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Everything posted by lancetkenyon

  1. lancetkenyon

    Who has the best steak in town?

    I love deer. But, deer is so lean. I like a fat marbled rib-eye. Sitting here atop a mountain in Indio, CA reading this and drooling...
  2. lancetkenyon

    Coyote Pedestal Mount

    Seems like dogs and cats are the hardest to get looking real. This is a great example of how to do it! Awesome mount.
  3. lancetkenyon

    ** butcher shop in north phx? maybe west?

    Thx for the suggestion. Ha I could just about run it back up to camp verde.. bummer nobody takes over n. phx customers! 4peaks was horrible when at 19th and bell and not sure what they are like under new ownership and location but really no desire to find out considering a backyard sheep butchering video some crazy nut at va hospital showed me... he was wearing a t-shirt or hat with tye name on it and video was of someone repeatdly stabbing and cuting at an animal while it stood there not happy about it. the owners decided it was a bit much to watch and I decided I probably wouldn't try the place out. 4 Peaks was a husband and wife team. They got a divorce. The husband still runs 4 Peaks, and the wife opened Sanchez. I took my last deer in 2012 to Sanchez, and was very impressed. The deer I brought was less than clean from having to skin it in a canyon and pack it out with no way to protect or clean it at the time. I did not find a single hair or other forest item in any of the meat. They did chorizo, green chili breakfast sausage (my favorite), jalapeño sticks, roasts, steaks, and ground with suet added. It only lasted about 2 months. I would have taken this years deer, but I did it myself saving some coin for when my daughter gets her elk in a month.
  4. lancetkenyon

    zero my rife and using turrets

    Also, make sure you KNOW it is 300 yards. Don't just look and guess. Across a canyon might appear like 300 yards, but if it is actually 375, means a wounded animal. Get a rangefinder if you don't have one.
  5. lancetkenyon

    new mexico mule deer hunt

    Congrats! Good eating soon to follow.
  6. lancetkenyon

    Different Venison Recipe?

    Good luck with that.
  7. lancetkenyon

    zero my rife and using turrets

    2000 to 5000 elevation will make a big difference. So will temperature changes, barometric pressure (will change with elevation AND weather fronts), humidity, powder temps, etc. All that info will need to be put into the ballistics program. Out to 500 yards, you will see a difference up to 14" or more depending on conditions. I just was PMing a guy with some of the differences and what to expect fro changes in drop. You would not believe how much of a difference conditions can make at extended ranges. Same bullet and gun combo at 1500 yards can be as much as 48', yes 48 FEET, or more difference in drop. 1000 yards as much as 11' too, and that is in a flat shooting cartridge. What bullets (brand, weight, etc.), velocity, etc. are you shooting? I am sure a lot of guys here can get you close. DesertBull has a very valid point. A lot of guys (and girls), myself included, shoot year round at long ranges to help during the hunting season. A 500 yard shot is not a close attempt to make on a living animal when you are not used to it. Most rifles are very capable of making the shot. A lot of shooters are not. 3 weeks prior to a hunt is not the time to start practicing and sighting in a rifle.
  8. lancetkenyon

    Giant Non-typical Desert Buck?

    Crazy big. Congrats to the hunter for a trophy of a lifetime!
  9. lancetkenyon

    Best week to hunt in January?

    The week of Jan 1 through Jan 31. Seriously, there is always a lot of people out during the New Year's weekend, so hunting the middle of the week is what I like. But guys that have been scouting from now until Dec. 31st will get first opportunity at the bigger bucks come the morning of Jan. 1. Good luck! Seems to be a great year for Coues antlers.
  10. lancetkenyon

    zero my rife and using turrets

    ^ This. Awesome app. Also Strelok Pro. Free Strelok should work out to 500 easy. I have all three on my phone. I use Shooter the most, and seems to be the most consistent for me. But NOTHING beats shooting your own gun and learning your own dope. Remember on the apps, garbage in, garbage out. If you don't input all of the correct info, you will not get correct drops.
  11. lancetkenyon

    Big Buck!!!

    native? Posible' un venado burro? Looks like an AZ tag though hard to tell.
  12. Got mine all done this weekend too. I got/made: 21# of ground burger (cut 70/30 w. beef) 11# of Italian sausage (cut 70/30 w. pork) 8# of Chorizo (cut 70/30 w. pork) 9 large roasts (5# each) 8 steaks Backstraps Tenderloins So about 95# of meat altogether, plus about 5# of grissly tough stuff I boiled up and am giving to the dogs. Plus they ate about 2=3# of raw meat while I was butchering on Saturday. We have already eaten one large backstrap, 2 steaks, and 2# of burger. That was just this weekend! Mmmmm good stuff.
  13. lancetkenyon

    Foot Lbs Energy

    I would say the only way to truly get your energy on target would be to do as you suggested, and place a chrony out at distance and shoot through it. Then do the math. But to get close, you would need to rely on a ballistic program unless you shot and got on target, then go out and place the chrony. Don't hit the chrony. This would also be a good way to verify your ballistic program by checking remaining velocities at known distances. But if the drop is accurate, I would think the remaining velocities would be close, meaning the kinetic energy on target would be close too. I go by the rule of 1250+ ft/lbs on target for elk, and 1000 ft/lbs of energy for deer. Per my ballistics, I am pretty confident at taking a deer with my .25-06 Ackley shooting a 115gr. Berger VLD out to over 1K yards, which I know still has approximately 1150, but the conditions better be perfect, but ETHICALLY, I would not take the shot much over 800. I know I can first round hit out to 800, with light-medium winds. But even a 2mph miscall on winds will push that bullet 8" at 1K.
  14. lancetkenyon

    Kaibab wolf

    Love the Joe Pickett novels. Read them all.
  15. lancetkenyon

    Kaibab wolf

    I wonder what my comment will bring to the table in the article...
  16. lancetkenyon

    Reputable Taxidermist Southeast Valley

    Glad I could finally see a positive outcome to the taxidermy nightmare I have. At least it makes folks laugh. I shake my head every time I look at it, and my wife keeps asking when I am going to replace it. In about 11 months, that is when my 2014 buck will be in from the taxidermist. Then this guy comes down and the antlers get sawzall-ed off. Antlers are not on backwards, just a really tall, narrow 3 point I took with a bow about 20 years ago. I just realized something!!! Maybe this was Deer Knotts! Don Knotts' pet deer?
  17. lancetkenyon

    Favorite coyote gun??

    Kill them with whatever you are holding. A dead coyote is one less predator to reduce the game populations.
  18. lancetkenyon


    Not a problem.
  19. lancetkenyon

    Foot Lbs Energy

    I think velocity drops off at different rates due to ballistic coefficient (the ability to fight drag) and bullet weight. Not gravity, which is usually consistent, except when I trip carrying a heavy pack. Then it seems to increase exponentially. I could be wrong though.
  20. lancetkenyon

    Anyone need a muley cape?

    I thought about that too. I have a nice 180"+ pickup rack, and an amazing 172" 3 point pickup rack off the Bab. But I already have 3 things at the taxi, and hoping for an elk in a month too. My wife would kill me.
  21. lancetkenyon

    My Flintlock Buck

    Amazing buck, especially with a smoke pole!!!
  22. lancetkenyon

    Big Buck!!!

    Amazing buck. Congrats to the hunter! Guided or DIY?
  23. lancetkenyon

    Unit 27 Buck

    Great buck! Congrats.
  24. lancetkenyon

    Oct. Rifle Hunts 2 for 2

    Both awesome bucks. Good eating in your future.
  25. lancetkenyon

    Finally Tagged out

    Great Coues! Congrats.