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Everything posted by capoeirajosh

  1. Can't wait to hear this one!
  2. capoeirajosh

    May's Sheds

    Awesome finds!
  3. capoeirajosh

    Some new photos from May

    Amazing photos! Thanks for sharing!
  4. capoeirajosh

    Backpacking sleeping bags!

    I was actually just looking at these this morning. The extra room might be nice, due to me being a side sleeper.
  5. capoeirajosh

    Latest card pull

    Hey, everyone! Thought I would share some pics of my latest card pulls on my cams. Left them out for about a month and a half. Got 1400 pics on one and 7100 pics on the other! Enjoy!
  6. capoeirajosh

    Latest card pull

    Thanks man! Yeah, I am for sure planning on popping up a blind here come the August hunt! REALLY excited about it! The wait is driving me crazy! Hahahaha.The mixed bag spots are great. I like sitting there with my bow on one side and the camera on the other because you never know what youll see. First year I deer hunted 27 I had a huge 6x6 bull elk walk right under my treestand. He literally brushed up against the tree I was in. Then he stood there at 30yards perfectly broadside and started screaming for about 10 minutes. Good times! Wow! That must have been awesome!
  7. capoeirajosh

    Latest card pull

    Thanks man! Yeah, I am for sure planning on popping up a blind here come the August hunt! REALLY excited about it! The wait is driving me crazy! Hahahaha.
  8. capoeirajosh

    Latest card pull

    I have 3 points!
  9. capoeirajosh

    Backpacking sleeping bags!

    I will do that! Just curious, is that size with the quilt in an actual compression sack or just a stuff sack?
  10. capoeirajosh

    Latest card pull

    You bet!! Still has a bunch of growing to do!
  11. capoeirajosh

    Backpacking sleeping bags!

    Anybody have any experience with the marmot helium 15?? Looks like a pretty solid bag.
  12. capoeirajosh

    Backpacking sleeping bags!

    I am for sure looking more into quilts. I do like the freedom it looks like you have with the quilts. I am a side sleeper. I also like the hoods on traditional mummy bags though. Tough decision.
  13. capoeirajosh

    Backpacking sleeping bags!

    I have heard about these quilts. Was actually checking out the hammock gear quilts. This might be a stupid question, but what is the difference between the quilts and the sleeping bags? If I am not mistaken, the quilts don't have a zipper to close you in. How does this work in conjunction with your pad??
  14. capoeirajosh

    Backpacking sleeping bags!

    Are you all using compression sacks with these bags or are the normal stuff sacks enough to get them down small enough to pack?
  15. capoeirajosh

    Backpacking sleeping bags!

    Nice! Have you used it down to 30 degrees? If so, how did it perform?
  16. capoeirajosh

    Latest card pull

    Don't I know it!! That is the most I got of the bear!!
  17. capoeirajosh

    Backpacking sleeping bags!

    Which Montbell are you running?
  18. capoeirajosh

    Latest card pull

    I hear ya! Can't wait until August!
  19. capoeirajosh

    Shed tasting, first of the year in 35a

    Super cool!
  20. capoeirajosh

    coues sheds

    Anybody find any fresh coues sheds yet?!!
  21. capoeirajosh

    coues sheds

    I believe you are right on the money with that. I got a lion on camera not too long ago. A few weeks I believe. Had a bear on camera back in March, but nothing since.
  22. capoeirajosh


    Fantastic buck!
  23. capoeirajosh

    Sow & Cub?

    Really cool looking bear!! That 3rd pic looks like it should be on a shirt!
  24. capoeirajosh

    SCI 5th biggest archery desert mule deer

    Wow!! Super stud!
  25. capoeirajosh

    Personal best?

    Fantastic looking bucks!