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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. Any one know if theres been any results in the boquillas ranch proposals?
  2. 4Falls


    Got to agree with Snapshot on this one.
  3. 4Falls

    trophy rooms

    Awesome! And thanks for breaking the ice.
  4. 4Falls

    trophy rooms

    If I had one I'd gladly share.
  5. 4Falls

    Does Hunting Harvest Affect Horn and Antler Size?

    All BS. I almost quit reading when it named the AZG&F and Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game.
  6. 4Falls

    In a slump...

    With last months javelina season I've begun the 8th year of my slump. Last kill was a javie in ought five. I'm pretty sure no one here has ever been in one this long, but whats the longest one you've experienced?
  7. 4Falls

    In a slump...

    Don't misunderstand, I have a great time when Im out. Every opportunity is a gift from God.
  8. 4Falls

    In a slump...

    Well it looks like I'm in some good company anyway. Time and confidence are my two biggest enemies. I've had some good years, but I think those days have past and ive come to terms with my new normal.
  9. Sitting here watching the rain come down and catching up on all the latest posts and success stories from this past season. I am truly amazed at the skill level represented by the members of CWT. No other site that Ive been on has members that get it done like this site. We have a guy who just killed his 13th P&Y coues deer; another who harvested 2 javies, a mulie and a lion all in a few weeks; and many of you who move from season to season, species to species with remarkable success. My hats off to you guys and all the members here.
  10. 4Falls

    CWT members are the best hunters

    No argument there thats why this site is numero uno.
  11. 4Falls

    spring turkey calls.

    Great idea I will attend for sure. Thanks.
  12. 4Falls

    spring turkey calls.

    Thanks for the info gentlemen
  13. Thanks for posting this Don. This is something I think we all knew was coming we just hoped for it to always be " next year". Even the smaller ranches are locking up around my area and my opinion is they are trying to force azg&f's Hand in a tag acquisition plan. Add this loss of access to the FS travel mngmt b.s. and where do we all go for our opportunity?
  14. I was in a client meeting and was unable to connect to the teleconference.... any body have any results
  15. 4Falls


    I'm expecting to see them try to implement a tax on ammunition, national registry, gun owner licensing (similar to drivers license), larger and more restrictive 'gun free' zones, ban of private sales. I'm sure most of these will be in Bidens proposal. They don't have to confiscate anything. They can just make it so burdonsome that the majority or people will give in. Then they have a smaller group of gun owners to focus on.
  16. 4Falls

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all
  17. 4Falls

    Gun Confiscation - How it will happen

    After banning sale of new assault weapons there will be regisration of existing ones. Then it would be easy to stop the private sale, and you could be held liable if the weapon had not been reported stolen. Also in the immediate future expect a national violence tax similar to what was recently passed in Illinois. Probably much more extensive and expensive.
  18. 4Falls

    !!!!!!!!38M!!!!! BULL!!!

    You hit the nail on the head. All these restrictions at aimed soully at hunters. The vaguer the better in their eyes. Easier to enforce. Like the travel mgmnt plans. Good luck.
  19. 4Falls

    Unit 8 November Archery

    Josh, I knew I could count on you for moral support. Thanks kid.
  20. 4Falls

    Unit 8 November Archery

    Just a couple of weeks away. Was just curious if any other members will be on this hunt.
  21. 4Falls

    Unit 8 November Archery

    Day 8 almost gone. So I was able to convince my wife that elk hunting was more important this year than going to the inlaws for thanksgiving. Havnt seen an elk since .
  22. 4Falls

    Unit 8 November Archery

    Day 8. Here we go.
  23. 4Falls

    I feel bad for Mrs. Mullins

    Must've been the Bushnell rangefinder infomercial... another forum member, coues-n-sheep, also makes an appearance.