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Drummond Lindsey

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About Drummond Lindsey

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  1. Drummond Lindsey

    Petition - Stop Paying Influencers

    I’m a non resident and I signed
  2. Drummond Lindsey

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Big deer and drama...... who would have thunk it? Only thing I can say is that I think it’s low rent for anybody, guide or not, to climb up on a knob that already has people glassing on it. I’ve never plopped down next to somebody and started with the “which big deer are you looking for” question . It’s just not something I do nor would I ever do. I’ve had it happen to me and my blood boils every time it does. George Taulman did it to my friends and I on a OIL oryx hunt on White Sands a number of years ago and the hunter was my friends 16 year old daughter. It sucks every time and it’s chicken $h!t I don’t have a dog in the fight so it is what it is, I’m just on the outside looking in and don’t have a side to be on. Never heard anything negative about Duwayne Adams and my thoughts above are not an indictment of his character as it is public land and free game I guess. Just not how I do things personally.
  3. Drummond Lindsey

    Howa Alpine 6.5 Creedmoor with Tally’s $750

  4. Drummond Lindsey

    Howa Alpine 6.5 Creedmoor with Tally’s $750

    Thanks Doug! All is well here in Colorado, hope you all are doing well also....
  5. Drummond Lindsey

    Badlands Clutch pack

    Badlands Clutch Pack with internal frame. Realtree Max-1 camo. Good condition, one of the zippers on the part that sits against your back is notchy but not bad enough to warrant sending it in IMO but Badlands has a great warranty A hunter I had used it a handful of times and gave it to me and I have no use for it These sell for $369 new, hows $225 shipped Message me an email or cell number for texts and I can send more pics
  6. Title says it all. Scope is already sold so this is for the rifle and Talleys only. Fun lightweight rifle to shoot
  7. Drummond Lindsey

    As if Hunter's needed anymore bad publicity.......

    What a shame
  8. Drummond Lindsey

    Winchester Model 70 Pre 64 270 Featherweight

    That's what I figured, I just don't check the forum too often and I don't want to leave anybody waiting on funds after I've said I'll take it. Thanks guys Drummond
  9. Drummond Lindsey

    Winchester Model 70 Pre 64 270 Featherweight

    Been wanting one for a while and I'll use it so not having the original stock doesn't bother me at all. I'm sure he'll log on and see my PM
  10. Drummond Lindsey

    Winchester Model 70 Pre 64 270 Featherweight

    Anybody know how to reach the OP?
  11. Drummond Lindsey

    Winchester Model 70 Pre 64 270 Featherweight

    I'll take it PM sent, I left you my cell number Thanks Drummond
  12. Drummond Lindsey

    WTB: Honda XR400

  13. Drummond Lindsey

    WTB: Honda XR400

    Please let me know if you have or know of one for sale. My cell is 970 227 4222 Thanks! Drummond
  14. Drummond Lindsey

    anyone hiring?

    lol i dont spend money on drugs an parties, i have everything i need. the new 15s, a pair of 10x42 ELs and a leica rangfinder....well for now now i understand the slight attitude in many posts you do.. YOUR 20! How old are you?