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Everything posted by az4life

  1. Libs won't laugh, cause they believe it! I'm laughing though.... Gotta be a few more like them. Fruit loops, maybe Fruit Loots? Looney Tunes Liberal endorsed Wheaties maybe Wasties The breakfast of Pork barrel spending 90% pork with 10% real stimulus Lucky charms - Lucky Stars Best if eaten before going to your welfare appointment.
  2. az4life

    Quest for the elusive Arizona camel.....

    Nice success there! Weather like that (below 20) can also bust the lcd screens on cameras too. I bought one to leave in the glove box and had a few days below 10 then thougth I'd pull it out and use it for a picture, Y'know, It did not work! Several spidered cracks... If you get on a cold hunt,keep your camera in some warmer areas or you may not be able to get your trophy pictures.
  3. az4life


    I heard some good things on those springfield xd's too. Almost bought a used one for 310 this week but was too slow to get there and lost the deal!
  4. az4life

    Finding the passion again.

    Gary Can't say I've had experience with the things like you have but I can say everyone has experiences that they would not like to if given the choice. Rembrandt and others had some good advice on this. I know that God has a plan. I would say get involved in a church and "tune in". Listen to what God is telling you, and It may be you will be the mentor, teacher to others or it may be that your path will take you far from doing what you have enjoyed in the past. Just be open. We people cause ourselves a lot more grief when we fight what we should be doing with what we want to be doing. Prayers sent.
  5. az4life

    This is insane...

    I want to add that true use of force, not just apprehension, detention, deportation, (otherwise known as Catch & Release) would do a lot to stop this invasion, the property destruction, Damage, and trashing of the land. If true enforcement began, it would not take long for the flood to dry up. No illegal would be able to commit a crime in the US if they did not come here illegally in the first place. As long as they get a free pass, it will not change. If this was someone trying to get into Mexico, they catch you and put you in prison. You Pay big time to get out. Protest it and they tell you it is their country and it's your fault for doing something illegal. That is what we need to do for those breaking in to this country.
  6. az4life

    lion pictures

    GREAT pictures and nice recap. Keep after them predators.
  7. az4life

    This is insane...

    Hard to say if we ever get all the story, but if you hold a bank robber, or a hit and run driver or someone who tries to abduct a child or a trespasser for the authorities I don't think it can be done with our good looks, so a firearm is reasonable as long as you do not fire it unless it is necessary to protect your life (or property in some states.) The guy may have a chip on his shoulder if the hunters on state trust land story is true. In this case the hunters were legal and did have the right and "standing" to sue. This sort of thing is divisive and It's ugly but if they were not here illegaly it would not have happened. In the case of illegal aliens, there is still no standing. I guess they should see The John Wayne movie where he says that life is hard and if you are stupid, you are gonna have to be tough. I agree too that liberals have taken over the justice system and diluted the enforcement process by intimidating officers and agents with fear of civil liability and prosecution. ScottyBoy had some good thoughts on this so I'll just echo those. If he owns businesses and property that is probably why the lawyahs got the illegals to try to sue. If the law finds in favor of the IAs, then the rancher loses montetarily but our country loses more. I still principally support the right he has to protect his property and I reject the claim that illegal aliens can sue for something they incur while committing a crime and not having rights to be here in the first place.
  8. az4life

    This is insane...

    I think it sucks that this American citizen is able to be sued on a matter of this nature by Illegal Aliens, Non Citizens that do not have standing to even be in the country let alone on his land. If the US cannot or will not protect his land and property, then he is within his rights to do it himself. Let's remember, He has worked in conjunction with appropriate agencies He has posted signs in English and Spanish He has not tried to hide anything and even sought legal agency help He even tried to turn the other cheek and installed valves on his tanks to save damage when his losses were too great He has spent thousands of his own in legal fees and maintenance costs He has not shot or killed anyone If he was protecting his property from Legal American citizens and was using the same force this probably would not get the press it is getting for a variety of reasons. I applaud his efforts and agree it is a travesty to even allow this in court. The plaintiffs have no "standing" as they have no legal right to be in the country. They are just looking to get rich off him and the USA. This is like a bank robber going to the bank and getting held at gunpoint by a bank manager while waiting for the police to take him to jail. The robber then sues the bank manager for false imprisonment. Consistently rewarding only Legal immigrants and deporting or incarcerating illegal immigrants is what the Rule of Law is all about.
  9. az4life

    Snoring Problem

    :lol: I got a couple people I should try that on..... Naw... I think I'd rather keep using the earplugs.
  10. az4life

    The "Spending Bill"

    BO has been picked and promoted by the media to be the Obamessiah of the country and the world. He is now sharing his version of equality or re-distribution of wealth which equates to socialism. The media is helping foster this too. Take a look at the current Newsweek Magazine cover. Title is "We Are All Socialist Now!" We are all Socialist now Magazine cover
  11. az4life


    Keith That is one of the reasons the Owlgores and his lemming "chicken littles" screaming global warming are not doing it any more. Owlgore and comrades are now preaching "Climate Change" to account for the times when the temperatures moderate and even drop. Used to be scientists put high's and lows together and called it an average. Now they throw out all but what supports their own belief or research goals and that is the "truth" they pass on. That's how Owlgore got started and he is leaving that legacy for others to use.
  12. az4life

    Old Winchester

    A Steel sleeved fiberglass barrel??? Now that's a new one to me!
  13. az4life

    Obama's on the ball

    The question was what wil the PrezBO do next? Today he backs down to the Europeon Union when they complained that the US Trillion Dollar spending bill has a clause directing payback ... errr Stimulus recipients "Buy American" with the money. The EuroWeenies got upset that the US spending bill was supposed to stay in the US. BO caved in faster than a coues can disappear on a hillside. Biden says BO has a spine of steel and someone is going to test his mettle. Oh Yeah, BO is going to show some backbone when Iran or the other terrorists strike us or threaten to... If this little test so far is any indication of his mettle and spine, I have to wonder if his spine has a tattoo that says Bluebird.
  14. az4life

    The second toe never got down.

    I watched the replay a few times and saw one angle that told it all , if you were paying attention. The angle was from out of the sidelines on the side of the endzone where the catch was made. Watching the feet and at the time it looked as if his toes touched down, you could see his shoe laces begin quickly moving downward. Until that second, the laces looked like small parachutes, suspended above his shoes due to his downward travel. As soon as he hit ground, the laces dropped like a rubber band was being snapped. TD, I have to say the Cards played their hearts out. me wishes it would have been possible for the team to pull it out. A heartbreaker for sure.
  15. az4life

    Obama's on the ball

    The Obamessiah is enjoying very high approval ratings but keeping going with his ultra liberal agenda. Transparency in HIS government and bringing the parties together is what he promised. Aint seen one of these yet. Sure Bush never saw a spending bill he did not sign until his 6thor 7th year but BO is going for more than all of what Bush signed in one bill. And there is another one in the wings... Estimated at nearly a Trillion again! BO and his comrades are going after free speech, radio talk show hosts and looks like guns and ammo are on his hit list as well as giving money we don't have to the UN and other nations for something about half the country does not support.... He might as well give Iran a few billion to appease them too. So far BO makes John Kerry look like a GREAT choice for president. Say O No
  16. az4life

    A Picture worth a 1000 words!

    Nice buck for sure there Paul. I did not know anyone in our neck of the woods went south to hunt Coues with a bow even. Maybe I'll spot you some time when I'm in FTC.
  17. az4life

    Alternatives to the Euro Glass

    I like the Cabela's Euros too. They are amazing for the money. The 12 x 50s are nice but I liked the 10x42s better overall as well.
  18. az4life

    any other steeler fans??

    I was a die hard Cards fan for many years after the move to Phx, but after years of bidwill bunk I became a fan of ABC team. The closest team to me now is Denver and I have always liked the broncos so... The cards run either Hot or Cold and Hot has been on for several weeks. No telling but since I don't really have a dog in the fight this year,I'll be pulling for the steelers. I will definitely be surprised and happy for the players if the cards pull it out though.
  19. az4life

    Need a new boot

    Meindl Perfekt Hunter. I have to say though, AZ moountains and Rocks eat up about anything faster than the government spends your money. Remember, if the feet are miserable the hunt is doomed. You'll Be comfy and secure in these as long as anything out there though.
  20. az4life

    '09 buck

    Awesome buck and one beign rattled in is pretty rare. congratulations and thans for posting the pics and info.
  21. I thought the focus of the thread was lost after someone posted a biased slam of the former president with a dose of hero worshipping their Obamessiah. That was the point of thread derailment. I did neglect in my venting, to offer my sincere thank you for your service and ask that God Bless the BP Agents (every one of them) and offer an apology for the system that helped put them in the position they got into. Guys like Scotty, and Casey know that at least in part, Liberal reform put this burden of proof on the agents. I believe The agents realized the justice system they supported in their job has been convoluted to favor the guilty and make the Agents the bad guys. That is just plain wrong headed. I thought they should have ben pardoned but now have heard new details in this thread and if these details are true, I now believe that some penalty was probably due. But they never should have imprisoned IMHO and it should have been commuted long ago. BTW, Can anyone tell me how many jobs the 335 million in STD funding is going to create and how it is going to help the economy? I personally think the reality is this is the only "protection" the working U S taxpayer is going to get from the giant liberal payback shaft commonly known as Stimulus bill. This bill was created behind closed doors by democrats only and is what BHO said would be done with bipartisanship. (not one house republican voted FOR the bill)
  22. Jamaro How about that for your usual non biased post. You'd best get back to the trough, and slurp down more of that liberal koolaid. :lol:LOL Your man BHO (based on his own statements and public actions to date) is likely, going to do more harm than Bush Clinton and even Carter ever did to this once much greater country. BHO's 1trillion dollar Government stimulus Bill and he is ready to pass the expense to generations yet to be born, and all it's going to do, is grow government and pay off Acorn NEA Unions and other power hungry libs that want everyone to believe that the government will take care of you better than you can yourself. Find me in that bill where even 1/5 of the 3.5 million jobs he promised to save are going to come from. It's not happening but in the spirit of bipartisanship he says to the republicans that voice concerns about the pork barrel spending in the bill "I won" and I'm going to get the bill passed without you . BHO is showing he is just short of evil so far with his monarchist style and socialist agendas. That Bill is simply a payback to those that got him elected and those he supports in principal. The party that believes in abortion says we are losing too many lives in the war in Iraq. There is a question libs never get asked. Proposed and Pending legislation for Ammo taxation, proposed gun registrations, even census questions asking how many guns you have in your home. The first step to socialism/Communism is the government taking the guns from the people. They will try, in the name of the greater good and protection of our children. My guns...."They can try to get them from me but not until I empty the magazines and reload and empty and reload and empty...". Yup, you might have guessed it, I'm PO'd and down right worried about what he and Reid and Pelosi will do to my country. BHO's record shows he is all about socialism Period. GWB is and about individual responsibility and free enterprise. Yeah he made some bad decisions but he did keep the terrorists at bay. I am sure (sad to say) it won't be so with BHO. IMHO and it oughta be yours. God Bless America and I pray BHO feels the same way and am still looking for evidence that he is like minded.
  23. As one of the first orders of business under the new administration: The US and DC Parks Department estimates approximately 2 million people were in attendance for the inauguration on Tuesday. That’s a lot of people! The US Commerce Office has estimated that approximately 6 of the attendees actually missed work to attend the historic event. That’s about what I would have guessed too!
  24. az4life

    Ammo Encoding rumor

    if you'd like more info on what states ARE bringing this forward, here you go. Also a link to a group with more info on the proposal..... ---------------------------- I can not believe with the amount of hunters and shooting enthusiast in PA that the legislature can pass such a thing but if they do just remember some of you wanted change and now you got it. enjoy......... Its already started...Ammunition Accountability Legislation Remember how Obama said that he wasn't going to take your guns? Well, it seems that his minions and allies in the anti-gun world have no problem with taking your ammo! The bill that is being pushed in 18 states requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacture, providing a data base of all Ammunition sales. So they will know how much you buy and what calibers. Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unl ess the ammunition is coded. Any privately held uncoded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1, 2011. (Including hand loaded ammo.) They will also charge a .05 cent tax on every round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least $2.50 or more! If they can deprive you of ammo they do not need to take your guns! This legislation is currently pending in 18 states: Alabama , Arizona , California , Connecticut , Hawaii , Illinois , Indiana , Kentucky , Maryland , Mississippi , Missouri, New Jersey, New York , Pennsylvania , Rhode Island , South Carolina, Tennessee , and Washington . Send to your friends in these states AND fight to dissolve this BILL!! To find more about the anti-gun group that is sponsoring this legislation and the specific legislation for each state, go to: http://ammunitionaccountability.org/Legislation.htm