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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. 4Falls

    Profile name

    Contact Amanda she can do it for you.
  2. 4Falls

    Elk Trophy Pickup Fail

    Taxidermy requires a certain amount of maintenance. Part of that maintenance should be a little bug spray. In all honesty your lamps attract more bugs than that head will and im sure you have lamps in your living room. Great looking bull, congratulations.
  3. 4Falls

    New Mexico Archery Elk goes down!

    Great video. thanks.
  4. 4Falls

    First Bull is a 440 inch Bull Elk

    Dang! What a bull!
  5. 4Falls

    NYFD Woman Fails Test

    Well they might as well just throw the tests out. Just hire whoever the most PC applicant is.
  6. Great writing and awesome photos as always naturegirl. Thanks.
  7. 4Falls

    12A Second Season Merriams

    Great write up. Thanks for sharing.
  8. 4Falls

    My son out fishes his dad!!!

    Awesome. I like his shirt too, cracked me up.
  9. 4Falls

    Fishing rule changes?

    youth combo for all hunting and fishing is 5 bucks.
  10. 4Falls


    with prices the way they are this year everybody is out there scarfing them up or at least trying too.
  11. 4Falls

    iso 6x12 lumber 18 inches long

    I may have what you need... Ill have to check the pile. Ill get back to you
  12. 4Falls

    Need advice

    On your rifle Id leave the scope black. It looks cool with the black bipod and recoil pad. Nice job.
  13. 4Falls


    Tonight there were about 10-15 bucks right next to the church fence 50 yards off the highway at the roundabout of hwy 89 and Outerloop road. A few of them were pretty decent.
  14. 4Falls

    Got Him On The Wall

    One of the best I've seen.
  15. Both gorgeous. Bump
  16. 4Falls

    Black River Fishing

    Haven't been there in sooooo long. Wonderful place.
  17. 4Falls

    Weird deaths!

    geez! that made me wince just seeing it.
  18. Very interesting. Great looking bird.
  19. Been seeing the trucks along the road. And the headlamps bobbing around at night and early morning. Can't wait for the first success pics to start showing up.
  20. 4Falls

    How a first date should be!!

    man thats a great set of mulie horns! and quite a pile of elk antlers too
  21. 4Falls


    If your referring to Deep Well ranch then yes. Walk in only.
  22. 4Falls

    Is this a set?

    I'd say no. But that means there's two great bucks in your quail hunting spot.
  23. 4Falls

    Results by phone

    Even though my acct had not been charged, it was good for closure to hear the computer generated voice tell me I was not drawn. Now I can move on to the deer and sheep draw.
  24. 4Falls

    Natural Gas Line Installation

    Is it natural gas or propane? Wasn't aware of any natural gas lines in Clint's Wells but I've been wrong before.
  25. I tried to keep track of all the guesses but lost count... If I guess the same number as someone else I apologize in advance. 135 1/8