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Everything posted by capoeirajosh

  1. capoeirajosh


    What should I do with my boots!?
  2. capoeirajosh


    What about the clothing and boots that I was wearing? I already washed my clothes. Do I need to do anything with my boots though? Would they still be in them? It has been more than 24 hours since I got home.
  3. capoeirajosh

    Cards pulled from yesterday

    Haha! Thanks man! I am really hoping I get an elk tag next year. As far as bear is concerned, I am actually branching out a little bit this year! Been looking in 23s as of late.
  4. capoeirajosh

    Cards pulled from yesterday

    Hahaha!! Not in unit 10. Sorry. : ) Congrats on your tag though man!
  5. capoeirajosh


    Thanks for all of this info everyone. These bites are a pain in the butt! My wife heard about mixing vicks vapor rub with salt and applying that to the bites. Apparently, the salt will draw any moisture out of the bite and the vicks will sooth the itching.
  6. capoeirajosh


    Nice bear pics!
  7. capoeirajosh


  8. capoeirajosh


    I was actually in 23s.
  9. capoeirajosh


    If they aren't chiggers, then what could these bites have come from??
  10. capoeirajosh

    Mangy Javalina

  11. capoeirajosh

    Best way to review SD cards in field

    I have always just used my little digital Nikon camera.
  12. capoeirajosh

    Calling Mule Deer

    That is definitely a situational question. How a buck reacts to a call depends on his mood, pressure put on him by other hunters, stage of the rut, WHEN you blow the call, etc...... I think the key with calling deer is timing and to not over call them. I don't have a ton of experience calling deer, but have listened to quite a few other guys talk about it that do have a lot of experience. A few years back I used a bleat can call and called a doe right to me. Lost light and the buck never followed. He was occupied with about 8 other does. Hope this helps.
  13. capoeirajosh

    2 Bulls

  14. capoeirajosh

    My future hunting partner...

    CONGRATS! This picture is amazing!
  15. capoeirajosh

    sheds :)

    Awesome finds no doubt about it!
  16. capoeirajosh

    Extra Eyes for Thursday

    How was the scouting trip Keith?
  17. capoeirajosh

    48 Elk Harvested with a bow and arrow

    Killer episode. Learning a lot from these. Keep it up Jay!
  18. capoeirajosh

    Eye candy

    Bruisers right there! Thanks for sharing!
  19. Hey, everyone! Trying to help some friends out with finding a general area to hunt this September in Idaho. They want to do a backpack style hunt for high country mule deer with their bows. Of course not looking for any honey holes, just opportunity. They aren't set on any certain part of Idaho. Having trouble narrowing down a unit to hunt. If anyone can help out, it would be greatly appreciated. Feel free to PM me as well. Thank you in advance!
  20. capoeirajosh

    A few fun ones

    Nice pics. Love that last one.
  21. capoeirajosh

    Rut N Hard site?

    I was on there for a bit and I did chat with some nice guys on there. I never felt the camaraderie that exists on here though. This site is truly the best.
  22. capoeirajosh

    High Country Archery Mule Deer Idaho?

    Has anyone actually had success on this hunt? Post up your pics if you have!
  23. capoeirajosh

    Good day

    Those fronts are ridiculous! Nice job man!
  24. capoeirajosh

    High Country Archery Mule Deer Idaho?

    To be honest, I am not sure. They have been pretty set on idaho for quite some time. Does Colorado offer OTC high country archery mule deer?
  25. capoeirajosh

    Extra Eyes for Thursday

    Would love to be there, but I have work. Give us an update on what you find!