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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. 4Falls

    This weeks visitors

    great pictures... you should have a good archery hunt. In picture 4 it looks like theres some sort of critter in the tree. i zoomed in but still couldnt tell.
  2. I was fourteen. A fat 3x3 mulie. Unit 6a, just north of Strawberry where we lived.
  3. 4Falls

    Personal best?

    best archery buck 103 3/8 gross (see archery page 6) best rifle buck 99 7/8 gross 4x6 not monsters but excellent memories.
  4. AZ has a hunt here in the Willcox area. Bit of a haul from my place but thought it'd be an interesting hunt I just dont know anything about them or how they are hunted? Kinda sounds more like turkey hunting then waterfowl hunting...
  5. 4Falls


    Just fishing for opinions on Slick trick, Wac'em, Sonic or Phat Head broadheads....
  6. 4Falls

    Free Tractor Tire! Yeah, a TRACTOR TIRE!

    Ahh tractor tires... I remember as a child in Phoenix probably around '76 or '77, my buddies and I, drug a tractor tire to the top of Shadow Mountain (just north of Sweetwater Rd. and 24th st) this is no small feat and took the better part of the day. But how awesome it was to watch it roll/bounce all the way to the bottom. Try and do that with your PS2 and Wii's.
  7. 4Falls

    Indian Shikar

    Thanks Scottyboy, those must have been magnificient times....
  8. 4Falls


    Have a good one Tim!
  9. 4Falls

    Draw result contest?

    My hunch is that now that G&F is mostly run by greenies and vegans they dont understand the importance of draw results to the hunting community and they'll get them out when they get around to it. Some time just prior to August 14th.
  10. 4Falls

    truly vintage

    thanks for posting Bill. Love those old photos. I can only imagine what Aguila was like back then. Im guessing not much has changed.
  11. 4Falls


    I knew it wouldnt take long for the incompetence and corruptness of this administration and the clowns in the house and senate who actually drive it to become evident. To bad it may cost us our country.
  12. 4Falls

    Vintage Hunting Photos

    Thanks Amanda.
  13. 4Falls

    internet or phone

    Why is it that everywhere else can tell you an exact date that results will be available... yet every year its a guessing game with our results. WHY!
  14. 4Falls

    Some new ones

    great pics. That coues buck is going to be good.
  15. 4Falls

    Don't wait !!!

    Thank you and God bless you. Our prayers are with you.
  16. 4Falls

    WTB laser rangefinder

    Want to buy used laser rangefinder.
  17. 4Falls


    Picked up some Slick tricks yesterday and will give them a try here in a few hours. Very ruggedly built, I think I made a good choice.
  18. 4Falls

    Happy Birthday effenjeff!

    thanks skeeter.
  19. 4Falls

    Thought on Permit Fees

    Mike, That is a genius idea and truly inspired thinking. Id be all for it, specially since my young-uns are coming of hunting age....
  20. 4Falls


    Great guy and a great collection.
  21. 4Falls

    Sighting, Payson

    I agree with Amanda.
  22. 4Falls

    Sighting, Payson

    It was just a wild guess on my part... havent seen Ol' Skeeter in so long I barely remembered what he drives.
  23. 4Falls

    Sighting, Payson

    That sounds like "Skeeter" to me... aka Jed.
  24. 4Falls


    Keep the opinions coming... I'll use this plus my own research to narrow my choices to two then see which my rig shoots best.
  25. 4Falls

    WTB Enclosed Trailer

    Mike what price range are you looking at? I think I know of one over here in Prescott but Im not sure if he still has it or what he's asking for it.