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About JamnByU

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  1. JamnByU


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  2. JamnByU


    I’ll take the cci 450’s
  3. JamnByU


    PM sent
  4. JamnByU

    Cleaning out Reloading shed(updated count)

    Pm sent on a few boxes of 175gr accubond lr's!
  5. I'll take the 300 rum brass for $20
  6. JamnByU

    17b/19b Muzzleloader Hunt

    Good day gents, my buddy just sent me a text of the response email he received from the CV/CF Ranches rejecting his request for access to hunt antelope on their property. With only 5 tags for the 19B rifle hunt, i wonder if they granted any of the other tag holders access. Any advise or pointers for public accessible hunt areas in 19B would be greatly appreciated. We've hunted 19A but this is the first time we'll be venturing in to 19B. Thanks in advance for any help you all can provide.
  7. Cabelas just rolled out about 20,000 rounds of 22lr. Rem bucket o'bullets 1,400 rounds and federal 325 packs
  8. JamnByU

    17b/19b Muzzleloader Hunt

    A buddy of mine lucked out and drew a 19b rifle tag and we discovered that you can apply for access to a couple of ranches via an online application on their website. So I figured I'd share the info, check out http://cvranchhunting.com. At least access is potentially available to a limited few. The only kicker is that a tag holder can only have 1other person accompany them.
  9. JamnByU

    Pistols For sale

    PM Sent on P22
  10. JamnByU

    sitka packs

    Just looked at packs yesterday at Sportsman's Warehouse, they carry a couple Sitka models.
  11. JamnByU

    Wtb 168g vld's 7mm

    I've got a new unopened box that I won't be using I switched to the classic hunters. I'm in Gilbert if your interested.
  12. JamnByU

    WTT Varget for 6mm 115gr.

    Saw these posted on backpage - "100 (1 box) - 6mm .243 Cal. 115gr VLD Moly Coated Bullets, p/n 243115V $30 a box." http://phoenix.backpage.com/SportsEquipForSale/30-reloading-berger-bullets/22697740