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Everything posted by ivhunter

  1. ivhunter

    Walking in the dark to your stand...

    Do it every year but if you let your mind wander it can be a bit creepy. Only once have I had something screech, scream... it was unidentifiable to me but it scared me pretty good. I came back to look for track but soft sand showed nothing.
  2. ivhunter

    Cat or Coyote?

    looks like the ear has a battle notch... my local alley cats get them also.. any track?
  3. ivhunter

    Javelina carrying a rabbit?

    I adjusted some levels and it looks like no teats, maybe the shadows of the trees? But I might be trippin' ..
  4. ivhunter

    My 2018 deer

    Congrats sir. rad buck!!
  5. ivhunter

    Change in the weather for next week

    she is on her way
  6. ivhunter

    Where were you?

    Getting ready for work, boss called me up said turn on tv, stay home and hug your family.
  7. ivhunter


    RIP, never met the guy but I was honored that he scouted the same mountain tops I hunt. Beast of a hunter, strength to his family so they get through this. PSA: If you or someone you know is going through tough times and is thinking about making a bad decision please reach out for help. 99% of the time suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Talk to your family. Talk to your friends. Talk to someone!! National suicide prevention: 1-800-273-8255
  8. ivhunter

    Way to many!

    Good looking rifle and congrats on the dead yote.
  9. I noticed some of his photos are available for purchase on another site for anyone.
  10. ivhunter

    Favorite dead head

    Found this guy last year. Looks like his luck ran out, you guys think a bullet did this or someone tried to saw it off?
  11. ivhunter

    2007 Honda Rincon GPS

    Bump on cool looking quad.... On board GPS, can you explain what type/brand, where is it mounted?
  12. ivhunter

    Forum software upgrade

    well maybe just the headline font needs to be changed to solid text?
  13. ivhunter

    Home A/C help

    I own a split unit and have home owners insurance. Just last weekend the evaporator coil gave up, the insurance company sent out the tech for $70 bucks. Tech said that the evap coil needed to be replaced and said that he would "hook me up" and tell the insurance company that my outside condenser was also bad, tech said condenser would go bad in less than a year anyways. $850 dollars of "upgrades and labor" that insurance didn't cover and I was back in business. I relocated the outside condenser around to the side of the house and ran new electrical and line-set copper lines for the techs before they showed up, I had to learn the lingo and trade really fast. (thanks youtube), one thing I noticed is that the techs didn't do any upgrades and well yes the labor was about 5 hrs. I'm wondering if I paid too much, but it already happened.
  14. ivhunter

    Mittry Lake Frog Fish

    Awesome fish!! Did you ever harvest that buck on your videos on youtube?
  15. ivhunter

    Lion attack on my trail cam?

    awesome pics
  16. ivhunter

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    So I heard Speed Goats are being reintroduced to the Imperial County. How can I post a youtube link? contributing to get to 100
  17. ivhunter

    Got My 2017 Archery Buck Back

    great looking buck and with a bow to boot!!
  18. finish the job before loading it onto truck.. but crazy she-male
  19. ivhunter

    First coues

    congrats on the harvest!!
  20. ivhunter


    Great ramp! I own one and use it to load up my Honda 420 onto my Tundra, easy ride up.
  21. ivhunter

    My brother's first buck

    very awesome, congrats.
  22. ivhunter

    Giant desert muley

    Great buck bud, get after him. It would be a buck of a lifetime for me!
  23. ivhunter

    Taking a Knee...

    taking a knee during the anthem is bullcrap! pop warner coach teaching 5 yr olds to take a knee during anthem is bullcrap! California schools teaching 5 yr olds about transgenders is bullcrap! shizz is getting crazy man, I hope we can recover to some kind of normal.
  24. ivhunter

    Dirt/Trail Bike for getting into remote areas

    Rokon, works well and you can add a side cart if needed. how does one post links?
  25. ivhunter

    Air Compressor Piping a New Garage

    I thought about doing this when I got my pad but I failed to do it right away and all of a sudden the garage is about full of "stuff". I still have a chance to move the compressor outside and maybe run a quick line through a vent along the bottom and just put one of them retractable wheels with the air hose. Good luck on your project and get it done fast before it fills up ;-).