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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. I emailed Ms. Brown this morning.
  2. 4Falls

    Some recent success

    great photos and good work
  3. Was over 250 when I signed.
  4. Kirikpatrick just held a closed door meeting on this very subject. The fact that she keeps getting reelected to office is almost as baffling as the last presidential election. If shes involved in this you can bet its not a good deal for us or for the state for that matter. Anything with support from CBD or the Sierra Club typically does not get my support, and last I heard they were the real drivers behind this.
  5. 4Falls

    shoulder dislocation

    Coach, Take everyone's advice and have it looked at by a doctor and take care of it quickly. I dislocated mine back when I was a young man and reset it myself. This led to more dislocations and more self sets until eventually it was coming out of socket for no reason and at very inopportune times. This led to surgical repair and distinct loss in range of motion. Even now some 20 years later it still gives me issues from time to time.
  6. 4Falls

    Yavapai Yelpers Banquet Calls

    Man, that is art. Beautiful work as always.
  7. 4Falls

    In between hunting seasons = photo time

    Great pictures, naturegirl!
  8. Way off topic but state land is NOT the same as public land. And most if not all of the ORO is private to my knowledge. Not that that has any bearing on this incident. Im sure they will plead this way down and get wrist slapped.
  9. 4Falls

    Fishing near Pine, AZ

    I grew up in Strawberry just up the road from Pine. Blue Ridge is a great place as are all of the rim lakes. Also look at the East Verde; Tonto, Horton and Christopher creeks; you can also try the green valley park lakes in Payson but its more urban. style. Not sure if any of these waters are stocked in the winter though.
  10. 4Falls

    44B North 1987

    Nice ram.
  11. 4Falls


    What size would be adequate for processing deer and smaller game?
  12. 4Falls

    New .300 WSM build

    HAAAA Cool rifle. I'm deeply jealous
  13. 4Falls

    Brown Bear Double

    HAAA Kieth just made me spit take coffee... Awesome bears. Ill check them out at Gila Outdoors.
  14. 4Falls

    "Beefalo" hunting in grand canyon

    They are idiots already.
  15. 4Falls

    How's Your Hearing?

    Tinitus (sp) pretty severe in left ear. But very slightly in the right. Like others have said in noisy environments I cant make sense of anything being said. But can still hear quite well in nature, though my ability to determine a direction of sound has suffered greatly.
  16. Thanks for turning me on to these Craig. Great listening when logging that windshield time at work.
  17. Thanks Nate, should be a beautiful weekend for it. Do you have a link or info on entry fees etc?
  18. 4Falls

    "Beefalo" hunting in grand canyon

    Agree with what EBB posted. By calling them beefalo it helps park service to rationalize their extermination.
  19. 4Falls

    then and now! ?

    I don't remember 20 years ago being any different than today as far as quality. Much more different in terms of hunting pressure though. Now maybe go back 30 years and the quality of the mulie herd specifically was vastly better than now. But back then I can remember there being leftover tags for Dec coues in unit 22 and 23 as well.
  20. 4Falls

    Storm Totals

    Rain is trying to turn to snow right now in downtown Prescott.
  21. 4Falls

    Storm Totals

    Soaked here in Prescott. Rained most of Friday and appears that today will be heavier.
  22. 4Falls

    For my dad

    I'd better put these on my list of things to see. I get through Superior quite often and am a bit ashamed to say Ive never even heard of these. Thanks for sharing naturegirl.
  23. 4Falls

    Newest Hunting Fad

    The monkeys seem to love it.