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Everything posted by jdavid

  1. AWESOME!!! I can't wait to get out in the woods and start poking around a bit! Congrats on the bear, great color phase!
  2. coues addict, are those zeiss 15's the conquest or classic?? And how do you like them?
  3. Hey guys, I just picked up a pair of Zeiss conquest 15X45's on ebay for $560, i've looked through all your gear lists and don't see many Zeiss binos on the list. I'm wondering everyone's opinion on them! My choice was the price (they retail for $829) I would love a pair of swaro's but they just don't fit into my budget no matter how hard i try to cram that number in the checkbook! anywho just wondering what everyone's .02 was! Thanks
  4. jdavid

    Planning my first Coues Bowhunt

    Another pm sent! Please respond if time allows!
  5. jdavid

    ASAT camo

    I love it, here's a couple pics that show why Without ASAT With ASAT!!! And the results!