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Everything posted by capoeirajosh

  1. capoeirajosh

    Problem with neighbor's dog

    Thanks guys. Yeah, I confirmed it with a police officer. It is one of the exceptions of Shannon's Law.
  2. capoeirajosh

    Problem with neighbor's dog

    I have spoken to the landlord. This guy isn't even aloud to have dogs on the property. The landlord spoke with the renter and was very clear to him about removing the dog. Renter said he understood and that the dog would be gone today. Until I know the issue has been resolved, I will have my 12 gauge in the yard with me when I bring my dogs out. A police officer told me that I have every right to shoot and kill that dog if it gets in my yard. Then I had someone tell me about doing jail time for discharging a firearm in city limits. Anyone know more about this?
  3. capoeirajosh

    Problem with neighbor's dog

    I agree with you 100%. We have friends with properly trained pit bulls and they are a joy to be around. My post wasn't intended to be "breedist." The dog just happens to be a pit bull.
  4. capoeirajosh

    Problem with neighbor's dog

    Going to get in contact with the landlord today and tell him what is going on. Until the issue is taken care of, the 357 will be coming with me in the yard. If the dog gets over, I am going to kill it. I really don't want to do that, but if it comes down to that dog or my wife and dogs, it will be my wife and dogs every time.
  5. capoeirajosh

    Problem with neighbor's dog

    Seriously. The house smells like cat pee, the front yard is a mess. Garbage and tshirts laying around. Just crap.
  6. capoeirajosh

    Problem with neighbor's dog

    Hahahahahaha! These are some great ideas! Thanks everyone. These high class individuals are actually renting the house. We have gotten a hold of the actual homeowner's contact info and are going to give them a call about the matter. We are also looking into adding something on our side of the wall to block the dog.
  7. capoeirajosh

    Few decent bucks

    Those are some dandys!
  8. capoeirajosh

    Scope advice

    Hey, everyone. This year I think I am looking to upgrade the scope on my rifle. I am shooting a Remington 700 30-06. The scope I have now is a Nikon Buckmasters 3x9x40. The scope works great, but at anything over 300, it is REALLY tough to judge bullet drop. Also, I got the chance to look at game at 500 through it and I couldn't even tell if there were antlers, haha. Thinking I am gonna need a more powerful scope. I am not too familiar with what to look for though and what would work best for me in a scope. I am for the most part an archery guy. So, what would you recommend? Also, I am gonna be in the market for a bipod for my rifle. Any suggestions there? Thanks!
  9. capoeirajosh

    Scope advice

    So, you can do that with any scope then right?? For some reason, I thought that you needed a fancy shmancy scope to be able to do that, haha.
  10. capoeirajosh

    Scope advice

    Ok, so we have talked about a few different scopes. Something that I have heard in stories on here is when somebody says, "We spotted this buck at 600 yards. Set my turret for 600 and pulled the trigger." I am unfamiliar with this turret business. It sounds very handy for longer range shots. Are they easy to use? The furthest as I know about scopes is how to sight in the thing. Other than that, I don't touch the dials. Can someone explain how they work? You can PM me if that would be easier. Thanks for all of the awesome responses!
  11. capoeirajosh

    Scope advice

    From what I have seen, it groups 180's the best. Then again, I don't shoot a whole lot. I have had the rifle for 2 years and take it out a few times before season and maybe a time or two through the off season. Other loads that I have put through it are 125's and 150's.
  12. capoeirajosh

    Scope advice

    The rifle shoots great. $329 for the vortex?! If you dont mind me asking, where did you purchase them? That is a heck of a deal. cameraland specials. is your 700 a sporter or a remington long range? the vortex is a 30 mm tube quite big for a sporter. i like the 6-24 bushnell elite better for a sporter. shopping yesterday both scopes new were around 450.,....edited It is a sporter.
  13. capoeirajosh


    Haha! I have been waiting to see this for probably a year. I remember seeing the teaser video for it back then. Super good video.
  14. capoeirajosh

    Scope advice

    Being able to take closer shots was one of my concerns of getting a higher magnification scope. Thinking of having 6 power be the lowest power I have makes me wonder if I should go with a 4 instead. I also might just be thinking too much about it, hahaha. 6 might not be that bad at all.
  15. capoeirajosh

    Scope advice

    Nice! Not quite ready yet, or else I would jump on this!
  16. capoeirajosh

    Scope advice

    The rifle shoots great. $329 for the vortex?! If you dont mind me asking, where did you purchase them? That is a heck of a deal.
  17. capoeirajosh

    Scope advice

    Thanks for the replies everyone! X2 or spend the extra money for a Vortex PST. Great scope for the money! What is the difference between them?
  18. capoeirajosh

    Scope advice

    Nice! I was thinking around $400. $500 being the max.
  19. capoeirajosh

    Year in Review

    Wow!! Great year and a great video!
  20. capoeirajosh

    Required Reading?

    What he said. Exactly what he said, haha. The book is SUPER solid. Reading it for a second time myself.
  21. capoeirajosh

    The Graduation Bull

    What an awesome story with a fantastic ending! Congrats to you both!
  22. capoeirajosh

    Post Season Success

    Hey, everyone! Here is something I just wrote about "post season success." Give it a read and let me know what ya think! If you like it, you can subscribe via email or rss! http://dialedinhunter.com/post-season-success/
  23. capoeirajosh

    january pics and videos

    Nice! That javi video is pretty awesome!
  24. capoeirajosh

    I'm in . . .

    Nice! I did 6A late rifle bull 1st choice followed by 5bn early archery bull 2nd choice! Think I am just gonna purchase a bonus point for antelope as well.