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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. 4Falls


    Surprised the NFL hasn't stepped in and forced them to sell. Braves, cheifs, Blackhawks, Indians, white Sox your on notice.
  2. 4Falls


    Rainbow skins
  3. 4Falls

    World Record???

    I would bet theres more elk around Mormon lake and the rim country now then there was in the 80s. Seems like I remember seeing deer everywhere and elk were a special treat. And big bucks too.
  4. 4Falls

    World Record???

    Yep, pike fishing and duck hunting. Was a great place. So was Stoneman lake. Another one thats been lost. I even remember taking our three wheeled ATC's (another relic of the 80's) out on a frozen Mormon lake. Admittedly not smart but man was it fun.
  5. 4Falls

    World Record???

    I remember when Mormon lake was a lake.
  6. 4Falls

    Cool find from this winter

    Josh, I want to be like you when I grow up
  7. Thank you for the info
  8. 4Falls

    Some of my old photos

    Real nice like the old structures.
  9. 4Falls

    How many animals have you harvested in Arizona

    Holy rikki tikki tavi? You have to be in a small group of guys who've harvested a mongoose with archery tackle.
  10. 4Falls


    There is a pile of antelope on that side of the hiway for sure. They used to travel across 89 to 19a but the roadwork has stoped that temporarily. There are a pair of big bucks ive been seeing daily feeding next to the hiway as well. I hope they change their habits soon, hate to see them get hit.
  11. 4Falls


    I, for one, am thankful for the extension.
  12. 4Falls

    Aoudad/ Barbary sheep in arizona

    Still waiting on some more AZ aoudad pics...
  13. Listened to his speech this morning it was all about taxing the rich, blaming republicans and "doing whatever possible without congress" Same old broken record that folks just eat up. I believe Coach is right on about the martial law remain in power scenario. And there are very few in government who would oppose the idea. Certainly not enough to stop it. Maybe thats why Hillary hasn't officially announced her candidacy. She knows the real plan.
  14. 4Falls

    30x75 swaroski binos

    Those are cool. Didn't even know there was such a thing.
  15. Guns are next on his agenda. Its being set up right now. I agree with Av Joe. Pray.
  16. 4Falls

    Freedom lost again

    What still bothers me is why the baker has to be forced to do the cake. Why cant a business owner make his own decisions? If they are bad decisions Then he will go out of business. Why don't they force him to attend the ceremony too? Back to my previous question. What if the newlyweds decide that they didn't like his cake or service? Where does this end? Why not just find another baker?
  17. keep in mind the left despises the American military. in the eyes of the left guys like bergdahl are heros.John Kerry is a war hero to them. They are saying just the opposite about the soldiers who at coming out against this guy. I just cant imagine how anyone other than the Taliban thought this was a good idea. Has the O-team gotten so desperate that they've resorted to covering over their incompetence with even greater incompetence? What will they have to do next to cover up this one?
  18. 4Falls


    Great spot. Would be fun to just hang a stand there and watch them.
  19. 4Falls

    Freedom lost again

    I would wager that the baker in this instance was pre selected knowing he would be opposed to the idea. Then make him and example to intimidate the rest. What would be the point of forcing him to bake the cake? Why go thdu the hassle and added expense? What happens if he doesn't get the cake finished on time? Jail? What if the cake tastes bad? Im sure there would be dozens of bakers that would have been happy to bake a cake. Thats what irks me about these cases the most. The bullying from the left to insist we not only accept this, but embrace the idea completely. What if a baker told a gay couple that he couldn't fit any more cakes into his schedule at the time because hes too busy. Should he be forced to reschedule other customers to accommodate them?
  20. 4Falls

    A few more Bear pictures from myTrail Cam

    I love bears.
  21. 4Falls

    I could use your help,

    My favorite part was the second hunter showing up and killing the other buck. The excitement you guys expressed for him was genuine and I think hands down what made your video one of a kind.
  22. 4Falls


    Wow that is unsettling. Good thing I skipped lunch.
  23. 4Falls

    What do you do with your sheds?

    Its so rare that I find one that every time I do I usually take it everywhere with me and show it to everyone I meet.
  24. 4Falls

    "Strange" Actions by Hunters

    I always get a chuckle out of the road hunters in full camo. Always thought they should be wearing saddle blankets or sheepskins to blend in with their pick ups interior.