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Everything posted by az4life

  1. az4life

    Ammunition Ban by OSHA

    Bi-partison... You've got to be kidding! Unless Bi-partison means Socialists and Democrats.
  2. There is a Right Way to do things, A Wrong Way to do things, and then there is the AGFD way. They tell you one thing and do another. They are Still making more money with less hunters, increases in fees, diminished hunt quality. They call that increased opportunity.
  3. az4life


    I read this today online. Just another example of what happens when the first crime is overlooked. (crossing the border illegally) This time it happened in Columbia, Tennessee. Juan Villa has been in the Maury County jail 11 times. Charges? Let’s see ….. assault, public intoxication, driving without a license, contempt of court .. .the usual stuff. Eleven times since 2001. (still here illegally) Juan’s last visit to the local hoosegow ended last Friday at about 9:45 p.m. Less than three hours later, just after midnight, Juan celebrated his freedom (a friend bailed him out) by raping a 15-year-old girl. You know where this is going, don’t you? Yup … you got it. Juan is an illegal alien. Yeah .. the county authorities had notified the feds, but the feds were just too busy to do anything right away. They said they would deal with Juan later. Trouble is, Juan dealt with the 15-year-old before the feds could deal with him. Well see how long Juan stays in jail this time. In the meantime, local illegal immigration advocates are voicing their concern. No .. not about Juan raping this girl, but about the fact that the Maury County Sheriff’s Department has detained about 80 illegal aliens since May. They’re yelling racial profiling. And so it goes. The endless story. Every illegal who is part of any crime while in the US illegally should be Deported and excluded from future entrance.
  4. az4life


    Your bird feeder analogy is dead on!
  5. az4life


    OMG... Janet Napoloreno signed a bill against Illegal immigration! It must be gonna Freeze in Phoenix this week. He must hae had a n angle, Every politician does. I read that He She thinks it will fail to be enacted due to some BS MaryROseWilcox group filing challenges or some such crap. I agree that we need to enforce the laws but to help speed the process, we also must go after the illegal employers. I believe there are more construction, maintenance, restaurant and hospitality businesses that hire the illegals fully knowing they are not legal to work than the ones who get "fooled". Forged documents are big business for sure. One illegal in court recently said he made $3,000,000.00 annually forging documents for illegals. At your estimate of $100 bucks each that is 30,000 illegals per year that he helped defraud the US government. As far as prices going sky high, businesses folding up, and our economy falling apart, if we prevent businesses from hiring illegals, that is horsepuckey. I live in a state where gov't estimates and my observations show the illegal population is VERY small. I go to many towns and rarely hear another language at a restaurant or hotel, or on construction site. Sure, we have problems, like low unemployment, low job turnover, no state income taxes, lower prices for state services, and y'know what, we still have comparable prices at restaurants as phoenix. No $5 big macs or whppers and pretty good service overall too.... Legal immigrants learn and speak english, crime is low and most people care about their neighbors and community. I guess with these problems, We are getting by just fine. A walmart Distribution center opened recently here and hired like 600 -800 staff and I'd bet no illegals were hired to do the work. Liberals want more taxes on the 10% top wage earners. They take that money and spread it out in entitlements and programs to the 60-70% who pay no taxes. People vote for so and so because he or she gave them a benefit or program. All they need is to keep the low wage earners happy and they stay in power essentially buying votes. Follow the money! If you believe news from CNN you are "goose stepping" with the liberal communist socialist party line. Wake up and smell the coffee. do your research and see the slant on every story. Politicians are using this issue to further their own causes... staying in power. Democrats will tax the economy to death, republicans have no backbones and wimp out on any fight that could cost them a vote. They all want to bundle the issue up instead of taking on the problems one at a time as any sane person can see needs to be done. Immigration steps, 1 by one - no package deal 1. Secure the borders. No hope until we stop the flood! 2 Enforce existing laws. Maybe you can't deport 12 million at once but you can do it 1 at a time! Find em, and send them back where they came from. 3. Prosecute employers who hire illegals. Simple- No jobs, they quit coming here, and go home if thye are already here. 4. Create a legal guest worker program to satisfy the needs created by the above.
  6. az4life

    Dodge warranty question

    As for Dodge and warranty... They have waranties but getting them to cover anything is like pulling teeth on a grizzly. They first try to hide the problems then, blame everything else to try to get off the hook. I won't ever buy another New dodge expecting the warranty to help in the event of a problem. Resale value on Toyota and Nissan are so good because they blow away Americans models. Sure if you are moving a house or mega load, you might need a duramax or super duty, but just don't expect them to hold up over the long run.
  7. az4life

    Hunting in bear country

    Matty Pretty intense eh? Just like the old saying about bullets, Its the one you don't hear, that gets you! Thanks for sharing the story. It brought back similar memories for me with a cougar.
  8. az4life

    Honda generator 300.00

    Anyone who wants it this is a steal! If I was closer I'd be on it like white on rice.
  9. az4life

    a couple new videos I made

    the Owl video must have been with a really fast camera. great stuff
  10. az4life

    W's immigration policy

    I do that with almost all the junk mail I get. It's a great Idea especially to get the attention of politicians who want money and support. The envelope is Great bait, Set the hook, then Wham you gottem.
  11. az4life

    i hate SW

    I sort of had similar feelings at SW but not to the extent Lark did. It sounds like the only optics department you guys meet at will be in Cabela's.
  12. az4life

    Awesome Lion Pic!!!

    Big and Mean lookin for sure.
  13. az4life

    Dirty Rotten Thief

    It sucks having to worry about thieves. I am adjusting to leaving doors unlocked on the house and keys in the cars. I leave equipment, bikes and bout anything outside without a worry. People around here look at you like you are from another planet if you use a key to unlock about anything. The last auto theft in town was over 10 yrs ago and when the culprit was apprehended later..... he was.... you might have guessed it... An "Honest Hard Working" immigrant who just "borrowed" it when he wanted to leave town... Oh.. the police were looking for him for some other reason. Darn Cops, If they had left him alone and not looked for him he would not have taken that truck!
  14. Guys, In a few words, Life is Great in Wyoming and Nebraska! I have to say I am very happy with the move out of my homeland (AZ) to an area that is more like America used to be. I now view AZ as a nice place to visit but I would not want to live there. I rarely even think about problems from back home in AZ except when I tune in the news. I enjoyed the time off my regular work life while building m own home, and the time I was able to spend with family while building it. Life in the big city is not missed as I have all the comforts I need or want. I know slow down, small towns are not for everyone but they suit me just fine. The weather is more moderate than extreme (but the wind is something else) and the people in the heartland are super nice. Road rage is non existent and life is enjoyed more by everyone it seems. I do drive a lot more to and from work but I always see game and wide open spaces instead of traffic and smog. 90 miles and 4 stop signs goes pretty fast out here! English is the language spoken and read with my legislators all being against illegal immigration. I went to work for the foremost company in the outdoors business and customer service, in a profession I really enjoy. People genuinely love to work here, Hunters, fishemen, campers, and all others. The only regret I have is that I wish I had done it WAY sooner. I love the change! I hope to bag an antelope and deer withing a mile or 3 from home this year and elk will be next year about 2 hours away. Moose is on my list in a few years too! I see many people moving into the area for similar reasons. It won't be long before we are one of the fast growing places so if you plan to make the move, I'd advise you do it sooner than later. I am sure some folks don't like to hear the illegal immigration rhetoric but I call em like I see em. I always try to verify statements before posting and I hope I can rile up some fence sitting ostrich folks to do something about the problem. Cold fact is "If you are not part of the solution, You are probably part of the problem!" Take a Stand before your Stand is taken away from you! Later!
  15. Yeah, For illegal mexicans it is a great place.... They get free education and welfare, health care, and human rights just for starters. Better than their native land by any stretch
  16. az4life

    Unhappy with my new coues mount

    I agree it is a bit different in the eyes, but different is not bad.... If the taxidermist won't or can't change it and you really don't like, it I think I could find a place on my wall for it. This would be a sacrifice for me but since no one else has offered, I will step up for you. what are friends for? Just have to add that it was a great story when you got it.
  17. az4life

    trouble sighting in..

    I'd still say start short (50 yds to 100) and them go longer. Unless you really know you will be shooting no less than 300 yards, I'd not recommend you zero at 300yds. Zeroing at 300 yards has a lot more difficulty to get good groups. Unless you know you won't be shooting less than 300 yds, why waste the time and effort. If you zero at 200, or 300, the difference in point of impact at 300 or 400 or even 500 is not enough to cause a miss from 1 to another in most flat shooting calibers. I saw something on another topic that you should consider. 99% of the time what is the distance you will shoot? Now consider, What distance will you regularly practice shooting? If your answer is 250-300 yds,by you care not going to be able to shoot 600-700 just by zeroing at 300. Food for thought, and for the shot....
  18. az4life

    trouble sighting in..

    The differences you were talking about, it seems unlikely it would be that far off due to ammo choice. Sounds like you are pushing a lot of lead through the gun so if it were me, Id try the following. Clean gun Check scope mounts, rings etc. Verify you have a good rest as mentioned above Fire 2 shots to clear the barrel, then a 3 shot group with cool down time in between. If you are still having inconsistent groups after 2-3 sets, try another scope Still having problems, have a friend try the same. Still having problems Still having problems, try 25yd iron sites Still having problems, send it to remington and tell them it won't group. Get another gun if all else fails Good Luck
  19. az4life

    Cliff Dwelling

    Nice part of history in your own backyard! Thanks for the photos!
  20. az4life

    W's immigration policy

    The vast majority of Americans believe the ILLEGALs should be thrown out. If it means hardships, here, or for those sent back to their country of origin, SO BE IT. Liberals always compare the problem and solutions to how it will make someone "feel" or who it will "offend". Tough crap is what I say. I don't get a free pass on lawbreaking, free medical and welafare, free education for my kids, and protection from future lawbreaking such as traffic violations like these Illegals do. Mexico is the biggest offender because it's economy is corrpt and it sucks. Bush has let the country down on Illegal immigration. He covers the problem as do other politicians by calling it Immigration reform. Well Immigration is fine, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is the problem. It's a cancer and ignoring it will not make it better. Those who say they cannot all be rounded up and sent home, How do you think they are going to be able to give out 20 million Z Visas. Or manage a program that says illegals on work programs need to return to their own country every 2 years and stay out of the US for 1 year. As the first President Bush said "not gonna do it" . This is bait and switch to Make the law more liberal by ignoring the existing laws. Put up a fence or watch towers or how about some of those new sonic cannons that blast people with sound. Stop the invasion then review the problems it has already caused. Another hard part is, the liberals brand anyone who demands action from government on illegal criminal aliens a racist. Learned playing the race card from race pimps like Jesse HiJackson and Al Sharpton. I am 100% for LEGAL immigration and 100% against Illegal immigration from any country.
  21. az4life

    W's immigration policy

    I agree that this is nothing but bad. Congress in general has figured out over the years that the way they can make the public swallow bad medicine is tho package it all up and put a sweet piece of candy on top of it. Looking at the bill lowlights, they opted for a turd instead of candy as topping. Simple solution is what Lark said, After they vote to approve and fund a bill to CLOSE the BORDERS! Fix the Leak, then Fix the system. Personally I think the enforcement of current laws is all the enforcement needed but Bush (I voted for him too) wants to push this piece of Spit anyway. I also wrote my reps and let them know if they vote for illegal immigration enhancements in this bill, I will work to vote them out. Bush and our senators and reps have let us all down. Vote them all out is probably a good thing at this point.
  22. Nice job Lance on a successful outing. That's one I wish was a little closer to me so I could attend. Tell you what, If you ever get a group traveling near Lagrange Wy. or Sidney, Ne Let me know and I'll host that get together.
  23. az4life

    "A Bad Day"

    Pretty good example of the confusion that can be created in a simple traffic stop. Don't know bout you guys but I counted 12 runners, plus maybe 2 more left on the van to take the fall. Gotta believe the real count in the US now is more like 20 million Plus, not 11-12 million the government says.
  24. Hmmm... Makes me wonder about a hypothetical question. Would you rather have a family of Illegal Mexicans move in to the house next to you.... Or A family Living here Legally on Visas who are also Muslim? I know my choice.... Legal over Illegal anyday.
  25. az4life

    Anyone hunt Hawaii?

    I never would have thought about hunting in Hawaii. Sounds like a non typical tourist plan though.. Good Luck