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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. 4Falls

    Carpet targets

    Look on archerytalk.com in the DIY section of the forums.
  2. 4Falls

    Who's going this weekend

    Awesome! What unit?
  3. 4Falls

    Ulmer Edge

    They have them on camofire.com right now.
  4. 4Falls

    Drinkable Water?

    I bet that is refreshing. Look at that poor dudes face.
  5. 4Falls

    Who's going this weekend

    There were a few trucks parked along the Fain Road yesterday. Couple more out on 89 hunting the Deep Well. Didnt see anyone on the 19b side of the Deep Well. Theres some good bucks out there this year. Good Luck to all
  6. 4Falls

    Who's getting ready for otc archery!!

    Im always ready... as usual I have no plan, heck not even sure what unit ill be hunting. But I'll be out there somewhere.
  7. 4Falls

    Next Generation

    Have not found a coues fawn, but have walked up on a few mulie and elk babies. Usually thats been followed by mamma stomping her foot and making rude comments at me.
  8. 4Falls

    "Please pass the salt."

    Placing salt near you blind or tree stand would probably not do much for a hunt this year. Like others said they take time to develop. In my opinion salt licks have lost some effectivness in recent years because they are literally sprinkled throughout the forests these days.
  9. 4Falls

    Yes on eye protection

    Had a 16d nail bounce of my eye brow once. Im all about eye protection now.
  10. 4Falls

    Wild Mustangs

    I knew they were just feral horses, just wondering if the Spanish pony thing was being claimed on them.
  11. 4Falls

    Wild Mustangs

    Does any one know if these horses can be genetically linked to Spanish ponies or are they just horses that people have turned loose over the years?
  12. The only problem I can see with the two year wait after shooting a sow is that some guys might just leave a sow lay after they discovered what it was. But I wish more guys would be a little pickier when it comes to bears. I haven't shot one yet, but hope when the time comes I can stand by my words. Ive had the opportunity on two bears, one ended up having a cub that luckily my buddy saw and the other just gave me the slip.
  13. 4Falls

    Antler value information

    Contact Grong. No one knows more.
  14. 4Falls

    Central AZ coues

    6b will definitely be a challenge but they're in there. You are correct that they will be higher up and in the thicker stuff. Keep looking you'll find them.
  15. 4Falls

    Antler Growth

    Hes a pretty buck. Hope you get him.
  16. 4Falls

    Game and Fish Catchments

    To chime in on what rthrbhuntin said. 8 has very few G&f trick tanks. Most of the tricks in 8 are old FS with a bunch being built and donated by wildlife groups. 22 has a bunch of FS drinkers, mostly under the rim, that have fallen into disrepair. I have heard that a private contractor has been tasked with repairing some of those. Though im not 100% sure of that. I know first hand that g&f has been rebuilding and reworking many of their drinkers in the last few years. Visited a couple in 19b recently that had been all redone.
  17. 4Falls

    Hooded Merg

    beautiful mount
  18. 4Falls

    Mule Deer Buck kills Older Deer!

    Wow. Its amazing what some of you guys get to see out there. Nature is brutal. Thanks for sharing
  19. 4Falls

    One week's growth

    Young deer but full of potential. Hard to pass him up because the next guy who sees him won't.
  20. 4Falls

    Should we be using ear protection?

    WEAR IT!!!! I have tinitus in my left ear so bad that there are days I swear I'd rather have no hearing at all. I wear ear protection at work always. Always when shooting and have them at the ready around my neck when hunting with firearms. Last rifle shot I took at an animal I had plenty of time to shove them in and shoot. I also get them in before my hunting partner is about to shoot. I only wish I'd have done it decades ago.
  21. 4Falls

    Lowa Tibet GTX size 11.5

    Third in line. pm sent
  22. 4Falls

    Cecil the Lion

    So sick of hearing about this stupid lion.
  23. 4Falls

    Cecil the Lion

    PETA has publically called for the dentist to be hanged.