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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. 4Falls

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    Coues: 5 rifle 1 archery Muley: 2 rifle Pronghorn: 1 rifle Cow elk: 1 archery 1 rifle Bull elk: 1 archery Javelina: 2 archery Turkey: 2 shotgun Edited 11-18-2014
  2. 4Falls

    Big Archery Desert Mule Deer

    I was going to say the same thing that groundpounders said. How the heck do deer survive out there. Awesome buck and Awesome mount Clay.
  3. 4Falls

    Where can I find .22 lr ammunition?

    I heard that Eric Holder has boxes of the stuff stacked up in his garage.
  4. 4Falls

    2014 pig for the pops

    Great streak! Keep it up
  5. 4Falls

    Musk ox and elk mounts

    Love that musk ox rug. Unique.
  6. 4Falls

    am I?

    Am i the first to post in 2014?
  7. 4Falls

    am I?

  8. 4Falls

    am I?

    Nope. Posted at 12:52
  9. 4Falls

    Anyone buy a deer tag today?

    How could they run out of tags?
  10. I was wondering if any members had hunted this unit for sandhills before? Just purely out of curiosity. Was over in NM for the Christmas holiday and the farms outside of Duncan seemed to have a pretty good population. Thanks.
  11. 4Falls

    1st Coues - Not Bad......

    Awesome. My daughter had her first tag this year as well. However life got in the way and we never made it out. Great buck.
  12. 4Falls

    Monster Lion Kill

  13. 4Falls

    Tribute for a fallen member

    Now thats a trophy coues deer. Regards to the family and kudos to all involved.
  14. 4Falls

    Drone Use

    you can fly all you want for scouting purposes. why not be able to use those mini helos with cams attached? providing the technology was there to provide for long enough run and range time?
  15. 4Falls

    What's in your pack?

    A mouse nest, an old granola wrapper and some moths.
  16. 4Falls

    Drone Use

    A game camera is a drone of sorts.
  17. 4Falls

    2013 Archery Rocky Mtn Bighorn Sheep Video

    Awesome ram, love that these sheep are flourishing in 6a. Congrats.
  18. 4Falls

    Merry Christmas!

    Good morning and merry Christmas, just enjoying a cup of coffee before the chaos.
  19. 4Falls

    Hoyt Katera 60 lbs 28 inch draw. sold!!

    These are one of the best bows Hoyt ever made. Someone needs to buy this.
  20. 4Falls

    Spotter vs. 15's

    Just wondering how many of you guys do your glassing with a spotting scope?
  21. 4Falls


    What a fun coues weapon this would be!
  22. took the quiz and did pretty good. I thought a few of the questions had a anti gun slant to them but overall some good info.
  23. Beautiful family. Your blessed. Great buck too congrats to the youngster.
  24. 4Falls

    Fish hatchery closing

    Check out this link http://azgfd.net/artman/publish/NewsMedia/Willow-Beach-hatchery-ends-sport-fish-stockings.shtml Seems this is the new trend with NFWS. Slowly put an end to sportfishing. But not to worry, they'll still be making razorbacks and relict frogs. A little worrisome that AZG&F gets most of its trout eggs from the Feds.
  25. 4Falls

    LOVE MY LETHAL KIDS!!! Tags filled!

    I'm speechless. That is incredible success. Your kids kill more critters in a year than I've killed in 45 years. Your raising them right and it shows.