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Everything posted by muley224

  1. muley224

    Lifetime License

    I just noticed that on my Portal it says that my Lifetime License is good until 2199 ! I'll only be 151 yrs old ! Anyone else?
  2. muley224

    Lifetime License

    My math was off, sorry. 251.
  3. muley224

    Duwane's Hunter Killed a Monster

    Awesome main frame ! Awesome main beams ! Awesome deep backs ! That says it all. Can't wait for the score.
  4. muley224

    Duwane's Hunter Killed a Monster

    What a Toad ! Awesome Desert Mulie ! Congrats ! Strip Quality there!
  5. Funny how this afternoon Biden was on telling Trump to tell these people to stop, yet he never said anything this summer when his side was looting, burning, killing, and de-facing America. Go figure.
  6. I bought this table about 25 years ago at the Mule deer Banquet. It is solid flagstone with a desert mule deer scene etched in it. It weighs a ton. My wife remembers better than me that the artist said it is a one of a kind. I think I paid around $1000.00. Getting new furniture and doesn't match. It is 53" long, 28" wide, 20" tall and 1 1/2" thick. Asking $750.00 Very unique table. Thanks.
  7. muley224

    AZGFD Portal

    Anyone having trouble logging in to their Portal ?
  8. muley224

    Hunting theme masks

    My wife has been making masks for some time now. Since I just got an antelope tag she made me a new one. Here's a few. Share your hunt themed masks if you have some ! Safe hunting to all.
  9. muley224

    North of the River Muley's

    West side 2013. 4 tags, 4 Bucks.
  10. muley224

    Wtb youth hunting pack

    I Think I have a camo one that you can have for free. Let me ck tonight and can let you know Monday.
  11. muley224

    North of the River Muley's

    Love this Buck !!! Wow !!
  12. This Dodge was at the Auction today. Look familiar to anyone?
  13. muley224

    Rear Widow Decal

    Most trucks are bringing WAYYY over book !
  14. Got the surrendered tag call again. This time my first choice, unit 9. Since it is a couple weeks from now, rather than 2 days I'm Stoked ! Going for sure ! Glad I turned down the last one in 10. Some things happen for a reason ! Thanks to the person who surrendered it for giving the next in line some time.
  15. muley224

    Here we go again, another call from AZGFD.

    Through the years i have noticed on the AZGFD website in the "where to hunt section" when there is a decline in a species in a certain unit, they will mention it. Hope next year in the "Antelope" paragraph that these goat declines in certain units are noted.
  16. muley224

    Here we go again, another call from AZGFD.

    My friend George { 72 years old and a lifetime prescotonian and hunter} DID NOT like his comments about the tag. The rancher driving the water truck told us that this game warden was not liked up there. Said he hit a 900 lb heffer and totaled his truck. Said speeding was the reason.
  17. muley224

    Here we go again, another call from AZGFD.

    When the Game warden stopped me opening morning to check my tag and told me that this year was the worst on record to have this tag, I was bummed. He actually told me that I should have surrendered it myself ! When I told him that my tag was a surrendered tag he said maybe that I got the tag that he TOLD his friend to surrender ! What a thing to say to a hunter. Thought is was uncalled for. He told me that if I saw a decent buck to shoot it. We found a Buck on wed eve before the hunt that was probably around 75". Nice mass, hooks, but short on the prongs. There was also a Buck in with them that was less than 70". On opening morning there were 8 trucks surrounding this group. We left and went to another area. Around 10am we went back there and both Bucks were down within 100 yrds apart. That's where we saw the Warden. Before the hunt we talked to a guy who's wife had the tag. He had been scouting since June. Never found a good buck. I think he surrendered the tag as we never saw him again. We also talked to the hunter who shot the second buck opening morning and he also had been scouting since June and the one he took was the best he had seen all summer. The Game warden also told us that there was only 1 80" goat in the unit. Well, he was right. I hunted the whole 10 days after this Buck. We found him on day 3. For the rest of the hunt we saw him every morning and evening. He was with 24 does, {48 eyes} and two other smaller bucks, low 70's. With the weather at 85 degrees and only 3 water tanks with water, it was hard to get within range without getting busted. They were watering at night. We tried many long stalks but where they bedded at 10 am every day we could only get to within 1000 + yrds, very open country. I should have had a decoy, but I didn't. Closest i got 1 evening was around 400 yrds and ran out of light. I was shooting my 257 roberts with 117 gr so a shot at 4-500 would drop 4 ft or more, not my kind of shot. I know some guys have more powerful long range rifles that reach out there 500-1000+ yrds. I am glad I went. 1 and only goat tag. We spoke to the water truck driver from the ranch and he was making 4 runs a day to Tusayan hauling 4000 gallons a trip. He said it was a terrible year for goats. So I didn't fill my tag, but hunted the 80" for 7 days. Had a blast. Could have shot several "Barely legal" Bucks but don't need to "kill" just to kill. Thanks to my hunting pal George for sticking it out with me the whole hunt. George had a cow elk tag also in 9 a week after. We did however fill that tag. Thanks for the backstrap George ! Picture of the bull elk was on the Antelope hunt. Saw him twice. First time he almost ran into the side of the truck and the next morning he walked along the side of the truck about 10-20 yrds and never spooked ! We had Elvis on the radio so we named him "Elvis "I actually walked to 10 ft from him. Appreciate your interest in the hunt. Safe hunting to all those who have upcoming hunts !
  18. Have several great recipes for Backstrap but not the inner loins. Don't wanna mess them up. Thanks.
  19. muley224


    "Are they ever going to open up these restaurants again"? dang Newsome !
  20. muley224

    Hunting theme masks

    She has been selling them for months. Sending them all over the country and even Canada. Doing alot of sports teams, and Disney themes. She gets new orders about every day.
  21. muley224

    Hunting theme masks

    won't be wearing out in the field.
  22. muley224

    Here we go again, another call from AZGFD.

    Been putting in for 24 years. Only wanted 1 tag . Won't be putting in again.
  23. muley224

    Here we go again, another call from AZGFD.

    Heard that too. Was kinda hot also.