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About Trappr1

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  • Birthday 09/26/1955

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  • Location
    Prescott Valley, AZ

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  1. Hey Everyone, Veterans Day Weekend SWFH is putting on its annual Youth Trappers Camp. If you have ever wanted to learn about trapping or wanted to learn how to trap this is a great chance for anyone. Although the camp is geared towards kids, all are welcome and its is great fun for adults as well. Anyone born after 1/1/67 must take a Trappers Education Class in order to purchase a trapping license. The Trappers Education Class will be taught on the morning of Friday November 10. If you are planning on taking the class please go to the G & F website and register. The camp is located on the Chauncey Ranch that is located near Mayor, Az. There is plenty of camping space but no hookups for water or electricity. For further info please see the attached poster.
  2. Trappr1

    Pigeons for sale in the Prescott Area

    So.............what started out as "I'll catch a few pigeons to train my dogs" has turned into something bigger than I planned. Right now I am catching between 25 and 40 pigeons a week. Anyone interested in pigeons for dog training, send me a PM. I am not trying to make money selling pigeons, I just trying to recoup a few dollars that I have spent on grain, gas, traps, cages etc.
  3. I have approx. 40 pigeons on hand right now. I am asking $3.00 each. They are great for training your bird dogs. If interested send me a PM.