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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. Its also a good time to practice shooting from a sitted or kneeling position.
  2. 4Falls

    Rocky Mtn Sheep in Morenci

    That's a common sight in Morenci. I've had them walk right by me while pumping gas at the Conoco.
  3. 4Falls

    2014 Auction Tag Buck Video!!!

    Cool video. Amazing buck.
  4. 4Falls

    Better off dead

    Only the ones near the house meet their maker. Out in the wild l let them be. That being said I think they are strikingly beautiful creatures. (Pun intended)
  5. This will sound crazy to some. Bring your foam target inside shoot 3-5 yards, concentrating on form and you can strengthen archery muscles at the same time. All in air conditioned comfort.
  6. 4Falls

    Bee keeper

    Call the sheriffs office. They usually have a contact for bee removal.
  7. 4Falls

    Mangy Javalina

    Javelina all the way. See them up there all the time. Wish they'd put that unit back on the OTC hunt.
  8. 4Falls

    no need for sheep

    If your a church, religious organization or wedding related business you'd better have a lawyer on speed dial.
  9. 4Falls

    Favorite unit

    I really don't have a favorite. Different units all have different pros and cons. Of the 8 or so units that I may hunt in no one really stands out over any other.
  10. 4Falls

    2015 / 2016 hunt predictions

    Here in the high desert the heat and wind seem to be drying things out quickly. Tanks still have water though which is good. Haven't had a chance to really get out and do any scouting but maybe soon. Really thinking about trying some bear hunting this year myself.
  11. 4Falls

    sheds :)

    WOW! thanks for sharing.
  12. 4Falls


    There's no one and no way to stop her. Just brace yourself. Obama has put us in the toilet and Hillary is about to push the lever.
  13. I always put 5 choices. Weird things happen in the draw, I've drawn my third or fourth choices many times. The only time I don't is on my sheep app. 23 6a 21 6a 22.
  14. 4Falls

    Antelope score

    I was going to say mid 70's but it seems everyone has him pegged at 80. Hes a shooter on an archery hunt no doubt.
  15. 4Falls

    Boyce Thompson Arboretum

    I need to make it there one of these days. I've passed by so many times. Looks like a great time.
  16. All your podcasts are great Jay. Listened to you episode with Craig yesterday and it helped my make up my mind for my sheep app. thanks
  17. 4Falls

    Rifle and Archery Deer ?

    I always buy an OTC tag no matter what.
  18. 4Falls

    RIP Brian Marshall

    Rest in Peace old friend.
  19. 4Falls

    Shed porn from NM

    I think I recognize that cliff in the last pic. Your right that is some nasty stuff.
  20. 4Falls

    Some new photos from May

    I always enjoy your posts and pictures Christina. The only problem is, they remind me how much I'm missing out on. Keep up the good work.
  21. 4Falls

    coconino mvum

    They will be out enforcing rules during hunting season, make no mistake. They will also be enforcing the 36 hour (or whatever it is now) unattended camping rule. More than once I've been followed or pulled over for a "reminder". I have abided these rules since their inception even though I think they are ridiculous. I firmly believe the rules are simply a tool used by USFS to make it more difficult on hunters. The fact that if you have a wood cutting permit you can pretty much drive willy-nilly through the woods but if you have an elk permit you cant, is proof of that. edit: AZG&F does not and will not enforce the travel management or camping rules.
  22. saw you tonite around 8:30
  23. 4Falls

    Happy Birthday Coach

    Hope you had a great day Coach.
  24. 4Falls

    Arrow setup for you elk tag holders

    Whoa those are some serious arrows. Heck, you could beat an elk to death with one of those!
  25. 4Falls

    Arrow setup for you elk tag holders

    Easton Axis 300's. 28.5 inches. 100 gr Gravediggers on one end, four fletched with 2.0 AAE Plastifletch Max vanes on the other