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Everything posted by capoeirajosh

  1. capoeirajosh

    Cards are getting hit!

    That is SUPER cool! Congrats man!
  2. capoeirajosh

    Cards are getting hit!

    I got hit at like 7 this morning when they started. Does that mean that I probably drew either my 1st or 2nd choice?
  3. capoeirajosh

    Credit hit

    Just got hit!
  4. capoeirajosh

    Alaskan Black Bear

    Wow! Beautiful bear!
  5. capoeirajosh


    Also, the gps coordinates if you wouldn't mind. Hahahaha! Awesome spot man! Good luck on that hit list bear!
  6. Hey, everyone! Here is something I just wrote on taking long shots. Let me know what you think! Enjoy! http://dialedinhunter.com/the-longest-yard/
  7. capoeirajosh

    How far is too far of a shot?

    Thank you!!
  8. capoeirajosh

    How far is too far of a shot?

    Sent you a PM Bill.
  9. capoeirajosh

    How far is too far of a shot?

    Well put. We shouldn't be out there judging and criticizing others as hunters. Hunters vs. Hunters is not what we need and ethics/opinions are going to differ from person to person. The only person that can accurately judge you and know your limits, is you. Thanks for your input.
  10. capoeirajosh

    How far is too far of a shot?

    We are our own worst enemy. Thanks for reading!
  11. capoeirajosh

    How far is too far of a shot?

    Thank you! That is definitely what I was going for. In the end we are all hunters.
  12. capoeirajosh

    How far is too far of a shot?

    Thanks man!
  13. capoeirajosh

    Pretty good article

    Good read! Thanks for sharing!
  14. capoeirajosh

    Ole puppy dog died today.

    So sorry to hear this. They truly are part of the family and understand way more than most think. Hang in there man.
  15. capoeirajosh

    Cards pulled from yesterday

    Headed out yesterday to scout for bears and stopped by the cameras to switch out cards. Wishing I had an elk tag this year! Enjoy!
  16. capoeirajosh

    eberlestock RMEF team elk pack $230

    Bump for an awesome pack!
  17. capoeirajosh

    Cards pulled from yesterday

    Thanks man!
  18. capoeirajosh

    Cards pulled from yesterday

    Thanks! Congrats on both of your tags!
  19. capoeirajosh


  20. capoeirajosh


    Any recommendations on what bug repellent to use?? I am looking at this earth scent repel with 25% deet.
  21. capoeirajosh

    Cards pulled from yesterday

    Thanks man!
  22. capoeirajosh


    Does anyone use gators to prevent these little buggers from getting in?
  23. capoeirajosh


    Yikes!! That does get me excited about the bears! I feel like I am gonna be OCD now on these early hunts. Cinch up the bottoms of my pants or tuck them in my socks. Spray deet all over and bring a head net.
  24. capoeirajosh

    Cards pulled from yesterday

    I'M so glad you have a tag, hahaha! Can't wait to read about your hunt and see your photos!