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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. 4Falls

    Happy B-Day SKEETER!

    Welcome do the downhill side.
  2. Located in Paulden, AZ 5" sched 40 PVC electrical conduit. Gray. 20' long. 10 bucks a stick. 3 trailer axles I'll post pics when I get home from work. Message me for info.
  3. 4Falls

    Ever mess up someone's hunt?

    That guy has been a thorn in my side as well. But the guy I'm talking about drives a white F-150, hes more like 45 and looks like me.
  4. 4Falls

    November Archery

    Since every time I've had a Sept archery tag the rut has been non-existent I'd have to say that I've had allot more opportunities on the November hunts. I've had quite a few of these and have one again this year in unit 8. Scout lots of different terrain and habitat. Have a few plans. Weather is key.
  5. 4Falls

    Ever mess up someone's hunt?

    No idea if I've ever messed up someones hunt. Half of the time I've been messed up the other guy never knew I was there. That's public land hunting though and just part of the game. Once on a 23 Dec whitey hunt I sat down and started glassing. Little did i know I sat down like 10 feet in front of these other two guys who had gotten there before me. I was so focused on the opposite slopes that I never noticed them. They were cool and were laughing about it. I was embarrassed and quickly moved on.
  6. 4Falls

    Vintage Remington 721

    I really appreciate all the input. After reading what every one has said I think I'm going to just keep it original as possible. Tough to beat the ol' ought 6 and I think shes got a few deer left in her still. Ill just replace the old Walmart Tasco scope my dad had stuck on there after he couldnt see the super fine crosshairs of the original K-4 anymore. Ill bring it into the local gunsmith here in town and have him check the barrel and clean it up real good. Its been sitting quite a while. Who knows it may become my go to gun when everything is all said and done. Thanks again guys.
  7. 4Falls

    Vintage Remington 721

    I was kinda thinking the same thing. Maybe change the barrel and the trigger although a new stock would be nice too. Maybe a wood one with a little more interest to it. I was actually thinking about rebarreling it to a .270 or a 270 wsm.
  8. 4Falls

    Black Bear Stew - pics not in order

    tacos del oso negro... that sounds amazing. Guess Ill head over to Alfonso's for some tacos del question mark.
  9. 4Falls

    Spot and Stalk Coues Video

    Awesome video guys.
  10. 4Falls

    Loyalty point

    I was wondering how many consecutive years you must apply before you receive your loyalty point?
  11. 4Falls

    Raffle Tag Desert Sheep

    Clay, As I have said a hundred times before, your work is amazing. Jeff Falls.
  12. 4Falls

    Loyalty point

    Never mind i found it. 5 years.
  13. 4Falls

    Draw Results are Posted

    My daughter go 28-29-30-31-32 any antlered WHHHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! And I even drew a unit 8 mulie tag. I haven't rifle hunted mulies since the late 80's. Should be interesting.
  14. 4Falls

    Black Ford at OE4A banquet

    So how do you call a leprechaun?
  15. 4Falls

    Happy Birthday to me.

    Thanks all.
  16. 4Falls

    Happy Birthday to me.

    Everyone forgot this year, even the family. But I got a great present. My card got hit for a Jr. deer tag for one of my daughters. That makes up for it.
  17. E. My daughter and I both danced around like chickens when i saw wed been charged for a Jr.s tag. Excuse me while I dance again....
  18. Its always great to be at these shoots, I'll be working but will be there in my daydreams.
  19. 4Falls

    Why I Trophy Hunt....For TJ!!!

    My progression has come back to the start. I've killed a couple of really good bucks and even considered my self a trophy hunter of sorts. Then came "The Slump". Its been over 9 years since I harvested my last big game animal. And that was an archery javelina in January of '04. Whether it be with my bow or my rifle that next buck, bull or cow or whatever that I kill will be my greatest trophy. But to dovetail with what 300 UM said. During "The Slump" even, I've had some amazing days in the field and have had cherished time with my friends and family. Those memories too deserve to be on the wall.
  20. 4Falls

    Tribute to Missy

    Got a tear in my eye. Had to help my best dog friend "move on" in a similar fashion a couple of years ago. My condolences.
  21. 4Falls

    Forest Rd closed due to bears

    More people are injured and killed due to collisions with elk then by encounters with bears. Maybe we need to close roads for that reason too. If for no other reason we need to do it for the elk. At least set up a training program to teach them to cross at designated areas that we already have marked for them. (also heavy on the sarcasm)
  22. I have no clue either, but I cant wait to see the photo with you and him in it.
  23. 4Falls

    What Church do you attend?

    Being raised Lutheran and married to a Catholic, I'm a now and then attendee at St. Catherine Labourn in Chino Valley. Wonderful congregation and Father Fred is top notch. Those other times I find my peace with God like TJ and Coach do and then other times God finds me.
  24. Glad to see her go. At least now she can do little damage to AZ anymore. She said being Homeland Secretary was the highlight of her career. I took that as a slap in the face to this great state that she was the GOVERNOR of.
  25. Love seeing all these great pictures of the kids getting out there and getting it done. I was fortunate enough to get a picture of myself with my first deer in the Roundup back in the good ol' days. I still have the clipping and always will.