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About Bitter24

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 08/24/1987

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  • Location
    Hereford AZ

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  1. Posting for a buddy, located in Hereford, AZ. Kowa prominar binoculars with fluorite lens 32x82. Comes with neoprene case and outdoorsman case, also included manfrotto 055 tripod and manfrotto tripod head mvh502ah. 3500.00 PM me for contact info for seller.
  2. Bitter24

    Sheep charges

    Congrats on a awesome tag, some solid rams in there no doubt. I’m actually heading up to look at some sheep in there next week. Hope you have a great hunt.
  3. Bitter24

    46A East?

    Trphyhntr your Pm inbox is fu, PM’s won’t go through 🤷🏻‍♂️
  4. Bitter24

    Drew unit 17 NM.

    StevenFJR, thanks! Also good luck to your father. Let me know how you guys do.
  5. Bitter24

    Drew unit 17 NM.

    Red, thank you for the reply. Sounds good, Im pretty used to the 8-9k feet of elevation part so that shouldnt be a problem. Waiting on a map of the unit to arrive, to start searching where I want to scout at. Hopefully I can figure something out and get into some elk.
  6. Bitter24

    Drew unit 17 NM.

    It should be soon, I havent got my return for my other tags I didnt draw yet either. Probably this coming week I am figuring.
  7. Bitter24

    Drew unit 17 NM.

    AZelkhunter69, yeah I hear you there! I was getting real used to see the red boxs on my app's in NM last handful of years. I truly didnt expect any different this year. Was in conplete shock when it showed green! I struck out in AZ as well, though planned on that as I drew my tag here last year. So now the 5-12 year wait for me in AZ again. AZTB5, Congrats on your tag man! That was one of my choices as well. Love to hear back from you on how you hunt goes. Hopefully you can knock a bull down!
  8. Bitter24

    Drew unit 17 NM.

    Well looks like I drew my first out of state tag for NM. Drew the first archery bull hunt in 17. Now the prep work and research begins on the unit. Only have driven through NM, so should be a learning experience. Should be able to get over there at least 3 times for 4 day scouting trips. Sounds like the unit holds some big bulls but the elk move around a bunch. Never expected to draw the tag.
  9. Count me in for extension if you find buyer for legs.
  10. If you decide to sell just the extension I am intrested.
  11. Bitter24

    Drew the 27 early archery bull tag

    Thanks for the comments guys! GJMauro12, maybe I will run into you up there! Good luck man. If you need anything while out hunting let me know.
  12. Bitter24

    Drew the 27 early archery bull tag

    Alpine, thanks again for the post. Good to hear majority of people head home, though I do agree will be intresting how the rut activety is this year. That makes perfect sense on how you go about, and very nice to live right there. Thanks again for your info, maybe we will bump into one another this year.
  13. Bitter24

    Drew the 27 early archery bull tag

    Alpine, thanks! I be heading up you way soon, Im jealous of where you live haha. Yes as of now, my plan is to hold out for a decent bull. Though right now just trying to get my ducks in a row before anything else. How is the hunting during the week, is it still made armies roving the roads? Looking on the map I located 8 locations I want to go check out and see what they look like in person. Some are deep back in there away from roads. Others not so much, with easier access. Sounds similar to how you have "easy" and "harder" spots to go. I plan on being able to hunt all 14 days, so also going to base where and how I hunt off the pressure of other people.
  14. Bitter24

    Drew the 27 early archery bull tag

    Oldboar, thanks for the post! Ill take your advise and focus on finding cows. Then the week in advance that I am up there I will focus both on cows and bulls. I know the unit is rough country and that is what I like about it. Too me it looked like a lot of areas where a guy could hike or horseback in and be away from majority of people with ease. Does that mean its easy to do that, not a chance. Though I think worth it. Again awesome post, thanks!