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Everything posted by ndemiter

  1. that totally sucks. my trail cam is out right now, awaiting some sorry POS to come and steal it. people are alway trespassing on my farm, but i havn't lost anything yet. Luckily! was anything on or near public land? you may want to look into some lockable cameras for the future... we should start an insurance fund to reimburce all the people that get their gear stolen.
  2. ndemiter

    Who wants to swap?

    i'll swap. looking for archery deer, coues preferably. will trade for whitetail and turkey plus great fishing for a chance at a coues. would trade archery hunts preferably, but we have some places we can hunt with a shotgun or muzzle loader year round. (just need information ahead of time to get the tag) if interested, email me at ndemiter@hotmail.com i want to try to get whitetails, mule deer, coues and blacktail under my belt. kind of like a grand slam thing.