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Everything posted by capoeirajosh

  1. capoeirajosh

    Neat Looking Buck

    Wow! That guy looks awesome!
  2. capoeirajosh

    Super Raffle Tag Bull

    Holy bull! Congrats to the hunter!
  3. capoeirajosh

    Finds From My Season

    Really awesome!
  4. capoeirajosh

    Very Rotund looking bull

    There ya go!! Nice looking buck too!
  5. capoeirajosh


    That second picture! Heck of a muley! Good luck to you!
  6. capoeirajosh


    Wow!! Hulk of a bear! How far was the shot?! Big congrats on a big bear! Can we get a story? : )
  7. capoeirajosh

    Last years opening day coues

    Good buck in my book! Congrats and good luck to you this season. ; )
  8. capoeirajosh

    Aug. 2014 HIT LIST

    Those are all awesome looking bucks! Good luck on your hunt!
  9. capoeirajosh

    Pulled Camera's today!!!

    Great pictures!
  10. capoeirajosh

    6a bear

    Awesome photos! As if I wasn't already pumped up enough! ; )
  11. capoeirajosh

    Food Packaging Gone Wrong

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! YUM!
  12. capoeirajosh

    6a bear

    Coueswhitetail.com 6a takeover!! Hahahaha!
  13. capoeirajosh


    Nice looking bear!
  14. capoeirajosh

    Archery Hunting Methods

    However you are most comfortable hunting, is the best way. All of the methods you mentioned are great ways to kill deer. You could also try sitting water.
  15. capoeirajosh

    When To Quit Shooting Groups?

    Great shooting! I think you are sighted in, haha!
  16. capoeirajosh

    6a bear

    I am scheduled to be in 6a from the 20th-27th archery deer and bear hunting.
  17. capoeirajosh

    New hunting blog

    Thanks everyone!
  18. capoeirajosh

    New hunting blog

    Hey, everyone. I decided to start up a hunting blog! It is going to be about just general hunting talk and my personal journey as a hunter. Give it a read and let me know what ya think! If you like it, there is an option to subscribe via email! The site is www.dialedinhunter.com
  19. capoeirajosh

    OTC bear hunt

    Good luck!!
  20. capoeirajosh

    Trembling Giant update

    About time is friggin right! Actually, now that I think about it, I didn't receive one update email from them about anything having to do with the film. Oh, well. I am still really excited to finally see it.
  21. capoeirajosh

    Trembling Giant update

    Just found out that the elk hunting documentary, The Trembling Giant, is now on sale at www.danner.com on dvd!! Can't wait to finally see this! Thought I would give a heads up! I never got an update from them actually saying it was on sale.
  22. capoeirajosh

    23 south is closed

    I figured. That was quick, haha.
  23. capoeirajosh

    New hunting blog

  24. capoeirajosh

    Pulled my Cam for the season- enjoy

    Yes!! Great pics man! Good luck on getting that cinnamon.
  25. capoeirajosh

    Finally got a bear!

    Huge congrats!! How many trips did it take you? How much do you think the bear ended up weighing?