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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. 4Falls

    Fishing Blue Ridge reservoir

    I grew up in Strawberry and have fished Blueridge at least a thousand times. Ive caught more trout out of there than I can count. Recent years have been really hard on BR and Knoll. Ive seen BR so low you could literally step over it. I believe that niether of those lakes are stocked any more and theres no limit from Sept to May. There used to be some beautiful fish in BR. Try hiking down Trail 18, look for the sign just as your able to see the lake from the road. If its spilling over try fishing below the dam.
  2. 4Falls

    2010 Unit 10 December Archery deer hunt.

    This kinda stuff is what frustrates me so much with game and fish. This whole "us against them" attitude they have adopted. They truly think that the wildlife in the state belongs to them and that all sportsman are guilty of something. The same attitude has been adopted by the Forest Service as well. They believe that the Nat'l forests belong to them and that we should be grateful that we have their permission just to look at their forest as we drive by on the freeway. Really chaps my hide when I hear of National forest lands referred to as Forest Service Lands... sorry to hijack the post. Elkoholic I really, really hope you get your trophy back.
  3. 4Falls

    2011 Draw Results

    Im guessing you all should know by the end of next week. Good luck to everyone.
  4. 4Falls

    Poll: For or Against

    Of the western states that have reported cases of CWD how many of them allow baiting for deer/elk etc.? I know that Montana has had cases of CWD but yet they have recently banned trail cameras. Maybe trail cameras are linked to CWD somehow? Maybe we need signage at animal condensing features like ponds, drinkers or rancher placed salt licks to warn them of the dangers of sharing saliva. Of course we'd have to print the signs in both english and spanish, for the ungulates that range close to the border. Please know Im not making a joke about the seriousness of CWD. More so I am making a joke of how our gov't agencies handle such serious matters.
  5. 4Falls

    Poll: For or Against

    I voted no. But it doesnt matter since sportsman have no voice in anything that game and fish does. The balance has shifted in the department to the side of the anti hunting community. They know that they cant just arbitrarily ban hunting so they just keep making it more difficult, less enjoyable, more expensive. They also know that well just sit back and take it. So while were at it let me offer up some other great ideas that AZG&F might want to consider. 1. Treestand permits. Submit your applications early before all the good trees are taken. All treestands will require an inspection prior to being hunted from. The same thing could be applied to ground blinds as well of course all blinds would have to be inspected to insure they are safe and meet with G&Fs standards. And since ground blinds are on the ground you will have to pay property tax for each day your blind is in the field. 2. In order to maximize hunter opportunity and increase tag revenue do away with tag quotas and send everyone out at the same time for 1 day. October 15th. 3. Charge trophy fees to anyone who actually manages to harvest an animal. Of course if you manage to bag a trophy animal your obviously a poacher and will be dealt with as such. 4. Ban hunting away from improved roads. This will eliminate hunters getting lost and preserve the bucolic splendor of the forest/desert. Just remember that road hunting is illegal. (see #3 sentence two) 5. Make all tags "once-in-a-lifetime" and increase tag fees accordingly. 6. Make all wildlife the property of AZG&F. Hence they can reclaim all or any part of their property at any time to be auctioned at the next Expo to generate revenue. Thats all I can think of right now... good luck in the draw everyone.
  6. 4Falls

    White Tanks

    Historically, Im sure there once were sheep in the Whitetanks... heck historically there once were sheep on Camelback mountain.
  7. 4Falls


    Driving the Nice Johns pooper scooper near the Panda Express in Prescott Valley.
  8. looked like a hard working truck
  9. 4Falls

    Silver Chevy

    congratulations on the javie... If I see ya again I'll be sure to say hi.
  10. 4Falls

    Silver Chevy

    Saw your pick-up just of the highway near Skull Valley. Sunday morning about 8 am.
  11. Ya that's old news. I've heard him blame these muders on 9 or 10 things so far. None of witch include the shooter. I heard there were 20 to 30 people around when he started shooting. I didn't think you could find a group of 20 to 30 arizonans and none of them have ccws. They had one of the heroes who caught the shooter on Fox News this morning and he was carrying and was prepared to use it... He had run into the maylay from the Walgreens after hearing the shots. They had all of the people who took this guy down on tv this morning and all are extraordinary people.
  12. Lance is correct. Yet their trying so hard to make this a Dem vs. Rep issue and paint this nutball as some sort of right wing extremist. So far Ive seen them blame the Tea Party, the Minutemen, Guns, Radio talk show hosts, and even Sarah Palin. This was a sad and horrific event and my families hearts and prayers go out to all victims and their families.
  13. 4Falls

    Got my first Lion pics

    Nice pic. A female with two almost grown kittens im guessing. shes probably run them off by now.
  14. Yep that was the year of the lion over there for sure. Still one of the funnest hunts, I think we spent more time laughing then hunting. Had a mulie tag over there about 3 years ago and saw 7 different bears. Including 4 in one canyon.
  15. 4Falls

    GRONG turns a year older today!

    have a good one kid.
  16. Nice buck. Looks alot like the one you killed years and years ago when we went there. congrats.
  17. 4Falls

    6A Sheep

    A buddy of mine ran into the lucky tag holder while elk hunting in 6A. He said he had planned to look at every ram in the unit before deciding which one to harvest. He had pictures of all the rams hed seen up to that point and had them numbered. He was going to be archery hunting for his ram.
  18. 4Falls

    Unit 10 - Double Down

    Hey Jimmy welcome to the site. Saw the the pics a while back excellent bulls. Jeff Falls.
  19. 4Falls


    Within the last year and a half or so Ive been considering walking away (quitting) hunting altogether. There are a few reasons why but not th least of which is how dirty and competetive its become. It seems that the "sportsman" is a dieing breed. As a matter of fact this website is probably one of the last places where sportsman can actually be found. As Im reading through posts this morning the stories of the bull$hit that some good people have to put up with far out way the good. On the last few hunts ive been on it seems were over run with rude and unsportsman like "hunters". And Ive just had my fill. This isnt the only reason why im considering quitting the pastime that I grew up with and loved soooo much. But it has been the straw that broke the camels back in a way. Anyway, I hope that all you fellow CWT.commers have great seasons this year and Ill be checking in hoping to see some great buck. Good luck to all of you.
  20. 4Falls


    Buckhunter... sorry, almost all of the gear is gone.
  21. 4Falls


    I want to thank all of your for taking the time to read my post and for your wise words and encouragment. I did want to make clear that Im not quitting because of rude, slob 'hunters" there are some other personal reasons the slob hunter issue was just the straw that broke the camels back. Its great to see all the nice deer gettin killed this year keep up the good work. thanks again, Jeff
  22. 4Falls

    Back in the world of the living!

    Glad to have you back Amanda. Heal up quick.
  23. 4Falls


    Thanks for posting this Mr. Smith. I've recently come to a crossroads where Im thinking about walking away from hunting all together. One of the reasons is because of how downright dirty the competition has gotten. Its good to see there are a few good guys still left out there.
  24. 4Falls

    What are you doing in my spot?

    that first doe is so reddish brown she looks like she just stepped out of a corn field in Winsconsin.
  25. 4Falls

    AGF Commission Removes Slot Limit

    I had often wondered if the slot limit had begun to effect the genetic make-up of the fish. Seemed like there were lots of really fat round 15 1/2"ers in there. Meanwhile guys were keeping all the 8 oz 16 1/2"ers.