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Everything posted by lancetkenyon

  1. lancetkenyon

    Really? Really???

    Well, it didn't take long for this thread to take the turn to name calling, questioning of manhood, etc.
  2. lancetkenyon

    Spark Plug Remover

    As in a 13/16" or 5/8" socket with the rubber insert? Or is there a new-fangled specialty tool you need now?
  3. lancetkenyon

    Really? Really???

    I have no problem with antlers showing. I do it every time I get an animal (with antlers). But I guess I am the only one who thinks it is not best practice to strap it to the roof with blood all over every window. No need to slap everyone in the face with my game animal. I realize he is not getting the antlers in the Cherokee, but he could cut it up and get it cooled own and out of public view. But I also do not do a lot of gratuitous public displays of affection, grab my wife's butt in public, whistle at a hot girl, stare at boobs when I am talking to a woman, cuss in front of women or children, chew with my mouth open, or disrespect people that do not prove they deserve it. Everyone has their own opinion on this, and I am apparently in the minority, which is fine. I am glad we can keep this civil (for the most part) and respect your opinions as well. But I am not an "offended moron".
  4. lancetkenyon

    Really? Really???

    This really looks bad on hunters to those who do NOT hunt. Easy enough to quarter it and get it cooled down or on ice without putting the entire bull on the top to cook in the sun and run blood down every side of the vehicle. I am not PC, but come on. A little consideration of others please. Yes, it is a big bull.
  5. lancetkenyon

    Jr Muley Doe Hunt - 12AW

    Drive down 67, pick ANY dirt road to the west early morning or evening, and most times throughout the day too. That is where the does will be.
  6. lancetkenyon

    Decoy Success

    I thought the same thing, since it is hard antlered and not in velvet. Pretty cool trick.
  7. lancetkenyon

    whats you longest bloodtrail to a kill?

    My personal longest tracking job was about 500 yards on an archery javi. Well placed shot, just a tough as nails pig. I have gone up and helped friends find game they could not find. One deer was easily 1/2 mile. The absolute longest trail I ever followed covered over a mile and a half on an archery elk. Took two days to find with small drops after a great initial trail. But we recovered him on the third day, while he was bedded up. We snuck up within 20 yards, and he couldn't get up. A second arrow finished him. He would not have made it another day, and would have been lost if we would have given up. The meat was still good except for around the shot had started to turn. Sadly (or luckily for the meat), he lived 2 painful days with an arrow in him. I still can't believe coyotes did not get to him before we did.
  8. Great seeing you too. I wound up 41 for 55 today. This was my 10th outing this season. Shot 2 cases + 1 box, and totalled 45 mourning, 15 white wing, and 401 Eurasians.
  9. lancetkenyon

    Bullet selection

    Goes in a few inches then opens up violently, expending massive amounts of energy and hydrostatic shock.
  10. lancetkenyon

    Bullet selection

    150 Berger out of those two choices if it were me.
  11. lancetkenyon

    Question about Bird Dogs

  12. lancetkenyon

    164 7/8" Coues

    Watermark? What watermark? If you see a watermark, you are looking at the wrong thing in the photo.
  13. lancetkenyon

    Found Pistol

    How can you not have the serial numbers on file somewhere? What if you get robbed? How will you ever prove the firearms are yours? Unless.......you are playing coy while Big Brother is watching the interweb....
  14. lancetkenyon

    Found Pistol

    If it is truly a lost gun, the owner would be able to give a serial # to the LEOs for the safe return, if it is truly just a lost firearm. I would also be VERY leery of picking up a gun on the side of a road. While working remodel construction, my helper found a pistol inside a wall we were tearing out. Called the MCSO, as the homeowner claimed it was not theirs. Turns out it was used in a crime 25 years earlier, and the prime suspect was the former homeowner who had passed away.
  15. lancetkenyon

    Buffalo guides and outftters?

    Devil's Advocate response: You went up as a non-paying client. I get it, I cannot afford $2-10K either. Guide lets you use HIS blinds on HIS salt licks he has tended all year long. Guide moves you when a paying client comes to camp so that hunter can sit your stand that Guide has let you sit for free. You do not stay out all day hunting and return to camp midday, possibly missing an opportunity. You tamper with guides game cameras. Guide cleans up spot of kill of blood, entrails, etc. which might give a better chance of another bison coming in to the stand. You leave the hunt before season ends. And you are mad at the guide?
  16. lancetkenyon

    NM Mulie

    What a toad! Congrats, and glad persistence paid off.
  17. lancetkenyon

    164 7/8" Coues

    Smashes the NT & Typ P&Y current world records of 127 1/8" NT, & 130 1/8" Typ. Heck, beats the #2 record in B&C by a landslide!
  18. lancetkenyon

    How many use scent lock/blocker clothing?

  19. I don't know who it was. They came after we left on Saturday. HogHunter texted me to ask about it Sunday night. I am sure you saw the mess I was talking about. I would have picked everything up on Sunday morning, but I did not have any trash bags with me, and I really didn't want to throw the loose carcasses in the bed of my truck. But all good now. I even stopped one of the farm hands and talked to him about it briefly yesterday morning.
  20. What was good was my nephew has gone out a couple times with me this year with his Dad present, and been blasting away at birds, shooting something like 125-150 rounds a trip, and only getting about 10 birds. Well, I got to spend some one-on-one time with him on Sunday morning and got him dialed in on shooting the birds. First, he was shooting at birds out there at 50-80 yards. I broke him of that habit first, and that really dropped his shot count. Getting him to wait for birds at 35 yards and in, and then watching his wads, and seeing he was blowing tail feathers off, adjusted his lead a bit. Once we got that settled, his bird to shot ratio climbed from 8-10% to about 50%. He was having a much better time after that.
  21. lancetkenyon

    Question about Bird Dogs

    My wife goes crazy with ours. They (4 of them) sleep on our bedroom floor. I get up at 3:00-3:30 every morning, and as soon as I toss the sheets back, they are ready to go.
  22. lancetkenyon

    Roadside southern AZ Coues

    Don't take this post wrong. I hate poachers, and people who twist the laws to fit their own needs. Was the Private Property posted correctly? Every 100' or something like that? If he had a CHAMP permit, and the truck was off the shoulder and turned off, that was a legal take notwithstanding the location. Obesity is not a permanent handicap however. Unless he has other issues with mobility from injury, he is twisting the laws to get that CHAMP permit. Lack of respect of private property is not a handicap as well.
  23. lancetkenyon

    Question about Bird Dogs

    GSPs are crazy hyper energy dogs. Just saying.
  24. lancetkenyon

    Best .224 Bullet for Javalina

    I have a load for my .223 Rem with the 50gr. NBT too (and V-Max), but they are varmint bullets. 3300 fps from an AR puts a whooping on coyotes. It is ugly on anything smaller. I think it would do similar damage to a javelina as it does to coyotes.
  25. Went out Friday late morning, Saturday, Sunday, Monday mornings. Saturday was crazy busy. But Sunday had some beautiful photo opportunities early. Got a couple of my nephew waiting on the birds coming in. Got my brother ejecting a spent shell from my O/U. And my brother got me ejecting a couple empties from my daughter's O/U. And the obligatory tailgate photo. On a side note, when we left Saturday morning, the area we normally park at was spotless. When we arrived Sunday morning at 5:00AM, there were dove carcasses everywhere, along with over 100 empty shotshell hulls. I doubt the person who left this mess was a member here, but just in case, don't worry, I took some extra trash bags and cleaned up your mess for you. On my way out yesterday, I have a funny feeling that the same scenario is going to have been replayed with at least two groups I passed. Birds laying EVERYWHERE, and one group was not even picking theirs up. Empties all over the place too. This looks really bad on all hunters, and a good way to get farmland and/or private property closed for the future seasons.