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Everything posted by ivhunter

  1. ivhunter

    Gettin ready for archery deer and elk

    nice group... I just bought my first bow last week PSE surge, I'm doing good at 20 yards so far, what an addiction.. awesome! I still need to find out what tips to get for deer, coyote... any suggestions for a rookie? thanks. what is your target background made of, that looks awesome.
  2. ivhunter

    Todays Finds 20mm

    nice find... when I hunt the chocolate mnts over here is cali I also find some once in a while... I made a wind chime out of some of the 20 & 50mm I found, sounds awesome!! sorry for the bad pic..
  3. ivhunter

    Dad and my uncle w/ swift goats

    awesome pics!! It would be awesome if you could get that jeep back and restore it as your hunting rig..
  4. ivhunter

    A little Carp fishing

    nice catch.. on the first set of pics, is that last carp a "koi" or a over grown goldfish? yeah over here on Kalifornia its also illegal to keep what they call the grass carp. but man they sure do put up a good fight. congrats!! now I want to leave work and fish...
  5. ivhunter

    Since I DIDN'T get an elk tag!

    nice pics... that last monster is a trophy for sure... good luck
  6. ivhunter

    Can we get hoodies made????

    Well if you guys need pricing on hoodies with zipper or no zipper please let me know.. maybe the admin can contact me with some numbers and I get some pricing for ya'll.. by the way I work at a screen printing & embroidery shop... just an option
  7. ivhunter

    First time calling

    a good percent of my kills have been with jack in distress... I've recently started using baby kitten in distress and it has been proven to me that it works with great results.. dead yotes!! kill yotes , save deer, quail, ect.ect...
  8. ivhunter

    Foiled again!!!

    when I use mouth calls I try and make sure the rifle/shotgun is ready and in the best position possible so that I wont move to much when the yote arrives and I need to aim.. I use FoxPro wildfire and rabbit decoy these days and darn yote do a bee line towards the decoy and never see me ot the bullet coming at them.. good luck out there..
  9. ivhunter

    Sleeping Lions

    great pics AZ.. growing up with domestic cats since I was a lil kid, I can see similarities in the postures of these big deer killers.. I wonder what it takes for a California hunter to get a Arizona lion tag?
  10. ivhunter

    Desert Buck Down!

    congrats , nice buck
  11. ivhunter

    Love messing with coyotes

    Nice pics, I killed my first yote using a caller like that , works great
  12. ivhunter

    Varmint hunters question

    I feed the turkey vultures down in my side of town .. with my yote kills... here is a kill from 2 weeks ago, went back the following week and only hair was left of him..
  13. ivhunter

    My Brothers 160" Buck

    nice buck, great pics.. congrats
  14. Morning guy's/gals.. I live in Imperial, CA. very close to Yuma, AZ (45min) . so a while back I joined your forum... great stories, great pics guys, thanks I enjoy your site everyday when I have down time at work.. anyways here is a quick story on the kill... Sunday was crazy.. D12 scouting turned sour when even before we got the "spot" my jeep started making the dreadful knocking noise coming from the tranny , all fluids are good so I start driving back home 4th gear the only gear that it would not do the knocking noise. Felt bad for my buddy that was following me that he didn't get to scout so I decide to stop and do a yote stand, since he was still a yote virgin I figured maybe a yote would turn the ###### morning frown upside down! And a yote did show up to "kitten in distress" and my buddy gave him the 45-70 sleeping pill at 66 yards.. I felt like a proud dad watching his boy get the first kill.. I hope to post a pic of a D12 buck soon.. RICK
  15. awesome pics.. quail is good eats.. congrats, my season starts on Saturday..
  16. ivhunter

    Red Tailed Hawk Vs Snake

    nice vid, hawk might of gotten scared when the person recording moved a bit and let that snack go.. either way awesome vid. thanks
  17. ivhunter

    Could not believe my eyes

    wow, great story.. now for that bear and deer.. might be an epic season for you sir.. congrats.. rick
  18. ivhunter

    Help with matching a scope to a win .300

    thanks guys... I will let me buddy know and help him locate a good scope.. thanks RICK
  19. Hello guys, Hope Monday went as smooth as possible... I'm wondering you guys can point me in the right direction in finding my buddy a scope for his .300 Winchester? He is joining me on his first muley hunt down here in s.cali chocolate mountains "D12" area and the only other rifle he has is a 45-70, so i'm guessing the .300 is better.. he was told that he needs a good scope because the recoil will take the rifle out of sight if he gets a lower end scope, is that about right? any info would help.. thanks RICK
  20. ivhunter

    Big muley down!

    awesome buck... love the arrow still sticking out of the buck ...
  21. ivhunter

    WTB bow

    looking for something ready to take hunting, complete kit.. been thinking about getting one for the past couple of years, I think im ready to pull the trigger or should I say ready to draw the arrow.. or maybe you guys can point me in the right direction of finding a bow for a beginner.. thanks RICK
  22. ivhunter

    Another toad hits the dirt

    In think he was charged with 2 misdemeanors and he has pled not guilty... looks like its in the courts now...
  23. ivhunter

    Another toad hits the dirt

    wow monster buck... reminds me of a cali buck a kid got last year near pine valley, CA. .. filled up lots of forum pages.. maybe not the same situation but just in forum action.. http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2012/Nov/16/young-bowhunters-trophy-buck-now-part-dfg-investig/
  24. ivhunter

    Live Scouting Updates! 5x5

    congrats awesome kill
  25. ivhunter


    sweet gun, dove slayer for sure. I own one myself, awesome price!! bump to the top for a awesome gun!! someone should pick this baby up..