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Everything posted by lancetkenyon

  1. GREAT buck! Love the split eye guards, and that is absolutely nothing to pass on. I would say it is a giant for sure. Good tine length, good height, good width, beautiful deer. Congrats.
  2. lancetkenyon

    Youtube video show guy shoot turkey in 13b with .597 22wmr

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJxqthOKv0Y Does anyone know how to download the video and save it for when the OP takes it down? I am no computer wizard....
  3. lancetkenyon

    Youtube video show guy shoot turkey in 13b with .597 22wmr

    A link to the video in question would sure be nice.
  4. lancetkenyon

    what did I do wrong?

    Smart yote that has been called with that sound and shot at. Or if you were only a couple hundred yards out, and called too loud, you might have scared him away. was thinking, "That is a big butt rabbit over there, and whatever got him must be a monster!"
  5. lancetkenyon

    Wanting to replace my Ar trigger

    I love Timneys, but my AR trigger is a CMC. Set at 3#, nd is a true drop in trigger unit. Easy. Works great, crisp, light, smooth.
  6. lancetkenyon

    Kaibab ?

    If you draw a Kaibab hunts, you BETTER not shoot the first 2 point you see!!!
  7. lancetkenyon

    New 6.5 SLR Build

    Went down to PCR and took him a formed case to check the chambering. He has it put together, and looking really good. It goes out for CeraKote this week, and I could have it as early as Friday. Got the "coin" off the end of the barrel. Barrel threaded and chambered Sorry for the camera phone photos, I should have grabbed my good camera. Here is the stage it is in as of today.
  8. lancetkenyon

    American Sniper

    Sitting here waiting for the 10pm show to start.
  9. lancetkenyon

    Kaibab ?

    Yep, just small bucks on the early hunt.
  10. lancetkenyon

    Arizona Elk and Antelope New Scoring Method

    450 for my daughter's elk hunt in 2014 for sure. Best elk hunt I have even been on. I would rather my daughter take an elk than I would. Best memories of an elk hunt I have ever had. My wife, brother and sister-in-law all got to be there too.
  11. lancetkenyon

    Kaibab ?

    I have drawn back-to-back Kaibab tags in the past, and also waited 8 years between tags. My last two rifle hunts I drew early season Kaibab tags in 2012 and 2014. All depends on how lucky you are in the random draw.
  12. lancetkenyon

    New 6.5 SLR Build

    I got it ordered and paid for today. I will pick it up on Monday for you. We can meet up whenever you get back, good luck on your hunt. 1-19-14 I got your 4# picked up today. Talk to you soon.
  13. lancetkenyon

    MY THEORY! O_o

    I saw a javelina today walking down the access road for the 101 right at 49th Ave. Heading for the wash behind my house.
  14. lancetkenyon


    One time price drop to $700.
  15. lancetkenyon

    Deer Survey Question?

    So do I throw it away or send it in??? Since it is not a legitimate survey, and an error, pitch it. If it was correct, fill it out and send it in. But I like DesertBull's suggestion too.
  16. lancetkenyon

    New 6.5 SLR Build

    Just got off work. I will go down tomorrow morning first thing when they open and check for you. It is only 4 miles away, so no big deal, plus it gives me a reason to go peruse the shelves again. Oh, and I got my ladder test loads made up tonight. From 41.0gr. to 44.5gr. of H4350 in .5 grain increments. I also heard 1 to 2 weeks for completion of the rifle.....I giggled like a little girl when I got that news update.
  17. lancetkenyon

    Deer Survey Question?

    I got an archery questionnaire, and my October rifle hunt questionnaire came back in December. Filled them both out honestly online, as I feel it is very important to do my part in helping the Game and Fish get correct numbers on the yearly take of game. Also completed my 2014 javelina questionnaire, and my daughters javelina and elk ones too. People complain about the G&F with tag increases or decreases, but without the hunters honest answers on surveys, they have to make guesses on the animals taken the year before. And then we cry for mandatory reporting, while others throw them in the trash without submitting information. How does that help G&F?
  18. lancetkenyon

    American Sniper

    Got my tickets reserved for tomorrow night.
  19. lancetkenyon

    OLD Winchester Found!

    I know junipers can grow extremely slowly. Here is a photo of a juniper stump I took in Nevada. It was only 6" in diameter, but look at the growth rings. Over 110 growth rings. I can see that tree being 130 years old easily. And since they grow so slowly, it is quite possible the rifle was laid against it when it was small. With the wind moving the tree, the rifle would have wiggle room to not get stuck and the tree grow around it.
  20. lancetkenyon

    Best seat/chair/stool glassing

    If I sit towards the back of the cab, I don't ever have a problem. If I get in the middle, I have heard and felt a slight pop, but it returns when I realize I am too far forward and move back. Hence the weight limit disclaimer.
  21. lancetkenyon

    Best seat/chair/stool glassing

    I use a folding stool for glassing when near (within 1/2 mile) my truck. When I am packing around, I use a pad. Very lightweight, and works fine. Just throw it on a stump/log and you are off the ground. When it is really windy, staying closer to the ground is more stable, and the pad can easily be thrown right on the dirt. You can see my daughter's pad on the backpack. They weigh less than a pound, but sure make sitting on the ground/stump more comfortable for long periods. For really elevated glassing to see up over tall bushes/trees, I bring along a mobile elevated platform. But they can get pricey, and weight limit is right around 155#.
  22. lancetkenyon

    Youtube video show guy shoot turkey in 13b with .597 22wmr

    I remember well when fall turkey was legal to hunt with .22Mag rim fire and center fire cartridges. Not that I ever did it, but it made longer shots on turkeys easier. That is probably why they quit allowing it. It is easy to stay within 70 yards of a flock of turkeys if you do not pressure them too much. Out of reach of a shotgun, and most archer's range too.
  23. lancetkenyon

    OLD Winchester Found!

    Love that movie. But you left part of that note out....about "Lord hope it to be a......" My other favorite quote was when JJ woke up on fire, and the Bear Claw said, "Didn't put enough dirt down. I saw it right off", then rolls back over and goes to sleep.
  24. lancetkenyon

    New 6.5 SLR Build

    So I was in Bruno's last week Monday, and they had a bunch. I didn't buy it then (shame on me). Went back in that Wednesday and it was all gone. The guys said they might not see it again for a year, because it took them 10 months to get the last batch in. Went back in today for something (don't even remember what, as I got all excited about the H4350 and left without looking for whatever it was that actually made me stop in), and there is was on the shelf. The Holy Grail.....not a bad price @ $30/lb. either, when the stuff is like unicorn tears....only heard about in fairy tales and cures poor accuracy like magic. Not sure how much more they have, if any, as they just unpacked it an hour before I got there, and there was only one left on the shelf when I left. They might have more in stock, but just not out on the floor. But it might be gone too. I can swing by tomorrow and see if you want. If so, I can pick some up for you and we can meet up. Just pay me back what I spent and I am good with that. Let me know.