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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. 4Falls

    Some of my favorite photos from July

    well done naturegirl.
  2. 4Falls

    Dog owners

    I feed a hghi protein quality food with no corn or cereal fillers. It costs a little more, but the improvement in their condition is noticeable. Also intermixed with freezer burnt meats.
  3. 4Falls

    December Muzzy hunt in Unit 8

    It is the first year for it. I was counting on people not noticing it but I guess enough did.it seems to be a rotating hunt, it was in 9 last year.
  4. Just wondering if any CWT member pulled this tag?
  5. 4Falls

    Happy B-day SKEETER

    Hope you had a great one Jed.
  6. 4Falls

    December Muzzy hunt in Unit 8

    Good luck Coffeeman. Should be an awesome hunt. Wanted that tag soooo bad.
  7. 4Falls

    Preserving Game in the Field & While Traveling

    I like to use the plastic juice bottles they are squarish and pack easier in a cooler. I also keep a case of 16oz water bottle frozen at all times.
  8. 4Falls

    22 Jet ammo

    I had to google this cartridge but it sounds like a cool one. Surprised it never became more popular.
  9. 4Falls


    You cheapo! Spend the coin and be a diamond member. We got our results when we hit submit. Or you can become a super secret double layer die cast tungsten member. Then you get your results a week before the draw happens.
  10. 4Falls

    where am i?

    I have no idea where it is, but I'm surprised that some over zealous antler picker-upper hasn't snapped that thing right off the tree.
  11. 4Falls

    Latest Pics

    Gets my blood flowing for August for sure.
  12. 4Falls

    Cinnamon or Black

    Both are awesome. Good luck you have a great spot.
  13. 4Falls

    My sons sheep video

    Great video.
  14. 4Falls

    Anybody have non-operational game cams?

    I can't wait to see what happens next......
  15. 4Falls


    Dang lost another one.
  16. 4Falls

    Designated Dispersed Camping

    That's what I don't agree with. If there's a gate and you don't want me on the road then lock the gate that's already their. With that said- I try to obey the road closures except the ones I just don't agree with. I believe the road closure excuse was to prevent further destruction of the habitat and yet they just graded a closed road. On the camping side of it I would probably follow the rules just because I don't want to spend all the time it takes to set up the wall tent to be told to take it down and move. Last archery season, we had just finished setting the tent up when forest service pulled in and pulled out her map and said good news, you're in a designated camping spot so I don't have to make you move. When did they start with designated camping spots? I thought that camping was allowed throughout the forest. It was motorized travel or parking within 30 feet of the road that was the issue. I think it is 300', not 30'. Its 30 feet in most forests. Some, Prescott NF for one, have some areas that are extended to 300. On the Southern portion of the Kiabab NF where I spend most of my time its 30 everywhere.
  17. 4Falls

    Designated Dispersed Camping

    I will spend a lot of time walking down closed roads that are pounded with tire tracks. Forest Service sucks.
  18. 4Falls

    A little eye candy from Zion

    Bad day to be a squirrel. Cool pics Coach. My family and I are planning on visiting there next summer.
  19. 4Falls

    Anyone have their Honda quad stolen recently

    Its a Honda. Change the fluids and put a new plug in, the thing will probably start right up.
  20. 4Falls

    Cards are getting hit!

    Seems like all the card charging excitement has waned.
  21. probably worth more on the resale market than the recycle market. Some guys are going back to them. Advertise them here and on Archerytalk.com and they will sell.
  22. 4Falls


    wow that went fast.
  23. 4Falls

    Guess they really are in AZ.

    I remember there were some in the Diablo Canyon/Jacks Canyon area back in the 80's. There used to be a picture or two in the Clints Well store of some that were killed up there.