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Everything posted by lancetkenyon

  1. lancetkenyon

    couse or muley?!?

    Muley. But if it is a Coues, holy cow!
  2. lancetkenyon

    New 6.5 SLR Build

    I have decided to ditch the MultiCam paint job. I just didn't like it as much as I thought I would after 4 different attempts. I will be going back with an old favorite, the camo American flag theme. Got one of the practice stocks I am working on right now, but I need to let it dry a day or two before I work on the stars and dark area on the front. Got the stripes done though. The real one will be coated in matte clear, to eliminate the sheen of the satin colors. Just hard to find a selection of colors in a true flat... This one will have a little more detail than my AR. With some shading to add depth, and some color variation too.
  3. lancetkenyon


  4. lancetkenyon

    southwest nm

    Hatchita Peak is the highest peak in the Little Hatchet Mtns. Just outside of...you guessed it...Hatchita, NM. Hatchita means "Little Hatchet" in Spanish, as others have stated.
  5. lancetkenyon


    I understand some people do not like snakes. What I don't understand is why those people who do not like snakes, even seeing one, are looking at this thread??? I wouldn't go look at a thread titled "Naked Hippies Hugging Fluffy Bunnies".....or......."This Is A First (Naked Old Man Hiking By My Trail Cam)" Thanks for leaving that last part out to warn us......
  6. lancetkenyon


    Awesome thread. Mojave Sidewinder Moving the sidewinder Pink Speckled Western Diamondback Sonoran Nightsnake Gophersnake Another Gophersnake All black California Kingsnake And my absolute coolest snake I have ever found...Western Blind Snake
  7. lancetkenyon


    .All gone. Nice meeting you guys. Enjoy the ammo.
  8. lancetkenyon

    The Graduation Bull

    Loved the story. Congrats to the huntress, and to Dad for being so patient. Looks like 18 BPs well spent to me!
  9. lancetkenyon


    .25 Auto ammo is gone. Nice meeting you guys. Good luck on your HAM hunt.
  10. lancetkenyon

    Take a look

    Do you have the serial # on the pistol? Also on the cameras? I will keep my eyes open. Good luck with the search. May the thieves get anal cancer....
  11. lancetkenyon

    Remington Sendero 7MM Mag

    Here you go Deer Tech:
  12. lancetkenyon

    Required Reading?

    Read the book by Mother Nature titled "Get Out and View Wildlife". Some of my favorite time spent has been learning this.
  13. lancetkenyon


    I'm in north central Phoenix, I-17 & 101 area. PM inbound to both members. Ammo spoken for: .25 Auto-Camofreak 9x18 Mak-Havasuhunter Ammo pending pick-up.
  14. lancetkenyon


    SPF. Thanks Cliff. I'll take it off the gun tonight and get it cleaned up for you. See you tomorrow.
  15. lancetkenyon


    Sold. Thanks Cliff. Now go buy that 6.5 Creedmoor!!!
  16. lancetkenyon

    A positive hunting story on ABC News

    She has some amazing points on hunting that I share. She feels remorse for the taking of a life alongside the excitement and satisfaction of providing your own food. The knowledge of where your food comes from, and the quality meat it provides. The fading traditions of the hunting sport. The needed growth of the traditions being passed down to the new generations, and including women in those traditions. The entire experience of being outdoors, away from the hustle and bustle. The ethics involved in the hunting traditions to the game. And trying to educate the masses, both hunters and non-hunters alike. Plus, she is a great face to put up for the up and coming young ladies in the hunting world.
  17. I say, instead of shooting coyotes for the period of one year, we live trap them, and deposit them in the backyards alongside "Fluffy" and "Cuddles" of those opposed to hunting predators.
  18. lancetkenyon

    Remington Sendero 7MM Mag

  19. A 75gr. .223 caliber saboted A-Max at 5400fps would work wonders on a coyote..... Think I am kidding??? http://www.reloadersnest.com/unverified_detail.asp?CaliberID=62&ID=6607 Or a 125gr. NBT at over 3800fps.... http://www.reloadersnest.com/detail.asp?CaliberID=62&BulletWeight=125&LoadID=10194 Or go the totally opposite way and load a 240 SMK at almost 3000fps or a 230 Berger over 3000fps to shoot polar bears in NWT Canada from Ash Fork. The possibilities are astounding.
  20. lancetkenyon


    It was on my .25-06 Ackley for a long time. Worked awesome for it. Plenty of elevation for shooting out past 1350 with a 0 cant base.
  21. I held this gun in my hands tonight. It is in amazing condition. I can confirm the brake works well. Exactly like the brake on my .300RUM, and my 12 year old daughter can shoot mine with ease.
  22. lancetkenyon


    Yes, you should.
  23. lancetkenyon

    Why Can't The Fools At AZGFD Get There Sheet Together

    I realize the G&F will never do away with the e-draw, and eventually, it might be the only way to fill out the applications. But technical cavemen like myself will have some problems from time to time, we just need to learn to deal with it like men, and not complain about every little issue. Especially when the Arizona G&F is probably one of the BETTER G&F Departments in the US. I think they do a great job for the most part. And if you don't help out, you have no right to complain.
  24. lancetkenyon


    SPF to Mike. Let me know when you want to meet up.
  25. lancetkenyon


    SOLD, Thanks Mike.