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Everything posted by ivhunter

  1. i get an error msg.. any ideas, what am i doing wrong..admin. maybe you can add my location?
  2. ivhunter

    Mounting my Dads best buck

    awesome work ... great way to remember dad by... My father passed 11 yrs ago I just started Big Game hunting 2 yrs ago and on a mission to get a buck with his 30-06 he left me.. come nov. i'll be back at it..
  3. ivhunter

    Big Buck Down!!!

    nice kill... congrats!!
  4. ivhunter

    Imperial Wildlife Refuge visitor center

    nice setup , if I jeep my way to that side of town I will be sure to stop by.. that mt. lion gives me the creeps, that's my worst nightmare to have a lion stalking me while deer hunting..
  5. ivhunter

    3 personal bests in one trip!

    congrats on the PB fish, nice work... Rattle Snake, yikes!! I carry one of them snake bite kits in my tackle box when fishing & one in my hunting backpack... I hope to never have the need to use it.