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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. 4Falls

    Crown King fire

    tofu tastes just like chicken.... but not good chicken.
  2. 4Falls

    Crown King fire

    Seems like it does burn every year. Its in some pretty rugged stuff. If it was started by "hikers" Im sure they were some Prescott College trustafarrians who would not climb a tree to look for lights because it may diminish the self esteem of the tree.
  3. 4Falls


    There will be no draw this year. A triad of anti-everything groups formed a super secret coalition with unamed higher up muckity-mucks in certain public land related government agencies. They were able to use taxpayer dollars to retain the services of trial lawers sympathetic to their cause. Thes lawyers were able to put enough legal pressure on the right people to get the draw and its related hunts cancelled. Lucky for us though tags already aquired through the earlier draw do not fall under this umbrella and are valid so long as the said hunting practice does not take place on public land.
  4. 4Falls

    tri bull

    what the... that is one of the oddest antlers Ive ever seen!
  5. 4Falls

    Attention Bowhunters!

    As for early season tactics, unless its actively raining i like to sit a well used water source just like everyone else. But the best part about the early season is OPPORTUNITY - deer, turkey, varmints, lions all at the same time. Some places you can even add bears to the list.
  6. great photos Lance, thanks for sharing
  7. This is the best news Ive heard in days I actually "woo-hooed" and high fived the wife. Seriously great news and its great to see the antis knocked back on their heels. I believe they never saw this coming.
  8. 4Falls

    Quiz Time

    It was funny, no harm done. Like I said you cant argue with the facts.
  9. 4Falls

    New Gun Ban

    You aint seen nothin yet. Wait till the Obama administration is running things. Ban everything and tax the rest.
  10. 4Falls

    Quiz Time

    Jeremy, being from Payson myself that stung a little. But you cant argue with the facts.
  11. 4Falls

    pronghorn scouting

    Went out for a quick morning scout today looking for pronghorn. Saw quite a few including a giant buck. Water was suprisingly scarce even with the rains we've had lately. Hopefully I can keep an eye on that buck and figure out where he's watering at.
  12. 4Falls

    pronghorn scouting

    Went out this morning in hopes of getting a buck on camera, but he was way to far out and on private land this morning. Saw about only 7 goats total and 2 were bucks. Ended up watching a buck for about an hour turned out to be a 75 incher. Might have the water figured out, we'll see. Thanks for posting all the great pics gentlemen.
  13. I actually considered applying for an archery Kaibab tag, but just briefly. Since it would conflict with my pronghorn s tag. I am excited with the new January hunts as well.
  14. 4Falls

    pronghorn scouting

    man those pics get my heart racing... thanks guys.
  15. 4Falls

    pronghorn scouting

    Thanks TAM, yes ive got a 19b archery tag. Didnt see either of the two big bucks this morning, but there was some other folks in there this morning as well so they might have already pushed em around.
  16. 4Falls

    pronghorn scouting

    I have two bucks that im keeping tabs on now, an while neither is the caliber of the bucks in the above photos, theyre both heavy well proportioned 16''ers. I have an archery tag so Id be more than grateful two stick either one. I missed a true giant of a buck in 19a a few years ago at thirty five yards that almost made me cry.
  17. 4Falls

    pronghorn scouting

    19b, and yes I can see them from my house sometimes. Having pronghorn close to town is commonplace in these parts.
  18. 4Falls

    still no bucks

    That cinnamon is beautiful. Ive seen bucks on a seep just hours after a bear was wallowing in it.
  19. 4Falls

    More draw questions

    Over thinking? Yes, but we all do it. Its half the fun of applying and playing the application game. You are correct about the sheep tag question. As for the deer draw question, no problem, way things are getting your just increasing your "opportunity" to get out there. And maybe you'll get a great tag.
  20. Just checking to see whos sent of there summer draw applications. Turkey... 8&10, 6a, 5a, 23 and 22 Sheep... B.P. Deer... 13a, 23 late (yes I know there are no Coues in 13a) Good luck to everyone. Except for the guys applying for 23. Just kidding.
  21. 4Falls

    My tagged/bearded hen

    Great job Troy on a hard earned and well deserved unique trophy. I am always fascinated by what drives some critters to travel so far. Makes you wonder what the old gal was looking for.
  22. 4Falls

    Good Storm Coming

    didnt look like wed get much this morning, but things have changed, expecting a good storm here in Prescott any minute.
  23. 4Falls

    arrow fobs

    Thanks for the info Paul and welcome to the site.
  24. 4Falls

    arrow fobs

    I think Im going to try some of these. Ive got an archery pronghorn tag and I think these would work great with all the crosswind situations you encounter on those hunts. Thanks for all the info guys.