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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. 4Falls

    Three antlered Elk Euro

    Excellent and cool trophy to boot
  2. 4Falls

    central Phoenix

    White full size Toyota (I think) Osbourne and Central around 10 am. You passed me in the old '99 Ranchero like I was standing still. Large CWT sticker and a bunch of other hunting stickers too.
  3. 4Falls

    BIGGEST pig you've seen? (Pics)

    Good thing is you can pack it out in your pocket.
  4. 4Falls

    My Next Build

    Fricken awesome really enjoying all these rifle build threads. You guys have no idea how jealous I am.
  5. 4Falls

    Cool pics

    cool. It never occured to me that we had opposums in AZ.
  6. 4Falls

    My archery goat finished up!

    Great pronghorn and Chris is a top notch artist. Thanks for sharing.
  7. 4Falls

    Pigapalooza 2015 (9 javelina, one taken on video)

    Way to get it done!
  8. 4Falls

    Windy Day in 19A

    Nice one! Can be tough to find them in 19a wind or not.
  9. 4Falls


    Darn. Really thought I'd win this time.
  10. 4Falls

    Savage 111 25-06, and 7mm Mag

    wow someone got a deal.
  11. 4Falls


    Have the winners been announced?
  12. 4Falls

    Sportsmans Expo?

    I went. About what I expected. Saw an old family friend but didn't get to talk to him as he was working. Spent more time walking through cabelas afterwards.
  13. 4Falls

    Tree stand help

    55 feet! Man that is up there.
  14. 4Falls

    Sportsmans Expo?

    Looks like its a go. Got some other things to do in the big city anyways might as well make a day of it.
  15. 4Falls

    Sportsmans Expo?

    Now I'm undecided... guess I'll see how I feel about it in the morning.
  16. 4Falls

    Sportsmans Expo?

    Haven't been for a few years, but I'm planning to go Saturday. Like others have said they seem to have lost some of their luster over the years.
  17. 4Falls

    What is the BEST unit for…

    Good advice as always Craig.
  18. Do any of you use their products and how do you like them?
  19. 4Falls

    Got my 2014 Archery Deer Back!

    Great buck! Though much larger he looks similar to the hard horn buck next to him. They from the same vicinity?
  20. 4Falls

    Antelope Taxidermy Advice

    +1 on keeping the ear tag in.
  21. 4Falls

    pig in 22

    Woods, I didnt offer up any spots cause I dont have any. But I have stumbled into a few. My point was that if a blind squirrel like me can find one, than you should have no problems. Next time Im passing through town I'll wave. Last time I took a shot at one in 22 it was up behind the cabin at 3Bar.
  22. 4Falls

    pig in 22

    Woods... If I can find pigs in 22 you should have no problem.
  23. 4Falls

    Javelina: Field Care

    Great thread very informative.
  24. 4Falls


    One of Hoyts best designs ever. Bump.
  25. I always look forward to your stories. Quite an adventure you had. Thanks for sharing.