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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. They might as well just leave it closed. This is where there headed with the whole Fossil Creek area anyway. Now all they need is for a washout on the Camp Verde end of the road and the circle will be complete.
  2. 4Falls

    Steve Favour

    As you may have heard Flagstaff taxidermist Steve Favour of Signature Taxidermy passed away Friday from an accidental shooting. Lots of prayers from my family have gone out to his in this sad and shocking time.
  3. 4Falls

    What would you do?

    I too have lost a couple of animals in all my years of bowhunting and its bound to happen to all of us sooner or later. Both were hunt ending propositions. This is not a problem solely for the archery community. Just as many animals are lost by rifle and muzzleloader hunters. In the rifle category one may argue that more animals may be lost just do the fact that there are far more rifle tags. Also small blood trails and hunters taking shots beyond their capability.
  4. 4Falls

    does anybody know this person?

    Years ago I shot a nice pronghorn buck in 19a. The shot was a little high possibly only clipping the tops of the lungs. That buck survived through the day only because he kept getting bumped by other hunters and non-hunters all day long. The next morning I found him again and could tell he didnt have much time left. But once again there was about 4 other guys activly hunting him. I got into position where I new he'd go once he was pushed again but he never showed. He ended up walking past two guys who were stalking another buck and they finished him off as they could tell we was hurt bad. Now the guy who killed him was the guy who got to put his tag on him and keep him. They were really nice guys who had actually watched me shoot the buck the day before. I did not feel that I had any rights to the buck just because I had been the first one to get an arrow into him. Had this been another unit with less activity where the buck could have just bedded up and expired, hed probably be hanging on my wall right now. Just my two cents. I realize my situation is different than the one first mentioned in this post. I guess all I'm saying is $hit happens out there and trophy animals make some guys do some strange things.
  5. 4Falls

    Whats going on in 10 this yr.

    Its not just guides. Its everywhere. This is just what hunting in Arizona has become. Most guys in general dont give a crap about the hunt anymore and just want to be the guy that killed the biggest whatever. Obviously they dont care whose hunt is ruined or even really care that much about the animal they are pursuing. Their ego is starving and has to be fed.
  6. 4Falls

    Charlie's Archery Antelope

    Really nice buck good job.
  7. 4Falls

    My 2011 Archery Mule Deer

    Awesome buck, congrats!
  8. 4Falls

    mexican army shoots at texas hunters

    I wonder if Texas has the same signs along there border areas telling US citizens to be careful because armed outlaws from other countries have invaded us.
  9. 4Falls

    mexican army shoots at texas hunters

    If a shoot out were to happen between american sportsman and lets say some drug runners... you know dang well that the government would feed the sportsman sharks. That was what they attempted to do with the fast and furious thing, make it look like the evil gun store owners were fueling the drug wars in Mexico.
  10. So this is USF&S jurisdiction? If these are Lacey violations then you cant even travel to and from a reservation in the state with you vintage instruments. And how would they know the source of the ivory on my guitar? what if its elk ivory? Is it legal to travel interstate with elk ivory? 14 trillion in debt and we wonder why.
  11. sounds like fun... Will I be able to hunt at grandmas house on Market Street?
  12. 4Falls

    Minox 15x56 binos

    Finally put my Minox thru their paces on Monday evening. Glassed up three bulls and 5 mulie bucks and a coyote. Oh and one shed antler which will have to wait till Saturday to be picked up. In my humble opinion Im a little disappointed with the Minox. They are clear but light transmission at the last part of the day was not as good as expected. Im having a little trouble with the eyecups and finding a comfortable position. But thats more a personal problem and they might fit most guys much better. I would say they are worth the price tho and are the best in their price range by far.
  13. 4Falls

    apps online

    finallly. Im one of those guys who cant decide on my choices till the very last minute. No more last minute drives to the Flagstaff offices.
  14. 4Falls

    help finding a place to camp

    You could also go out perkinsville road just past the ranch where it turns to NFS lands, theres trees and shade. Little bit of a drive to the deep well but not bad. Or go out 89a towards jerome just past the quarry at the old fain road it starts natl forest and I know guys camp out there.
  15. 4Falls

    Isnt camera theft legal?

    If you left your name and address they'd probably mail you a citation for littering.
  16. 4Falls

    Isnt camera theft legal?

    Funny how forest service thinks its important to remove "abandoned" property such as treestands, cameras and blinds but tires, old t.v.s and couches are not as important.
  17. 4Falls

    application number drop article

    I think the drop has alot to do with the economy, especially when it comes to tags such as once in a life time type tags like buffalo and bighorn. And for less popular tags such as spring bear and some of the javelina hunts. When they eventually do go back to an online application process I think youll see the application numbers start to trend upwards again.
  18. 4Falls

    Bear Season Friday

    I wonder how long it will take for the first bear picture to get posted? Its possible some one is elbow deep in a bear right now.
  19. Obviously these charges could not be fabricated... why would the drug dea... er... I mean entrepenuers lie?
  20. 4Falls

    19A Hunt starts Friday.. I'm ready

    Good luck guys... Should be some awesome bucks out there this year. Been seeing some decent ones every day this summer. Archery pronghorn is one of my all time favorite endeavors, can't wait to see some pics.
  21. It was 1982. I was 14. It was a 3x3 mulie in 6a. Ill try to find the one picture that was taken of it. And just like someone else said... now I take tons of pictures.
  22. 4Falls

    Isnt camera theft legal?

    so heres what I've learned so far... Stealing my camera = legal but not ethical, me punching someone in the face after I catch them with my stolen camera = ethical but not legal.
  23. 4Falls

    Isnt camera theft legal?

    Theres a fine line between legal and ethical. That line has been debated over and over on this site. Just because the law has no definate answer on trailcams, treestands, blinds or whatever left on public land that doesnt give anyone the right to claim the property INCLUDING forest service. If they feel so strong about "abandoned" items left at water holes etc. then why am I constantly picking up other peoples trash. Forest service should be picking up all the garbage too. Just my two cents.
  24. 4Falls

    antler growth

    Ive been watching a few bucks all summer in hopes of sticking my archery tag on one of them in August. It seems to me that the antlers on these bucks will be only about half grown come the 19th. Anyone else seeing this on the deer in their units?
  25. 4Falls

    antler growth

    Whats got me thinking is that I do have an October rifle coues tag, but Id really like to slip an arrow into a nice mulie buck. Then again Im not sure if I want to burn my coues tag on a mulie buck that is a ways from grown out. On the other hand a bird in the hand is better than a bird in the bush. But an October Coues tag is in no way an easy tag to fill sometimes and.... what to do what to do.