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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. arent you worried the smell of boca-soy wafting through the air might attract unwanted guests... like hippies or worse, vegans?
  2. 4Falls


    none at the house, but mountains all around got the white stuff.
  3. 4Falls

    Easton Bowhunting TV

    Just watched the episode. Pretty cool. Illustrated perfectly how difficult to hunt these little buggers are. Curious what unit he was in. They said they were in Southern AZ but his buddy said that there were elk not to far from where they were. Did anyone recognize the WalMart where they met?
  4. Pulled from H.R. 45 "... and sign a certification that, effectively, the firearm will NOT be kept in a place where it would be available for the defense of the gun owner’s family." What? Maybe the firearm would be better left outside where intruders could easily find it. Yep that makes more sense. I for one would not want the livlyhood of a home-invader disrupted by a gun shot wound from some disgruntled home owner whose unwilling to spread his wealth.
  5. Soooooo glad that dude is gone. Seemed almost impossible to vote him out for some reason. Gonna be real tough for a while but maybe were back on the right track again.
  6. 4Falls

    Draw numbers up or down

    Well, much as it hurts me to say, the recession will keep me out of the draw this year.
  7. 4Falls

    New Fob Fan

    I spent the weekend messing around with the fobs. I can say that I have been converted. They fly great. Steer broadheads great and are very durable. I shot them today in pretty nasty cross winds they were virtually unaffected. One advantage that I really was surprised by was there quietness. I could not hear them at all even when I stood near the target with someone else shooting. One has even outlasted the first arrow I put it on. The arrow center punched a t-post after it inadvertently blew through the target, the fob however was laying on the other side of the target unharmed. Stuck it on another shaft and was back in biz. Give them a try. Thanks to Dodgerboy for you help.
  8. 4Falls

    New Fob Fan

    I use a QAD rest, just a little ultra-fine tuning was all that was needed.
  9. 4Falls

    New York

    Her pro gun stance wont last long. If she wants anykind of commitee chair in this political environment she well have to "update" her beliefs.
  10. 4Falls

    gut shot? buck

    I for one am glad you are sticking with him. Alot of guys would have given up and moved on long ago.
  11. 4Falls

    my brothers FIRST coyote

    Man Id hate to be a predator in your neck of the woods. Well done again.
  12. Bobbyo nailed it. It is a done deal. And there will be a big stigma attached to every big buck a bowhunter kills. I also want to add that most G&F officers are not also hunters. Most are just working there way onto another branch of law enforcement and the G&F is merely a stepping stone.
  13. I think the pot needs to be stirred. I wish everyone would get fired up about issues that relate to the sport we all claim to love. What will happen is the same thing that always happens. G&F will pass another rule, we'll sit there and complain about after the fact. As time goes on the Dept. gets more "green" and less hunter friendly. As that happens, things will continue to get worse for us. I'd be curious to know how many Dept employees consider themselves sportsmen as to how many consider themselves environmentalists. The salt rule will go into effect. Then whats next?
  14. 4Falls

    Anti Gun

    Good post Mike. It pretty much hits the nail on the head. There are also bills on the drawing board to outlaw firearms on ANY public land. Which would all but end hunting in AZ. And you can Imagine what it would do the the price of a private land tag. Theres some change to believe in.
  15. 4Falls

    Lion Sign

    The obvious explanation is this. Some members of the FOJ (Friends of the Javelina) happened upon your camp and the murder seen you described. Through their grief they were only able to properly bury the remains of one of the endangered javelinas. The wet stain you thought was urine was actually tears.
  16. Here we go. This is something thats been coming for a long time. I think the rule was written to apply to salt and minerals and alfalfa and corn and apples. However now it will be a rule, open to interpretation and change. And with the "greening" of the G&F that has been going on for some time now. Im sure some ponytailed vegan animal cop would use this to write you a ticket as you sit happily in your treestand. Then its your responsibility to go to court and fight it. Good luck. And as a side note. Interpreted broadly this rule would not allow to take any game that is actively feeding or drinking. Even if its on a natural substance. Who writes these rules?
  17. 4Falls

    Lion Sign

    One of your buddies is having some fun with you. In that dirt there would be tracks.
  18. 4Falls

    Wolf Program Faces Challenge

    I get a kick out of how they portray the wolves. They mention the alpha male who has not been seen since his mate was killed. As if he is off mourning somewhere, hopefully to return to the wild once again.
  19. There is a grain of truth to this but the control data is flawed. It theorizes that hunters ONLY harvest trophy animals, which is not necessarily true. However most private hunting areas and even some of the Reservations all have "cull" hunts to try to control which bucks/bulls are doing the breeding. I would imagine that if it were only legal to harvest 4 point or better deer after time you would have some giant 3x3s wandering around. But what do I know Im just a dumb hunter.
  20. 4Falls

    Update on New G&F "Bait" Ban

    Antis wont have to do it. They figured out long ago that we are our own worst enemy. Theyll just sit back and let us destroy ourselves. Then come in and leglislate the problem away.
  21. 4Falls

    Update on New G&F "Bait" Ban

    Yup, dont climb into your stand until you've thoroughlly canvassed the area for salt. And what will the parameters be? How dang far is a guy going to have to be from some old salt block. I can just see G&F pulling some salt sting on some unsuspecting hunter. Gino your partly right, Ill bet guys will put salt on tanks just to keep others away. Its going to get crazy. I cant wait.
  22. Its more of a jab at game and fish agencies because they use hunting as a management tool. Most anti hunting groups believe wildlife should just be left alone with absolutley no human intervention. Then you have the bunch who would rather see wildlife managed with other wildlife i.e. wolves, grizzlies and others.
  23. 4Falls

    Update on New G&F "Bait" Ban

    It wont be illegal to put salt out just illegal to hunt over/near/around/in the vicinity of it.
  24. 4Falls

    Update on New G&F "Bait" Ban

    Their (G&F) mind is pretty much made up on this issue. So our arguments in favor of it will have to be very convincing. This will be nearly impossible to enforce on their behalf, but be prepared for a full on rectal assault if you happen to kill a huge deer with your bow from a treestand. Water sources will probably be next, along with scents and other attractants. Guys in other states kill deer on specifically engineered food sources and cant put a dent in there local deer population. But some how archers in AZ are decimating the herd by sitting near a block of salt? Go figure.