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Everything posted by az4life

  1. az4life


    Happy birthday ! Sounds like it was a good one for you! Boy oh Boy, I WISH I was 35 again... and had the problems you have, like not knowing what to buy with sportsman giftcards!
  2. az4life

    This is bullcrap

    Seems unfair any way you look at it. Sometimes you gotta just wish you were a "Jack Bauer" type. Shoot first, ask questions later. There would be no need for courts and liberal judgements if everyone took care of things "old west" style. The ones who get rich off cases like these are the lawyers and those with the best lawyers. Best Lawyer? What an Oxymoron.
  3. Saw this posted online today and it really is a monster hog. Looks like a Rodham to me. Hogzilla II taken in Alabama Also a site set up by the boy's father MonsterPig.com With a name like that is has to be a Rodham.
  4. az4life

    Can you say OUCH!!

    It reall is a shame that most of those educated in government screwels cannot understand the difference between Profit, and Profit Margin. I guess teaching ALGORE's halfwitted theory on global warming is more important than basic economics. Sure, the oil companies are making big bucks year after year, but they are doing this mostly because of the US demand for oil keeps climbing, year after year, in spite of higher prices. Take out the costs of doing business, and you have Unbelievably "Big Profit". Now That does not mean the "profit margin" is Unbelievably big. The government taxes definitely do make up more than standard profit margin in the oil companies. Yes, I think the oil guys are raising prices more than what is reasonable, and the price is painful. but last month, for the first time in recorded history, the US used less gasoline than the previous month. Seems like we found the magic $ figure to slow it down, but what will turn it the other way. I vote for more refineries as we have plenty of oil. If we had 30% more refining capacity, things would be different. Get the dang liberal treehuggers to let us build a few. BTW 3.69 here in Sidney Nebraska, so it really does Hurt when driving anything bigger than a moped.
  5. az4life

    Can you say OUCH!!

    Where I am in Nebraska, it is 3.45 low to a 3.69 high. I saw it yesterday in Pine Bluffs Wyoming for 3.29. What a bargain! Just remember to thank your politicians. The truth (inconvenient or not) is, The government is making more off the taxes than the profit made by the oil companies. Retailers everywhere have GOT to be suffering as the dollar can only stretch so far. This IS going to hurt the economy. It already has hurt my economy!
  6. az4life

    bear spray video clip

    Great video. The repellant maker would love to that as a product demo clip! thanks for sharing it
  7. Ain't it strange how Hard to find anyone that believes amnesty or Visa or more green cards or any version there of is a solution to illegal immigration.... except politicians I will vote against any politician that supports this plan, and encourage everyone else to do the same. Let your reps know that their job is on the line and you WILL follow through on your promise. Then you got em by their short hairs.
  8. az4life


    Good to see you back Ernesto Computer problem? Those can really suck. When working with computers, I find it helps to know what makes them run! Bet you didn't know it was smoke! Yup, Computers run on smoke! If you find that hard to believe, just try to start one up after it lets the smoke out!
  9. az4life

    Anyone like drop-tines?

    Nice find Josh. Some killer droppers there.
  10. Actually DTB17 did state in his first post that the incident happened at AZ ave and Ray. I would assume it was chandler. In a later post he state that he filed a complaint with the Chandler PD, so I'd Say we prety much know which police department is being discussed... or maybe disgust? Illegals border jumpers are here to suck the life, culture and prosperity out of America. It is common for them to look at their illegal brethern as heroes or modern patriots. Many publications print of the plan to flood the US with Mexicans, and eventually claim the southwestern states as "Republica del Norte," the Republic of the North. Do your research and you will see it is no secret. It is a plan that is out in the open in Mexico. I hate all illegals. Iraqis, columbians, cubans, english, french or mexican. No favoritizm but I am sure people play me as anti mexican only because there are SO MANY Mexican illegals. Once again you see how the sympathy plays to the illegal! This new amnesty plan our senators are trying to ram through without a fair public exposure stinks to high heaven. I encourage every one of you to call your senator and representative and tell them you won't stand for this amnesty crap or any other plan that allows the lawbreakers to stay here. Yeah, I'm P O'd about this crap and think it's about time we all let the lawmakers know we are not going to take it any more. Vote the bums out of office it they try to pass this. Time to rid the country of the good ole boy politicians.
  11. This whole deal is bigger than the 1 traffic accident for sure. These people, mostly mexicans have found that they can break one law after another in the US and get away with it. ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS broke the law by entering the country without proper procedure and clearances. They continue to break laws and get a pass because the liberals scream bloody murder when the discussion comes up about deproting them or limiting the benefits they steal from US citizens. Sure some of them, probably the majority are otherwise hard working people, but when you have 20 million of them you can bet your last taco that there are millions that will be problems in terms of committing further crimes. Many more people die in the US as a result of Criminal Aliens than die in the Iraq war on terror. Drunk driving, Home invasions, Delays in health care due to overcrowded hospital ERs. Go on and on and on. I am fully against this new Amnesty deal that our politicians have cooked up. They have motives and they revolve around how can hey exploit the illegals to keep them in political power. Why else would they always be signing up new voters at these Immigration rallies. In 1 Texas county they nnow have found hundreds of illegas registered to vote in the US! Well I am in favor of kicking every last politician who supports the deal out of office. Including Bush! Yes, They have problems in their own countries. It is time that they fix the problems themselves, and quit piling them on the United States. This is My country dammit. I am tired of us being taken advantage of by criminal invaders. As I always say, I am in favor of LEGAL Immigration, but we must not allow criminals who break the existing law to get a pass and give them amnesty. When your basement floods, you have to pump out the water before you can fix the problem. Lets get busy pumping! Stick the hose in AZ first.
  12. DTB17 I am quite surprised at your cultural insensitivity and lack of civic and personal responsibility. Let me show you the error of your ways. Everyone knows that you invited these illegals into your state and country. As a paying taxpayer You provide them with free health care, free education for their children, Welfare for their family, state funded housing, and a free "pass" from the local authorities when he is accused of a civil or criminal offense. Therefore, You are likely also responsible for giving them a license and it is your fault for not paying for his driving training and insurance. Sorry about that.... I just slammed my head into the wall to snap out of that liberal stupor I was in..... Cases like this are all too common and a prime reason I left the formerly great state of AZ. Overrun by illegals and 3 cases in my family (including my own) just like your accident. No Speak English, No go to Jail for causing an accidente. Police are off the hook cause they do not have proper training to ask people if they are illegal aliens. Now Kennedy has a bill up for vote that will give illegals, and their families who may not even be living in the US Amnesty for as long as they want, on 4 year visas. Just think, your Julio will now bring Mama, Papa, Espousa, Bambinos all here from Mexico to live with him. Courtesy of the liberal lawmakers. Right now By US Gov't estimates, over 1 in 10 mexicans born in mexico is living Illegally in the US. Now they can bring the whole fam damily here to join them. The only good think is in a few years, we can all immigrate to Mexico and take it over since there won't be a single person left there. DTB17, I Really do feel for you. Been there, done that Got the Tshirt and got the heck out of dodge. As long as we let the liberals control the government and do not stand up for what is right, we are all screwed one way or anther on immigration.
  13. Nice pics DB Looks like that cat has the waterhole staked out! See the eyes in the distance on that last picture. I noted the dates and times on the 2 with the cat, and it seems to have a good position lying in wait for the chuckwagon.
  14. az4life

    Hillary Clinton

    I don't care who ya Are, that there is Funny.
  15. az4life

    Hillary Clinton

    KWP That dog is smarter than most liberals..
  16. Sounds like a way to appease anti hunters, and make money for the government. Sportsmen need to fight this sort of plan tooth and nail.
  17. az4life

    Hillary Clinton

    Here is a good website for fans of Hillary. Hillary for President... Again!
  18. The images did work for me, but they were VERY slow. Pack a lunch and click on a few where the text says what you want to see.
  19. does not surprise me at all. I believe we should take a bunch of good ol boys to every one of those sites on the same day, and verify the claims. If true, these illegals should all be shown to every news organization and put on trial as terrorists by a neutral 3rd country, like Israel!
  20. az4life

    John McCain

    I'm hoping for someone like Fred Thompson or Newt Gingrich to enter the Rep Race. All the guys out there now are lifer politicians and we don't need any more of them in the race. I read that 25% of house republicans went to a meeting with Fred recently most of them trying to recruit him as a candidate citing the poor field to choose from now.
  21. az4life

    Good News - Bad News

    Good news! It looks like I will be going on a Bighorn sheep hunt this year. Bad News, it is not my hunt! My brother-in-law called me to tell me he got drawn for 1 of 2 tags in this particular unit in Wyoming. 13 years of aps finally got him drawn. Should be fun! He found out that last year the 2 tags were both filled in this unit so it looks like he has a good chance to get his first BigHorn Sheep. !
  22. az4life

    Meet Amber

    What an ultimate hauling retrieving rig! Just what a guy needs for hunting.
  23. az4life

    Gas Out

    Great Idea on the carpool! Superior to Tempe sounds about the same distance as I drive to work in my 20 mpg truck. I gotta get a small car!
  24. az4life


    Thanks for the birthday wishes. Yes, I Finished my first week on my new job and a Friday Birthday was a good end to it. There Really is Lots of neat stuff to work with and company wish books, (catalogs) are everywhere, but I am a bit afraid they may get more of my paycheck than I take home after I purchase what I want every week from the store. Oh well, Its only money. Almost everyone there loves hunting fishing and outdoors, and there is usually time to chat about stuff like that while working. How can a guy go wrong with that? I'll really have to get an economy car though to keep my monthly gas bill under $500. Well it's time for the weekend yard work.
  25. az4life


    Whoooooeeeeeeee I bet that was a WAKE UP call. Really Great pictures though!