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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. 4Falls

    Don't trick or treat at my house or you will get these!

    "original" worm snacks? Does that mean someone thought it was a good idea to copy these?
  2. Heres my contribution... snake spider squirrel
  3. 4Falls

    Coyote in my yard

    Maybe you could mount a bow rack on the lawn mower? Ive thought about flinging arrows at them at our place too. But I always wonder about that one neighbor... next thing you know your in the paper. There was a similar incident with a couple guys who legally killed a buck last year near a subdivision. Was in the news for weeks.
  4. 4Falls

    Direction of Glassing - Question

    I just glass everything because they are NEVER where they should be. And usually where you least expect them.
  5. I think its more likely a Texas buck. Its head seems big compared to the boots in the pic.
  6. 4Falls


    My 60 yarders need more work.
  7. 4Falls

    New Mexico Burro Mtn Muzzleloader Mule Deer

    What a year!!! Keep the streak alive. January is right around the corner. Nice bucks all of them.
  8. Dang that ram in the 8th picture (rear view) is gnarly. Thanks for sharing.
  9. 4Falls


    Great optics. Had some and sold them to get some minox. Big mistake now I have none. Some one buy these. You wont be sorry.
  10. 4Falls

    first rifle coues

    Cool buck and good story. Love the picture of your camp with the deer head. If I ever draw another 23 tag I'd love to pack in to a couple places I have in mind. Congrats.
  11. 4Falls

    Is this a legit way to hunt?

    Still don't get whats the point of flipping you off? The rest of it is the way it goes on public land these days. But giving you the finger because he shot a deer out from under you deserves a face to face.
  12. 4Falls

    Help a college student with his class

    age: 46 # of tickets: this is a tough one... rough guess 10? thats not bad for 30 years of driving is it? approx speed: usually 20 over, zones varied from 35 to 60 $ of tickets: from 80 to 175 depending on state location etc. On a side note I've been pulled over more times than anyone I know by a factor of 5. 9 times out of 10 I get a warning and twice my CWT.COM sticker has aided me in getting that warning.
  13. Again, sweet buck cuz. He looks even better in the photos on here than the ones you sent to my phone.
  14. 4Falls

    Got it DONE!!! UPDATED

    Look at the fricken neck on that son of a gun! He looks like hes in full rut mode. Not to take anything away from that super long tuned rack. Hes a monster.
  15. 4Falls


    Wow what an amazing offer Amanda. The example you set for the rest of us is why this is the best hunting site on the interweb.
  16. 4Falls

    21 roll call

    Awesome buck!
  17. 4Falls


    I shot them for quite a few years. No issues really and they shot great and did everything as advertised. Excellent product. Never noticed them to be any noisier than blazers or other stiff vanes. Switched back to vanes when I started doing 3d. But every now and then think of switching back.
  18. 4Falls

    Fox Double Down

    Beautiful foxes. Well done.
  19. 4Falls

    2014 3B muzzleloader deer

    patiently awaiting success photos
  20. 4Falls

    One Month (updated with pics)

    Much congratulations!
  21. 4Falls

    31 Years Ago ToDay

    never forgotten
  22. 4Falls

    Good Luck and Stay Safe

    +1 on what Mocha said. And about what time can we expect to see the first success photos from you fortunate tagholders?