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About lancetkenyon

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 02/27/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    N. Phoenix, AZ
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, photography, family.

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  1. lancetkenyon

    What's your favorite Burger Joint?

    Ate there 2 weeks ago. It was just OK. But for Kanab, it is top notch.
  2. lancetkenyon

    Whats my score

    Well, why don't you lead with those for some perspective! Looks like a different deer.
  3. lancetkenyon

    Whats my score

    Did you use A3's tape? 😁 No matter what, it is an awesome old buck.
  4. lancetkenyon

    Whats my score

    Taking your mass #s. 167 gross 156 net Weak forks, not overly wide, decent G2s, decent mains. Cool old buck. With that mass, he has to be old and on his way down. Was he aged? 8.5 years old?
  5. lancetkenyon

    Need 25 moa picatinny rail for 300RUM

    Here are some 30MOA rails. Not many options for 25MOA. Wondering what a 20MOA rail won't get you in a 300RUM for a hunting rifle? https://www.mkmachining.com/product/audere-remington-700-la-30-moa-steel-picatinny-rail/ https://mdttac.com/30-moa-scope-base/ https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/egw-rail-rem-700la
  6. lancetkenyon


    Just going to say this for common sense reasons...don't use it during rifle season.
  7. lancetkenyon

    WTB 25sst dies

    B chamber is slightly smaller than the original chamber. You can shoot the new brass in either chamber, but you will get some case expansion in the original chamber. I don't think the original brass can be shot in a B chamber. And I definitely would not shoot fired brass from the original chamber in a new B chamber. I think most gunsmiths that had an original reamer sent them in for a regrind to the B chamber specs. I would think the only way to get an original reamer is if it is owned by an individual. Even then, Inwould be reluctant to use it, as the new brass is undersized to fit the B Chamber now.
  8. lancetkenyon

    22" 1:7.5" Bartlein Sendero 6.5PRC

  9. lancetkenyon


    Unreal this hasn't sold. I LOVE mine. Hundreds of hours behind them.
  10. lancetkenyon

    22" 1:7.5" Bartlein Sendero 6.5PRC

    For sale: This was my test barrel during the 6.5PRC vs 6.5PRC/SI testing. 22" 1:7.5" Bartlein Sendero SS barrel Chambered in 6.5PRC AW2 (Alex Wheeler) by Axisworks Threaded for Kelbly Atlas Tac or Kelbly Atlas Lite actions Muzzle threaded 5/8×24 (I had a TBAC CB on it w. Suppressor) Rattle can in Flat Khaki (could be stripped easily) 322 documented rounds Shot just about everything (except the 150 SMK) great. 129 NABLR, 130 OTM, 140 HYB, 140 Elite, 140 BMB, 142 NABLR, 142 SMK, 143 ELD-X, 144 Hyb, 147 ELD-M, 156 Elite all tested in it. I have a ton of load info for it when I was testing. Never shot more than 3 shots between full cooling. $300 FTF
  11. lancetkenyon

    Who’s building y’all’s custom rifles?

    I have shot probably 30 different gunsmiths' full custom rifles. I dropped off parts for my 18th Axisworks custom today. Should speak volumes.
  12. lancetkenyon

    Who’s building y’all’s custom rifles?

    It shot adequate...
  13. lancetkenyon

    8lb H1000 FS $460

    Last time I ordered "must have" powder, I got two 8#ers. $920 to my door. Price is right in line with what you pay and get shipped. Gotta pay to play.
  14. lancetkenyon

    Antelope 15 points

    Took me 29 BPs last year to draw my 2nd choice and get the last tag in the unit.
  15. lancetkenyon

    Check out the weather for Sonora Mexico.

    At first, I was like, "OK". Then she turned to walk to the green screen....and "dang" snuck out.