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Everything posted by ivhunter

  1. ivhunter

    Got a double opening day! Happy Halloween!

    congrats!! double rainbow, double kill
  2. ivhunter

    Questions on deer habits

    like str8shot said but in my case its bucks hanging around with wild donkeys, if I see donkeys I stay in the area and usually see deer.
  3. congrats, well earned buck
  4. ivhunter

    September Trailcam Pictures

    go kill them yotes.. nice pics
  5. ivhunter

    ATV Mechanic/Help in Tucson???

    I would try and get that jet off that might be your prob, after cleaning the whole carb and that's your only thing that hasn't been cleaned I would want to check that. Did you do the ole' guitar string through jet holes thing... good luck
  6. ivhunter

    Look around.

    awesome! congrats amigo
  7. ivhunter

    Bass fishing for a beginner...

    rod and reel you can figure out what works best for you down the line, try what you have first . as you fish more you will see what you need. partner up with a buddy that fishes I'm sure that would be the best way to try out his gear/lures. live bait works wonders. don't make it tooo difficult as you are learning the do's & do not's.. good luck buddy
  8. ivhunter

    (2) Archery strip bucks down!

    wow amazing bucks, congrats... I have a buddy out there right now doing a solo hunt but he has not connected yet.
  9. ivhunter

    Lab mix puppies $25

    if you were closer I would take one ;-(
  10. ivhunter

    First Archery Buck

    awesome buck, congrats. Hard work pays off.
  11. bobcat is on my bucket list, I need to shoot one before they put them on the protected list like the lions... once the season start I'm calling everyday!!
  12. ivhunter

    PSE bow raffle-only $10 bucks

    will the winner be announced on this site?
  13. ivhunter

    Who here likes to catfish??

    wow, awesome flatties!! down here in the IV lots of guys hit the Alamo river for them. I've caught a few but never really target them. I might have to put it on my bucket list to catch a monster flathead. I have a few killer tilapia and bluegill spots over hear.. keep the pics coming awesome stuff
  14. ivhunter

    hooters calendar

    fell for it... hook line & sinker
  15. ivhunter

    Suggestions on 3/4 Day Charter Trip out of San Diego

    desertbull that boat is very fishy, I believe they have been killing the yellowtail for the past month or so and now that the Bluefin and yellowfin and showing im sure they will be after them. but best thing to do is log on and check fish counts... counts are a bit low right now because I think they are searching them out www.seaforthlanding.com
  16. ivhunter

    pictures from theis weekend

    nice pics... colors are awesome. so you Arizona guys can just get a tag and kill a mountain lion? that is so rad, I wish cali would let us do the same, but I wont hold my breath.
  17. ivhunter

    Are you a Democrat, Republican, or a Redneck

    awesome!! I was thinking one of the family members would beat dad to the punch and take the kill shot..
  18. ivhunter

    My bobcat is all finished up!

    wow... that is sick! I'm still searching for my first bob! great good.
  19. ivhunter

    boston bomber gets the death penalty

    yup bunch of appeals and court bull crap will keep him alive for a few years.. firing squad would of been better. or life in prison and let someone "take care of him" in the inside. just a thought.
  20. ivhunter

    Child adoption

    thanks cody.. good luck sir.
  21. ivhunter

    Used atv advice

    great topic guys and info... I am also looking for a quad to get to my hunting spots. But I also still think that walking in one gets to see more than a quad rider would. Last years hunt I was almost trampled by some big does and some yearlings no buck with them but still awesome to see, 5 min later a quad hunter rides by and he never saw me sitting on ridge. quad would be great to haul out buck also.. I'm going Honda, but now to find a honest CL seller ;-)
  22. ivhunter

    4 from the weekend....

    awesome kills.. time for me to go out this weekend and hit my local deer spots to help the herd. dam yotes are all over the place down here.
  23. ivhunter

    White dodge on cactus

    lic. plate says it all.. that's kool.
  24. ivhunter

    Arizona Deer Association..... Mid month Raffle.....

    any winners yet?
  25. ivhunter

    Arizona Deer Association..... Mid month Raffle.....

    got mine!! good luck to all and thanks for helping out..