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Everything posted by 4Falls

  1. 4Falls


    Flag-town show sounds like a good time to me.
  2. 4Falls

    Considering OTC Deer in Dec

    I'd just stick with 33. You'll see way more deer than in any of the more northern units, and that means more opportunity. Good luck.
  3. 4Falls


    Most of the sight companies provide a range of tapes that you can put on. The manufactures recommended process is to put a blank tape on the sight and then sight in at 20 and 60 yards marking those on the tape. Then select the corresponding tape from those provided and violla your sighted in. I take it a little further and double check the marks that are provided. OR some pro shops can use a software program to prebuild a tape for you, Ive never done this but heard it works well.
  4. 4Falls

    Buy or build

    Lots of great info here for us noobs. Thanks guys.
  5. 4Falls

    26M Metro Tag for Dec 2015-Jan 2016

    How productive are these metro hunts? Been thinking about giving it a try since I can hit the North part of 26m in about a 30-40 minute drive. I'd just be winging it a picking a spot at random obviously.
  6. 4Falls

    First one for my boy

    Awesome! I need to get me some of that cool monster truck camo! I think the smile on his face says it all
  7. 4Falls


    Not sure about that specific sight but I switched to a single pin slider a couple years ago and love it.
  8. 4Falls

    Pigs eating mud

  9. 4Falls


    Crazy! Maybe thats what set my dog off a bit ago, Didnt feel a thing here in Dewey.
  10. 4Falls

    My best yet!

    Hes so big he doesnt even fit on my screen!
  11. 4Falls

    mass and trash

    ^^^ I was thinking the same thing. Thats quite a collection of bucks your brother has.
  12. Beautiful rifle. They just don't make them like that anymore. Bhuntin is a good dude.
  13. 4Falls

    How far would you go/ Ethics ?

    Once I was bear hunting and had two guys plop down and start glassing within 10, yes 10, feet of me. They then started joking about the "other guy" they had parked by back at the road. They still have no idea im just on the other side of a pile of prickly pear. Calling FS on the guy in the SXS would probably be the right thing to do. But in your situation I would have done just what you did. I try to avoid other guys in the field as much as possible. If they beat me there, I leave. If im their first ill stay. They guys on the other side of the prickly pear left after 20 minutes and never saw me. Nor did they see the bear in the bottom of the canyon eating acorns.
  14. 4Falls

    Season 2 *episode 1 #HuntForMore

    Really glad Season 2 is here. Thanks Craig.
  15. 4Falls

    My Solo Adventure

    great buck and great write up. Thanks for sharing and congratulations
  16. 4Falls

    Hunting and fishing home.

    Sweet bachelor pad.
  17. 4Falls

    DUB - T is down!!

    Dang thats a great buck. Well done.
  18. 4Falls

    Opening Day Muley

    Now thats a buck. Congrats.
  19. 4Falls

    Opening day buck

    Cool buck! Unique antler conformation for sure. Congrats
  20. Im in the mood to pick a fight this morning... maybe Ill join facebook just to harrass the antis.