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Everything posted by lancetkenyon

  1. lancetkenyon

    OLD Winchester Found!

    Awesome story. My Dad left my .270 Win against a tree about 8-10 years ago. When I picked him up, he forgot it, and we were back at camp 10 miles away before I noticed it was not in the truck. When I asked him, it is one of the very few times I have heard him cuss. It was still there at first light the next day.
  2. lancetkenyon

    What are you supposed to do?

    Ernesto, I am with you. I keep a small spiral notebook and pen in my pack. One time, my cousin forgot to sign his elk tag (1999-the last time I had an elk tag) and we got stopped by G&F as we were just heading out for the morning. He was cool and let my cousin sign it in front of him. Good thing I had a pen, as he was not hunting legally.
  3. lancetkenyon

    MY THEORY! O_o

    Mike, what unit?
  4. lancetkenyon

    New 6.5 SLR Build

    Happiness is....finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.....or some H4350 in stock locally. Plus, I qualified in a shooting tournament and won a free custom cleaning rod, so I ordered a 42" rod for the new build after discussing the rifle with Denny. This guy is super nice, and super quick to respond too. I also won half off a Rock Creek Match barrel....guess I have a new build in my future.
  5. lancetkenyon

    Sniper drag bag gun case

    I use mine for almost all of my rifle transportation now. And I paid WAY more than $50 for it.
  6. lancetkenyon

    Sniper drag bag gun case

    I just measured my 24" barrel non-collapsible stock AR. It is 42.5" long. So anything under a 24" barrel, or one with a collapsible stock will fit this bag. They are bulletproof (not literally).
  7. lancetkenyon

    Sniper drag bag gun case

    If it is a standard AR, or one with a collapsible stock it should fit. I have a double drag bag just like this in a 48" (I just measured mine) length and I can fit a 26" barreled Rem 700 LA with muzzle break in just fine.
  8. Why? Because for every one you see, there are 20-40 more you don't. And coyotes are the species that kills more game, both large and small, than any other. Predator control is very necessary in AZ, as the coyote populations are out of control. Don't believe me? Look at the antelope annual survival rate for fawns. The coyotes sit around and wait for them to drop, then are on them as soon as they hit the ground. And anyone who says coyotes don't take healthy mature animals is mistaken. The more people who predator hunt, the better.
  9. lancetkenyon

    Question on transfering a tag to a junior

    I think the above poster is correct. Just go to G&F and have them re-issue your tag in his name.
  10. lancetkenyon

    FFL in Phx

    Bruno's Shooting Supply on Central and Deer Valley will too. I think they charge a minimal fee. I heard someone ask when I was in there a few months ago. Also, you call Randall's on Olive and 59th Ave.
  11. lancetkenyon

    "Impossible" hunts to draw

    Almost any early rifle bull tag, and any antelope tag. Just be warned....it CAN happen.
  12. lancetkenyon

    What's the best rangefinder?

    ^ That makes sense. I have never had that option before, so don't even think about it while bow hunting.
  13. lancetkenyon

    16 points - what to apply for

    Again, anything can happen. I met a kid who drew the tag I wanted. He drew with 2 BP, when I had 20+.
  14. lancetkenyon

    What's the best rangefinder?

    How cold are you talking? Mine performed perfectly at -14°F last year. And I have had close ranges to 10 yards. Closer than that and you don't need to range anyway! Just run up and stick the arrow in it.
  15. lancetkenyon

    Sniper drag bag gun case

    I can't tell how long it is visually. I know 42", but what gun/barrel length do you have that does not fit?
  16. lancetkenyon


    Presidential bump
  17. lancetkenyon


  18. lancetkenyon


  19. lancetkenyon

    help needed

    Any updates on the buck?
  20. lancetkenyon

    Meopta MeoPor 10x42s?

    Good to know about Cabelas carrying the MeoPro line. I've never noticed them in the store.
  21. lancetkenyon

    Meopta MeoPor 10x42s?

    Cabelas does not carry that line of Meoptas. Only the Meostar rebranded as their own Euro HD line. But the Meostars are amazing. I have them in 10x42 and 15x56. Plus Meopta and Cabelas both have amazing warranties should you ever need them
  22. lancetkenyon

    Pronghorn Questions From A Hopeful Goat Hunter

    All of them are from far away. I will be attempting to locate my #1 & #2 goats again over the next few weeks, as they are in different units. See if I can get in closer and get some good photos, then I will send them over.
  23. lancetkenyon

    Does "shooter" need service?

    Or you can use another device such as Kestrel or Leica 1600B LRF to get temperature and barometric pressure and manually input them.
  24. lancetkenyon


    I guess you really don't want to sell the round pen, do you?
  25. lancetkenyon

    Son's First Big Game With a Bow

    Another great game animal for the kid? Awesome job to both hunter and father/teacher. Good job Dad.