavy) crude which also costs less than the light crude that all the other US refineries work with. 6 years or so till that is up and running. Lets Drill AK and FL coast, And uncap the wells in TX that are part of the national reserves. Turn off the money to MX, Argentina, and Middl-east, then the prices will come down. I agree about the price fixing bordering on socialism comment. I just do not agree with the windfall profits made by the oil companies. Fair is Fair, and they are not!
  8. az4life


    Hope it does not happen. I heard Hawaii put a CAP on the max wholesale price of gasoline at 2.14 per gallon. Other states may follow, or figure out a way to do similar. The thing is, the US economy is already slowing. Retailer reports all over are showing slowing sales and it is attributable to higher fuel prices and less disposable income. The oil companies claim the price jump is due to higher crude costs, so their profits should stay comparable year to year, right? Just wait, they will post RECORD profits this year to go with our RECORD prices even though consumption will stay flat or close to it. Looks like Fuzzy math to me!
  9. az4life

    How bad is Southern AZ?

    Yup, Heard about it. If you ask me we should bring back the hughey gunships. "Rock This" could be painted on the side as a warning.
  10. I am having trouble getting my binos to focus on the screen! I think I may have it, but... will wait to see if I am right.
  11. az4life

    Prayers ...

    Thanks to everyone for your prayer and support. I am holding up my end as well! We went to see my mother tonight and she is actually doing pretty well. The transfusion helped her Blood count and they took her off lasiks. Her kidneys are rebounding so the Dr says there should not be need for dialysis. Another day observation and she should be home! She still has other health problems to deal with but one at a time... We got home and my wife broke down in tears and disbelief our "Sport" was not here. We all miss him terribly. I have had employees in the past who have lost pets, and I could not believe their utter dispair over a "pet". I too have lost pets but none so special as this one. Now I feel the pain of the loss of such a great one. Such a short life and it took us by surprise. With pet ownership comes responsibility and handling death is one of the tough parts. It is really hard to think about putting yourself out there with another one knowing it will happen again. Dodger2 Special thoughts and prayers to you for your father. Been through that last year with my mother and several times with my father in law. Let me know if you need to chat about it. Keith, I think I saw your aunt on TV, if she lives in surprise! Again, Thanks for your support.
  12. I too.guess, Galueros, unit 32. I do have to say several places I have hunted that are similar.
  13. Lucky indeed you are. Is he a package deal with your "memaw" too?
  14. az4life

    nice bucks

    Just when we are raving about trailcams, it gets BETTER! Can't wait!
  15. I posted the whole story in the hunting stories section on this site, but as a short excerpt. We were out hiking toward a deer that had been shot to see the result of these guys stalk. anyway we were about 30 yds apart and a big buck jumps up and runs downhill between us. I think he was less than 10 ft from me. I waited for Leigh to shoot as he had a better angle. (I held off so I did not shoot past the deer and hit him) I got 5 shots after waiting too long. I asked him why he did not shoot, and he said Tim Conway could not have done it better. He pulled the trigger and it was on safe, fixed that and "CLICK" it was an empty chamber, Racked a round in and got is bino cable jammed in the bold, un racked that round and got the 2 rounds jammed in the action... Funny stuff! I actually did hit the deer... sort of.. At a dead run he went down to his knees after one of my shots, Turns out I broke an antler off with a shot. Anyway the FULL version is much better. Find it here First Timers Tale of Coues Hunting
  16. Lark, I guess those eggs were RE Scrambled... Desertbull, Still laughing at your story
  17. Whooooo EEEEE Nice bucks Josh. You just gotta love game cameras. I wonder if anything else can keep your excitement at this level BEFORE the season opens! If you already have your stand in that Tree, I would say the phots confirm your research. Thanks for sharing the pics and good luck!
  18. az4life

    Food Plot!

    Far be it from me to say that all illegals are criminals, (even though they are here ILLEGALLY) but I read the guys that were guarding the plots had automatic weapons and were more illegals from Mexico! Seems maybe the mexican cartel just wanted to take some of the transportation costs out of the product!
  19. az4life

    How bad is Southern AZ?

    It is True! The Illegals got the American's ranch in their suit. Apparently he had a past felony conviction and convicted felons are not allowed to carry firearms in TX (where the incident occured). OK he was wrong, but do not award the whole of this man's life to illegals because of that! Send him back to jail, but this is just plain WRONG on SOOOO many levels. The judge was making a point and awarded the mans property to the illegals since he had few other assetts to attach. The illegals stated that they were detained for less than 1 hour. they were given food water and blankets when they were released. I just do not see how this is fair to anyone! This judgement says several things to me. 1. The US goverment I sticking their collective head in the sand and tryig to ignore the MASSIVE illegal immigration invasion problem. 2. The Liberal Lawyer who said this sends a message was right. The message is "you cannot protect your own country from invading forces" and the government will not do it either. The illegals have another reason to come here. Can you say JACKPOT. 3. If you are going to protect your property from illegals, make sure you bury the evidence where no one will find it. These statements might be a bit extreme but thinking about them again, I believe They are true. Be carefull around illegals. They may own the country before long!
  20. Hey AG I guess the guy nin the truck took his daughters out to see nature.... and they saw your CAll of Nature! Ultramag I never thought of half a sock for TP... Knew a guy that was down in a squat while dove hunting. He hears someone yell "here they come" looks up and sees a pair of WW heding his way. Still in the squat, he points the gun with it's butt (and almost his ) on the ground, and drops the only bird he got all day! Not zactly safe shooting but made a story. Got another friend that used his shirt tails for TP. Said there was no bush or leaves he was gonna use anywhere in AZ, and thought he could lose his tails instead. Maybe the makins of another thread, TP substitutes for hunters.
  21. az4life


    Stanley Great guns dude. Hope you have time to take a breath! I did think you were bound to be busy listening to your plate full at the last 2 ADA meetings. Glad to hear we have some High energy folks like you to help out the Youth. I had my calendar on upside down and missed the ADA meeting. thought it was next week. Anyway maybe next month. Looks iffy though but I will put it on the calendar. I am supposed ot fly in that night around 6:00 and if I actually do get back in town on time I will drop by. Keep up the good work and remember to smell the roses along the way.!
  22. Maybe it ain't such a bad idea. These critters need a home too! I think maybe some lions and tigers and cheetahs and such could live right nice on some land along the AZ Mexico border. Turn em loose and they will have plenty to eat, until they deter the illegal border crossers! Chupacabra won't be the only thing the illegals have to worry about!
  23. az4life


    Wow is that place still there? I recall going out there with my dad and shootin trap back when across the beeline they were running the beeline dragstrip. Night time shooting with hot rods roaring in the background. OH Those were the days. I live on the other side of town now and have not been past there in 10 year sor more. Thanks for the memories and keep your head down!
  24. az4life

    damn bears

    Sitting over that kill is a great idea. Definitely was not too far from it and you might get lucky if you take a chance! Bears are attracted to the film smell! Very sendistive noses and thye often will demolish the cannister you have the camera in to get to it. I would say that is another great reason digital is the new wave! Can't wait to see the pics, such as they are.
  25. That was a close one! I got the visual image processors in my mind turned off just in the nick of time. After Lark's first post on the topic I saw where this might be heading. Real Hunters don't do Thongs.