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Everything posted by capoeirajosh

  1. capoeirajosh

    Ross Outdoors

    The Brute X is awesome! I almost bought that bow earlier in the year. Great bow at a great price.
  2. capoeirajosh


    I actually think that I am going to go with a PSE. I like the fact that they are local and they feel great. The 2014 Drive LT that I shot is pretty awesome. The price is a lot better on the PSE's as well. I feel like I am getting way more bang for the buck with them.
  3. capoeirajosh


    How are mathews bows compared to other companies? I have never shot one. Are they the best out there? Is it worth the extra money? I am hopefully going to be getting a new bow in the near future and have been toying around with the idea of possibly sucking it up and getting a mathews. The bow that I am planning on getting is the Bear Method, which I fell in love with when I shot it. Comparable?
  4. capoeirajosh

    dirt nap for 3 x 4

    Nice buck! Congrats!
  5. capoeirajosh

    January hunt?

    you lost a coues deer? i figured they dropped on the spot from a pellet gun Haha, I know right!? I guess not though. He definitely dropped. He must have gotten up though at some time.
  6. capoeirajosh

    January hunt?

    So, it looks like it is tag soup for me as for the rifle season. I did end up shooting a deer, but could not find it sadly. I am wondering if any of you could point me in the right direction for the upcoming archery hunt. I live in Peoria and don't want to have to drive 3 hours, but don't really know where to go. I would like to hunt from a tree stand. Probably, just going to be making all day trips for the hunt. Looks like most of the units closest to me don't open up until the January season. Trying to harvest a buck this season to have a wedding ring made in time for my wedding this coming May. I would really appreciate some help on this one. As always, thanks in advance.
  7. capoeirajosh

    January hunt?

    Thanks guys! I might try spot and stalk as well! I have never done that. Sounds like it is a rush and a half. Gonna get out this weekend for some scouting. Might go after the mulies as well.
  8. capoeirajosh

    What do you guys think about scent control

    One of my main concerns regarding scent is what you leave in the woods after you go back to camp. Animal comes into an area when you aren't there and can still smell you? Not good in my opinion. How many times do we go in and out of hunting spots in a season? A lot right? So if there is anything out there that can help me out with that, I am all about it. When you sit up against a tree, you are leaving scent on that tree. In this case, the wind is not the factor. When you walk through an area, you are leaving scent. I will douse the bottom of my boots in scent away for this reason. It might not 100% eliminate everything, but like Dub Tee said, it can't hurt my chances. This season, I was REALLY conscious of this stuff. I saw more deer and bucks for that matter in close quarters than I ever have.
  9. capoeirajosh

    Bear Video

    Hahahaha! Wow!! That is pretty nuts!!!
  10. capoeirajosh


    Thanks guys! That is what I figured. I actually shot the Drive LT today at Ross. Pretty awesome bow.
  11. capoeirajosh

    Black Friday Sale

    What kind of deals on bows?
  12. capoeirajosh


    I have heard many good things about the carnage. Do they still sell that? Also, heard good things about the anarchy.
  13. Wow! That looks like one heck of a lion spot! Congrats on your lion!
  14. capoeirajosh

    Lion vs Skunk...

  15. capoeirajosh

    My Daughter Awesome Hunt!

    Great write up! Congrats and thanks for sharing!
  16. capoeirajosh

    Draw odds

    With my deer/rifle hunt at an end and archery deer around the corner, I have been starting to think about the elk draw for next year. It seems like getting drawn is so tough on one hand, but then it seems like a lot of you hunt elk regularly. Which leads me to believe that getting drawn is not as hard as I think. I have been told that it is all about how you stack your choices. Can anyone elaborate on this? With deer, I have just always put in for what I want and hope for the best. I am new to elk hunting and am VERY interested in it. I just don't want to have to wait 10 years to hunt elk. That just seems ridiculous to me.
  17. capoeirajosh

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    WOW!! HUGE CONGRATS! Look at the mass on that dude!! For sure an unbelievable buck!
  18. capoeirajosh

    First buck for new gun

    That is a real nice looking buck you go yourself there!! Congrats!
  19. capoeirajosh

    Draw odds

    Thanks guys! I know that there are a bunch of tags issued for it, but I really like 6a. I have just spent a lot of time there. 4a is really nice too.
  20. capoeirajosh

    Could not believe my eyes

    Thanks guys!
  21. capoeirajosh

    Big Muley!

    Holy horns!! Wow!!
  22. capoeirajosh

    Draw odds

    Are they archery hunts or late rifle hunts if you don't mind me asking? I would REALLY like to start archery hunting elk.
  23. capoeirajosh

    Could not believe my eyes

    I did not sadly. I shot a good looking buck, but could not find him. Looked for 2 days. Pretty bummed about that.
  24. capoeirajosh

    Who has 21 muley

    Good looking buck!
  25. capoeirajosh


    Congrats! Good meat there!